Multiple videos on the feed for the lolz
Multiple videos on the feed for the lolz
Legit. You can hear one of them crying and sniffling. Top Keks.
damn. american police looks like that?
Damn, I didn't know American police used blunderbusses like pirates
Tear gas launcher.
Beanbag gun
yes, and it's a problem.
obama furthered the militarization of the police.
Only when pantifa start their bullshit.
Only see one video in that feed
>Give up your guns! It's 2018! The government will protect you.
As much as I hate the militarization of police, I find this hilarious.
I was gonna comment on how over the top militarized those guys look, but come to think of it so does European police these days.
People thinking they are arresting for no reason. Google it. Wearing masks on public property is a misdemeanor. (In Georgia)
It's the reality of the world.
>all these cucks wanting to be a part of the next big 'movement'
can you just post the brutality vids i don't want to sift through these retarded comments
Criminals always look nicer without their teeth. What is best about this is that their names will be public, and I will report those names to the NLRs. I hope these faggots enjoy the idea of choking to death on their own blood, because just like wittle Eric Clanton, they're all dead men.
Yeah I'd like to see an thread and a livestream for this event.
>not using the entire clip
sassy fag nigger might be about to get arrested
It's a FAMAS.
Shouldn't be celebrating police force on civilians
you retards.
the police look so fucking badass here m8s
I am. I enjoy watching left-wing criminals suffer. They certainly celebrate when we are attacked.
But then again, being left-wing at all is pure cringe.
That was the first thing I saw, too. Disgusting.
That's a strange way to spell criminals
Sure both side keep laughing till you are all caged into a police state.
better than nothing i guess
none of this shit matters, it's a bunch of loud college kids virtue signaling. its funny to watch them get beat up
blue eyes
These "citizens" are the same ones who want to turn these over-militarized faggots on us.
So yes, I will sit back and have a sensible chuckle over them getting what they've wanted for the rest of us for so long.
Pretty cool if the police let /ourguys/ hold their rally lol. Leftist tears will fall.
>the borderless world
Huh. How weird. Where are the videos of violent, law-breaking Neo-Nazis in Newnan? I don't see any yet.
Plus, every one arrested, means they are likely to be posted on mugshots with their faces and names.
For a police state they sure do seem to do a lot of protecting peoples rights to assemble.
Their "violence" is just them being alive.
Leftists have already established that us being alive is a hate crime and a deadly threat to them, thus anything they do to us, is
A- Free speech
B- Justified regardless
Import diversity, and police militarization becomes required. Cops are basically well-armed tard wranglers these days because of all the non-whites in white countries.
Libshits want gun bans under the caveat that they're the only ones still carrying them in the end, just like the NKVD. They want the 2nd Amendment repealed and a national police force answerable only to them which they'll use to crack down on their anti-communist enemies.
That is not real antifa... there are no crusty semen stains.
thats one intimidating truck
terrorists/gang members aren't civilians
In five years they'll probably be selling them to soccer moms so they can pick up little Billy from practice
So Y'all don't want cops militarized? Then maybe stop asking the cops to quell rebellions that are now disguised as protests....
This aint the civil rights era.....there is really very legit protesting now.....soros funded armies have spoilt it .....
Legit question, do any of us really believe there will be a time when there is harmony between peoples....anywhere? In america? When and what would cause the human beast to come to its senses and create a true utopia?
Its. Not. Going. To. Happen.
Humans are too selfish & stupid. not all of us, but enough....when there was only 8 million people on the whole earth maybe, but now everyone is offended...and I mean every one. We were told the love of many would grow cold, and boy has it.
The police are a necessary evil. You scale back cops then they get killed too easy and anarchy prevails. Empower them too much you get a praetorian guard and/or a police state. They are all just pawns though of larger powers, right?
At the end of it these antics idiots need to stay home & calm down.....they deserve to be afraid
Got a better stream bro, this cuck's stream sucks because he is "A" antifa, and "B" fucking sucks at streaming.
Not really i meant
niggers be beaten
communists aren't people
I was a leftist, and that is now changing because of people like the ones in this picture.
this is cancer
So you are getting a same sex divorce?
Welcome aboard.
I've always wanted to hate fuck that redhead with the perky nipples.
That will have to wait for full SHTF.
thats a guy, user.
It's supposed to be from 3-5 pm Eastern time, so it's still going on or not? Any live feeds? Or longer videos?
/racistliberals/ when?
then I'm going to fuck him till he's a girl what's your point swednon?
These faggot cops with their multiple magazines and military style shit. They never do jack shit with the weapons when a real crowd starts getting crazy. The amount of violent protests during the 2016 election with cops just standing around watching in their hardcore fag outfits was embarrassing. If they're gonna dress like skull crushers then fucking crush skulls
if this guy is willing to disregard THAT face
i dont think he cares if the front-plumbing is an OUTIE
You should totally fuck that black chick too user.
Never seen a bootlicker so open with his opinion.
that's clearly a guy though the redhead is up for debate unless you can specifically id him/her/xer/pur/vur/etc
>9 fps
nigger needs a better rig
They are from that libtard school, Evergreen or some krap like that. School went full cuck SJW, and enrollment dropped like 30% within one year and they had to lay off and fire staff lol.
What the fuck is this shit?
Post some fucking links.
That's a Mosin-Nagant
Yeah, that's what happens when you import an insurgency from places you already had troops
user posted this SJW buzzfeed stream. Only shows the antifa milling around outside, best stream we have seen posted though.
Really makes you think
The cops are fucking with all the media people now.
Of course you didn't, you're Chilean. You don't know much of anything.
Those busses are there for one of two reasons.
1. To support 'mass arrests' (of which side we don't know)
2. Containing huge numbers of reserve police officers/national guard (to fight which side, we don't know lol)
fUCK I wish we had a better stream to see /ourguys/
>tfw the prisoners are on the white nationalists' side and members of AB
Wtf do they mean by "fighting" and by "neo-nazis"
>Does not know
Bru is this your first day on /pol?/
>literally crying and moaning like the fucking babies they are
Thanks, user.
Look at those obese, baseded up gelatin looking blobs. These are anti-facists.
These are the footsoldiers of the (((enemy))).
Only one video of the policeman telling them to remove the masks, stupid shit
Don't ever stop questioning what you believe to be incorrect. Chase it.
>t. onion
that guy didn't get shot in the nuts though.
Disposable, easily replaced and manipulated infantry, what some would call "good goys"
Have a good long look at that and then come back again and honestly tell me it is "up for debate"
yea, it makes me think "how in the world am I even on the same board with someone as FUCKING RETARDED as you to ask such a question?" and "how did this moron that thinks convicts are being bussed in to fight USP live so long in his life? How did Darwinism not get him?"
I was once like you user.
But (((they))) push and push and push and push too far
You can see on the side that it says "department of corrections"
i'm an anti-fatist, ask me anything
It's funny because it's true.
Now the buzzfeed SJW cuck is inside the right wing rally.
Now they're showing ourguys (with SJW commentary) looks like a small hard-core nationalist rally. The Georgia police let them rally and didn't shut down the rally. Nice job by the local police, letting our guys talk and LARP today.
(pic from Virginia)