Men are quiters, womem are tough fighters - deal with it

The results for Boston, one of the most competitive marathons in the world, were doleful this year: The winning times for both men and women were the slowest since the 1970s, and the midrace dropout rate was up 50 percent overall from last year.

But finishing rates varied significantly by gender. For men, the dropout rate was up almost 80 percent from 2017; for women, it was up only about 12 percent. Overall, 5 percent of men dropped out, versus just 3.8 percent of women. The trend was true at the elite level, too.

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I wonder though, what was the winning time for males?

Wonder why the drop out rats is so high.

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>For men, the dropout rate was up almost 80 percent from 2017; for women, it was up only about 12 percent
hey look percents over hard numbers. If 1 person in the mens dropped last year and 8 dropped this year that would be an 80% raise. Any time they do this shit its for manipulation.

So this means in 2016 more women dropped out.

>1.2% really matters, lets draw a conclusion from that
No wonder your country keeps losing wars

The women were racing for my dick.

>I wonder though, what was the winning time for males?

Are you alt-right? Because according to wikipedia citing the New York Times ALL alt-right people are antifeminist.
>top 15 men were 10 minutes faster than the top woman
is this article trying to shake the fact that women are still getting btfo in anything athletic?

>Men's rate up 80% , women's up 12%
>Men's dropout rate was 5%, women's was 3.8%
>Last year's rates were: Men 2.8%, women 3.4%

Women are better at passively enduring pain like a victim, it's what they've evolved to do.

Men are pussies... they drop out like flies.

Nah, it's that more women are satisfied with walking 80% of the race, and maybe stopping for a milkshake along the way.

Finish times are a hetero-normative construct of the white male patriarchy, sweetie

14885 men started, 12063 women started
I can't be assed to do the math atm since I gotta take a shit, so someone else can figure out the numbers

Maybe Men are giving up in ever-greater numbers because they're taught at a very young age that their gender is not only vile, but inconsequential. Like a nasty pimple, or a canker sore. While this means the few men who retain their masculinity are DROWNING in pussy, the vast majority are being left to wander as man-children, entire generation of men who ask "what's the point in trying" and are not given an answer.

Related to this is the Western obsession with instant gratification, which is often associated with children and is often carried over into "adulthood" by our equal obsession with delaying maturity (the concept of Childhood did not exist 100 years ago, the concept of Teenagers did not exist 75.) Many men are growing up assuming something that hurts now, should be stopped rather than seen through. That present failures can't be turned into future successes. It's the similar process by which NEETs and Hikkikomori are created, only in a more mild way.

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Speak for yourself Hans

Very retarded article anyway
The better question is why the dropout rate doubled from last year for men.

You are just anti-feminist. If women weren’t oppressed than men would be way slower.

I thought all genders were equal though??? This is getting more problematic by the day.


That's because men have more important shit to do than running, like running the fucking country.

This is literally some spin shit and no matter how they fucking spin it no one will believe this shit.

>The better question is why the dropout rate doubled from last year for men.
The same reason why suicides for white men have skyrocketed, especially in young adults and the middle-aged. Same reason why Universities are seeing ever-lower admissions of white men - not due to some private-selection system, but because not enough white men are even applying.

White men can feel their world is ending, and rather than fight against it, they're just giving up.

>The better question is why the dropout rate doubled from last year for men.
Maybe some influenza virus going around

Women are just constantly looking for reasons to pat themselves on the back. They have to deal with being the clearly inferior gender by convincing themselves that they are amazing.

The Boston Marathon limits participants. If they weren't sexist and allowed more women fewer total people would've dropped out. This is provable truth and Jow Forums can't refute this in ANY way. #sexistmarathon

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Gotta check your digits, Mr Thundercock.

dub trips x2

What it is is that men know when it isn't worth expending energy on shit like a fun run.

We spend our time working to the death for things that matter.

Men quit because of their tendancy to conduct cost / benefit analysis'.

Women don't because they have attachment issues to almost everything, due to their naturally overly emotional nature.

>Total male dropout: 745
>Total female: 459

Could just be an anomaly brought on by the bad weather and not worth over analyzing. If we see a consistent trend across multiple years/marathons then we can start to make conclusions.

>Women don't because they have attachment issues to almost everything, due to their naturally overly emotional nature.
Which is why the vast majority of divorces and incidents of cheating are caused by women?

800% burger educaTED

Here is the cold hard truth... women are just the better humans.

“There’s a biological and social tendency for women to tend toward caregiving,” said Adam Grant, the psychologist and host of the TED podcast WorkLife. “So what I would expect to happen is, when the going gets tough, the men either quit or they double down and say, ‘I’m just going to push through,’ whereas women are more likely to reach out to runners next to them and offer support and seek support. Sharing pain and being part of a group can make it easier to withstand pain.”

This. Men are interested in meaningful achievement. Women just want glory.

>20 plus mile run
nah fuck that serious. Did long distance running for a year in highschool and that sounds like complete shit run. 3-5 mile is ideal length for long distance race. 20 plus mile race sounds seriously fucking boring, also who the fuck has the time and interest to train for 8-10 mile practice sessions for a marathon race? Marathon racing is serious bullshit, slowass shit pacing, no intensity just slow burn. Talk about boring.

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>Overall, 5 percent of men dropped out, versus just 3.8 percent of women. The trend was true at the elite level, too.

He's right, you stupid leaf. Any time they start whipping out "rate of increase" percentages, you know you're being jewed.

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>elite level, too.
k gruber back in ur little tank

Yes because the thing they were attached to at the beginning of the relationship doesn't exist anymore.

The "spark."

They constantly covet the feeling they got at the beginning of a relationship and when that disapates, there is nothing left to be attached to. Because to them it's all about their feelings, how the relationship makes them feel.

So your point, proves my point.

This is in the order of random fluctuations and isn't even newsworthy or notable.

Wombmen can take more pain than men. Has to do with giving birth.

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>Did long distance running for a year in highschool and that sounds like complete shit run.

It has been a beautiful spring in Germany. In the last 8 days, I have been cycling more than 100km on 6 days, in total around 850km. It is all good.

Perhaps the men dropped out because they realized it's a stupid pointless waste of time.

men are heavier, it is more difficult to marathon

Well you could argue the same point for both, both men and women want glory in different forms. The difference is the problem.

Men want glory in the form of actual achievement and making a difference somehow. So their glory is an outwards glory that is a symbiotic relationship between themselves and the external world.

Women however aren't interested in that symbiotic relationship, they think that the external world should serve their interests and make them feel good, and their "glory" comes purely from the "feels" that the external world gives them.

>Did long distance running for a year in highschool and that sounds like complete shit run
you did long distance running in high school because it let you get out of one of your classes and it was an easy sport. the fact that you did it for one year only shows how much of a pathetic bitch you are.

Exactly. Unless this is a consistent trend, it is not worth analyzing too deeply

Was about to say they were running away but then I saw those trips

>liberals tactically deciding to understand percentages for this specific thing where women look good

That's cycling though. Marathon training sounds like shit for the knees and excessive calorie consumption to look like shit. The concept of extreme distance running is an outdated thing after farming came around. Atleast cycling has a place of its own nowadays.

The male Marathon World Record is 2:02:57. I personally run it at 3:45:00ish, and I'm not even in that good shape.

well maybe the next war women can fight and men stay back at home and have a nice vacation

>Her best time is 3:03:52

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Marathons: When you have to convince yourself that you're struggling hard with all the free time you have to exercise in public.

sweetie posting makes me fucking mad

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>Wombmen can take more pain than men. Has to do with giving birth.
Apparently this is only during or around the time giving birth. I learned in high school that during the whole pregnancy the female body is getting ready for the oncoming trauma by storing up painkilling hormones. When not pregnant or giving birth, women have a lesser pain tolerance than men, as would be expected. Why on earth would the bigger, stronger, and faster gender in our sexually dimorphic species have less pain resistance? Why would the gender that is expected to more frequently get into fights not be the one more prepared for it?

lmao women need special categories so they don't quit.

>women are worth 90% of a man

Science proves

pretty sure women cheat more than men, I mean they are allowed to take anti pregnancy meds that can hide the use of drugs.

wait I just realized that the article is written about herself lmao. she's obviously bitter about her performance, and needs to show it off to the world. "look everyone look at me I can run for miles look at how good I am!"
I don't see this year's top female runner, the two time olympian, writing a feminist article.
what an annoying cunt. any male on Jow Forums could spend a year training and beat her run time.

> percentages of percentages

What's a kikey move.

They also probably cheat more simply because it's easier for women to get laid in general. This aspect alone says nothing about the morality of the phenomenon, unless you believe in moral luck.

Who cares, women are worthless whores and you are a faggot.

Translation: the woman is emotionally attached to herself and nothing beyond like a parasite.

>going from 1 to 8 is an 80% increase
It's really not

Women are predisposed to mate poaching.

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>american sports
literally who cares?

>1.2% is small
Unless that 1.2 percentage point difference is between two small numbers.

Example: going from 1% to 2% is doubling it. That 1 percentage point is actually a 100% difference

>women are strong and don't quit
>except in STEM where the tiniest thing can destroy them emotionally and make them puss out apparently



>does it in 3:03
>mens record is 2 hours

gay and gay

>women are worthless whores

At least they don’t quit. Just imagine a whore just not giving a damn about your upcoming orgasm and stop wanting you to put it in her ass.

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When I tell my wife to run, she runs until she passes out from exhaustion. Women are capable of great things when properly incentivized.

the top female runner stopped in the porta-potty to take a shit, and it was caught live on tv


Why not use crack like everyone else?

I'm talking about sports senpai. regarding sex, women cheat more than beta males but cheat less than alpha males

Obvs troll desu

This is why in finance they use basis points and not percentages of percentages.

Nobody fucking cares if the ROI on your Jow Forums shitcoin of the month changes from 0.1 to 0.9%, even though it's technically a 900% increase.
On the other hand, everyone would be extremely interested in a mutual fund if its returns went from 12% to 36%, even though it's "just" +300%.

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Sounds like those antifa fascists.
Anti is something good according to leftie.

People with low testosterone tend to have low self-confidence. People with low self-confidence work harder in order to feel confident.

How many wars have women won?
Oh thats right,women can only compete with men in a society that favours women and weakens men

If you qualify for Boston you can definitely run a marathon distance. Simply completing it is not a feat of perseverance. If you drop out it's because something went catastrophically wrong. It's possible that the male runners' significantly faster pace resulted in more injuries due to the rain, I don't know.

>How many wars have women won?
The war on men (talking them into giving them the right to vote and other shit, it's like giving a 5 year old the right to vote, utter nonsense)

It's not really a "war" when you just hand the enemy what they want without a fight,now isn't it?
Buy you make a good point
They can only win ideological wars thanks to the leverage they're reproductive organs give them

>those digits

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Am I in retardo world? Women are endurance machines while men are power houses

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Another one of these "Women are tougher than men" articles. They should hurry up and make Women compete with men in MMA, Boxing, on the frontlines of warzones, etc. Then let's see how many don't quit.

Where are you getting that? Men are endurance machines and power houses. They can be either one I guess, if you want to be technical. The gender gap may be smaller in endurance sports but it still favors men.

That's a fair assessment, they are correct though. You can't stop it through politics because the system id rigged and your vote doesn't count. And it's not the middle ages anymore, can't just grab pitchforks, etc, and make a regime change. There really isn't much point in trying at all.

women have as much power as men allow them to


It's systemic now. Has been for quite some time.

>If 1 person in the mens dropped last year and 8 dropped this year that would be an 80% raise.
>1 Person 100%
>8 Persons 80%
Murrican educayshun anyone?

Women are better than men in exactly one sport: long distance open swimming. So we can't say men are better at EVERY sport, just 99.999999% of them.

Marathons is a womens thing now, its been pushed here so much with plenty of women only marathons to bring attention to whatever bullshit.
If theres more men than women then naturally the % for male dropouts rise easier


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More women than men*