What has Russia contributed to civilisation

There's been a lot of bitching about Brits recently but what have Russians actually contributed? They're low IQ, poor, unproductive and violent. Literally a nation of snownigger rats, so it's no surprise to me that Jow Forums so vehemently drfends them.

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banging your slag mother, inbred.

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>Lives in Anglosphere
Haha, how typical of Ivans. You are literal white niggers, the lowest of the low.

Si la bandera roja nunca hubiese existido, Rusia sería el nro 1 y habría llegado hasta el último metro cuadrado de tu isla.

Russians are about as smart as the turnips on which they depend.

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>posting 3 year old meme reactions

>contributed to civilisation

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Butthurt brits are the best.

aids, abortions, Drug addicts, crime, corruption, war, orphans, paedophilia and of course crocodile


Anglos are fucking inbred soibois. I was doing construction work near a university today and all the men walking by were Anglo hipster queers. Then a slav walks by and we nod in manly fashion as I let him by. Literally the only manly guy was a slav. Fuck the west.

t. Celtic warrior

>brits are the best
Smartest thing an Austrian has said in 100 years.

>serial killer pedos
>real incest porn
>gold diggers & prostitutes
>AIDS .... oh wait that came from Africa I was mistaken by the numbers
>nerve gas
>ships that run on coal in 2018

I can see through your 89 IQ tricks, Dimitri. Funny how literally no-one has answered my question: WHAT HAVE RUSSIANS CONTRIBUTED? Getting butthurt won't deflect.

Other than some hot women, nothing.


Not Russian but it'd hurt if I was, having sex/breeding anglo women, taking Canadian money, taking their services, committing crimes, evading taxes, mhmm hurts don't it, so delicious.

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Periodic table

Your pic is right. Aryans are subhuman filth. I'm not butthurt; I'm asking a genuine question to which I have received no decent replies, but a lot of Slavboi bitching.

Classic literature for instance


dostojewski, tolstoi, tchechow

/thread loser

Why are Russians so poor and stupid? Is this why they blame all their problems on "da Weestttt!"

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No rational person on the Right here supports Britistan over Russia,also do you have a loicence to post that m8?

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Great literature, amazing ballets, the hydrogen bomb, a great composers.

Anglos do better.

How kind of you to speak the lingua franca and not your shitty native language.

Ok i'll bet, insanely good literature, was in space first.

Infact i'll list it.
>Videotape recorder
>Synthetic rubber
>Grain Harvesters

Just a few, they had a huge vast empire and were considered a superpower later. We won't even talk about Authors and those in the political scene.

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For instance the periodic table, one of the most used scientific charts in the world if not the most, tevelisions, transformers

So basically 0.001% of what Anglos have spawned? Hahahaahahahaha

The best part of Moscow looks better than best part of Londonstan.I am not going to vaste my time here posting images to prove it here,you are aalready mocked internationally and are unironically more of a police state that Russia,and that's not easy.

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Russia has a huge growing Muskim population lmao. Subhuman white trash!

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Ok Muhammad

Euroscum, shine my shoes!

bears on unicycles, krokodil and vodka

Nice cherry picking. There's probably more people that look like that in Britain than over there. Your time being relevant is over. Your most common baby name is Muhammad and second most common a spelling variation of the first. Your mayor of London is a Muslim. So fuck off and fade into the obscurity of history.

And as far as Russian contributions go, the periodic table of elements for one.

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Please Mohhamed, no one is taking your drawl seriously.

Russian/Slavs > Anglos in every aspect and regard.
So do you, growing much faster.

1) Muslim names have little variation so of course they'll be ranked near the top.
2) 56%
3) Russians are literal white trash who have produced nothing in the same volume that we have. You're literally living in an Anglo colony lmao.
I really wish the Jews starved more of you rats. Fuck you to death.

Let's be honest here Jamal. You're just mad that your women are the ugliest creatures on this planet, literally unfuckble monstrosities that make chernobyl mutants look good and our are the prettiest.

>Russian/Slavs > Anglos in every aspect and regard.
Which is why you're in an Anglo colony and not your native homeland, which just so happens to be a poor shithole filled with illiterate drunken retards, right?

Literally looks like my town used to.

I was born here, I'm draining Canadian resources and returning to my true homeland, honestly i'm taking every social program bre, might even fuck a Anglo bitch before I leave, that's how much I spite your """legacy""""

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Wow, you're a low-class welfare claimant? Really living large there, buddy boyo. You are living proof of race realism: you can take poor retards out of Russia and into the first world but they'll still be poor retards by the end of it.

No, I won't get into detail but my family is well off, why would I work? I'm getting paid for my education, not paying a single cent, won't give a dime of tax to Canada.

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>Just let me back track and damage control to cover up the fact that I'm a penniless vagrant, but I won't explain the details of course.
So this is the power of an 89 IQ?

Just mocking the anglos is enough for me.

Pretty women, unlike western europe

Here's painting of contributions

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Filthy subhuman Russian reporting in

I really don't think you live better than me or received a better education than me.

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Absolutely nothing.

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>You're literally living in an Anglo colony
no, you got btfo by a bunch of farmers. honestly it's really nothing to brag about since historically the english military has been a total joke. you constantly got btfo by the french and burned a 19 year old girl at the stake because english mutt is the best! your country is a joke and always has been. england is why zionism came to power. england created israel. your "empire" wasn't even really an empire. you couldn't hack it on the mainland so you went and subjugated a bunch of spear chucking darkies and called it an empire. sad!

A bunch of those are not Russian.

Lots of science, classical music and of course God tier literature

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>Sl*vic manlet rage
Quiet, bitch.

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you can ask the same question many other countries
why pick on russia?
technically no nation is obligated to contribute to civilization

ruskis may be low iq but at least theyre not literal cucks like bongs. UK is second to none when it comes to hosting degeneracy

Konstanty Ciolkovsky

and some others

>second to none
Don't be so hard on yourself, Canada. You're not a nobody!

Because bashing rocks inside a cave isn't good enough anymore, Vlad. We expect people to be productive.

Based of the Stg 44
>inb4 muh rotary bolt
The Ak47 doesn't look like a Federov Avtomat and the Federov was an infantry support weapon like the BAR.
>Videotape recorder
Source, there are many claims.
Wrong, Helicopter designs go way back even to the early 1900. You have to be more specific.
>Synthetic rubber
The expanded use of bicycles, and particularly their pneumatic tires, starting in the 1890s, created increased demand for rubber. In 1909, a team headed by Fritz Hofmann, working at the Bayer laboratory in Elberfeld, Germany, succeeded in polymerizing Isoprene, the first synthetic rubber.[3][4]
Also wrong, be more specific.
>grain harvesters
Wrong, be more specific.

Your country is going to shit, and you got the bright idea of throwing shit toward others lol
People get jailed for Dog videos ?!! Or Facebook posts ?! And now Knives are banned ?!
Oh man I don't know if you are joking or you'r a genuine idiot
Nowadays I really don't :/

>contributed nothing
>rocket engines
>superior aviation
fuck off shill



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You're bretty good, but they beat you.

LS Models

Enjoy being hacked

why do bongs spend so much time shilling anti russia/anti syria narratives? is it because you are ((controlled))? or because you are cucks?

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>double your GDP
Hehehee, a little brain for a little man.

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>second to none
>Canada. You're not a nobody!

Do you not understand your own idioms? Are you that retarded? Did you think that is a witty response? God damn, you are amazingly dumb.

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Why are Russians so poor and stupid is a better question

tetris, sputnik and the t90 tank

now fuck off

>Do you not understand your own idioms?
I clearly did and I intentionally interpreted it literally. Maybe if you weren't a low-IQ slav you'd understand these nuances.

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>>Why do bongs...
You said it brother, you said it XD
Those are not real british
It's a bunch of muslim ghetto ppl that are shilling for spam here XD

Russia may not be the most culturally impressive country. But at least they aren’t a bunch of faggots who act like hot shit despite arresting people for simply making jokes online.

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why are Brits so asshurt when mentioning Russia?

You replaced none with nobody. That is not literally, genius.

They mean the same thing in the same context. Here's a new word for you: synonym

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Answer my question first.

Why is this proxyfaggot so upset?
Because of the phantom pains?

still leagues above the migrants you faggots import by the thousands each year. but you dont see a problem with that, do you cuck?

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>still leagues above the migrants you faggots import by the thousands each year.
Since we import thousands of slavs each year I'd say that you're on par with them given how poor and stupid you are.

i dont think hes a hohol. just a typical brainwashed bong cucked to the fullest extent of his masters


your question is too retarded

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I'm not sure myself.
He's definetely a proxyfaggot though.

Typical hypocrites: for race realism when it comes to blacks but not when it comes to Russians, who are the nigs of white people.

yet russians arent the ones raping your ugly buck toothed women and children. sad that your nigger tier IQ doesnt let you see past the kikery

That's Romania you cuck. That's literally post-EU gibs Romania. Russia is the only Slav country that doesn't live off handouts from the West

Music, art, space science, other science, ballet, seed saving, Nazi beating, Ivan Pavlov and we can go on and on. Just because you are uneducated inbred pajiit, does not mean Russia made no contribution to civilization.

Russians contributed more to civilization than all niggers combined

need i say more?

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Figure 1: low-IQ slav spergs out upon being called out for his low-IQness

i love how the shill automatically assumes im russian because i dont buy into the kike narrative. have fun having your country being overrun by rapists while pedo politicians tear your ((country)) apart you degenerate faggot

And now compare slavs to whites, especially Western Europeans.