This isn´t a lifestyle. You are not part of the movement when you just try to be cool and edgy. It´s about saving the west, former leftists who want to switch to the next counter culure aren´t welcome.
This isn´t a lifestyle. You are not part of the movement when you just try to be cool and edgy...
Other urls found in this thread:
I'm a Republican you moron
I'm natsoc you moron
I'm alt right moron
I'm a liberal I just come here to laugh at you
Seeing the disregard of reason in this (what used to be) bold nation makes me lose my sanity and hopes for the world.
I'm a Feudalist you moron
Why do you people keep trying to appropriate everything that is clearly left, and you do it in such a cringy ass way.
Like you have 5 different things going on in that picture and they all clash and look ugly as fuck.
Explain yourself nigger
lol wut is that pic
I just want troll negros and jews you moron
Fuck the West, the West is degenerate.
He says, waving the libertarian colors. You're a faggot OP. And you're gay.
I'm only here to exterminate the Jews.
bump for epic op pic
This isn´t a lifestyle. You are not part of the movement when you just try to be cool and edgy. It´s about saving the west, former leftists who want to switch to the next counter culure aren´t welcome.
It's just youth culture. Like hippies. Or goths. They'll grow out of it.
Well I'm gonna move up north and raise my family out in the woods. What else can you do?
I actually find it fun that the sheep are coming into our direction XD LoL We are super power now XD This is what winning looks like :)
This isn´t a lifestyle. You are not part of the movement when you just try to be cool and edgy. It´s about saving the west, former leftists who want to switch to the next counter culure aren´t welcome.
Actually you get it wrong mate XD
If they join we save Europe
IF we stop them it proves that we are the ones doing it only cause it's edgy and cool and don't let others in it
The future is where its wild and free. systematically we may be kept down but if we leave and raise our own away from society, we'll be the ones still standing when it collapses.
This isn´t a lifestyle. You are not part of the movement when you just try to be cool and edgy. It´s about saving the west, former leftists who want to switch to the next counter culure aren´t welcome.
There's never been any such thing as the alt right.
It was used before the 2016 Trumpening but since then it's become a convenient label for thought criminals who criticise globalism.
Cool thumbnail though. PJ Watson would love it. Stick his head on it and send it to Twitter.
>Tfw listed almost exclusively to new and old retro/synth/fashwave from all over the world
Got to say,old Soviet electricwave is fantastic
The alt right is an umbrella term, much like the word transgender. The alt right includes a number of conservative groups that are else than the conservative power that are running for power these days. When it comes to the lef, it ony comes to one thing-- that's collectivism. And that always turns to culling the weak under false justifiable means. Personally I'm a Libertarian, which is an alternative (alt) right view.
no non è finita
>former leftists
user I
Don't worry, 2020s will be way better. AIDs will be cured, taxes will be super low in all western countries, women will lose their privileges, and FTL travel will be unlocked.
Post soiboi memes
you're allowed to have fun, you know?
...Guys I'm scared. everyone here is a slide.