I never thought shit was actually so bad in the west bro (thought it was overblown) but I've just came back from Canada...

I never thought shit was actually so bad in the west bro (thought it was overblown) but I've just came back from Canada 2 days ago visiting family for 4.5 months
Guys what the actual fuck?
>8/10 ppl i met 420 blazes it
>everyone gets drunk like idiots all the time, drinking seems to be included in every activity
>strip clubs all over the place
>even saw them in small 500 ppl towns
>churches closing down or empty
>shittons of non whites
>i thought i would get a lot of muh feminism but i met 3 women who got raped and didnt do anything about it the fuck?
>everyone has dogs for some reason they seem to like dogs more then people
>8/10 women dont want kids
>addiction to pills all over the place for some reason
>faggotry is so normal and accepted that its like a type of hair color
>alll young people are pressured to grow up so fast
>i saw tons of these poor 18 year old kids huddling together 4,5 of them to live together cuz their parents kick them out at 18
>they all work dumb manual labor or minimal wage jobs
>there lives revolve around getting drunk and high
>sleeping around seems to be ok too
>but i could see the unhappiness in their eyes it scared me they all looked so fake smiling but dead inside
And finally this weird sense of gloom and nihilism that seemed to be present all the time in the air underneath this paper thin wall of fake happiness and substance abuse, and a non existing sense of community, I guess you have deconstructed what to means to be Canadian, American etc to a point where you dont even think its a real thing, like there's this attitude of were all just individuals were islands for our own, no sense of pride in anything culture, race, origin, religion, language nothing
its so fucking sad. Is there any fucking hope?

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Other urls found in this thread:


canada is a lost cause

>its so fucking sad. Is there any fucking hope?


You can fix people of you stand strong and show them. Women especially. If you are strong in the relationship she will get baby fever, like magic.
Don't give up. Keep strong. don't let the bastards grind you down.

>but i could see the unhappiness in their eyes it scared me they all looked so fake smiling but dead inside
We deserve a sympathy shoah desu

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yep, pretty accurate representation except you probably weren't in the big city or you'd be complaining about the public chansportation and the sandnigger """drivers"""

It’s the same where I live. A facade of happiness. It’s majority white too but I’m starting to see the increase of non whites.


Good, fuck Canadians.

This hurts so fucking much, I'm kinda embarrassed to admit this but here goes. I met this girl she was working as a cashier at the same job i did (my uncles car shop) And i dated her 3 out of the 4 months i was there, I guess it was just something different so different from the girls here, its so casual to talk to western girls and she liked sports and video games and just stuff that girls here aren't in to it was just something new i guess. I spent 4 months trying to fix this girl, i made her quit pot but could never make her drop the bottle but managed to make her cut back, she didnt want kids but i talked about it so much and that i want them that she started talking about how much she wanted them too, after we split i asked her why did you say you want kids why did you switch your oppinon, she said "you made me want them" bro she had so much bagage cuz her mom and dad never married and her dad is some druggy loser (mom slept with him cuz she was going threw phases too i guess cuz her mom aka grandma also made her with some dickhead and never married) thats also one of the things i forgot to mention divorce remariage or not marrying at all is all over the place, but she had so much bagage and crippling anxiety i spend so many fucking nights talking to her trying to help her trying to make her face her problems trying so fucking hard, at the end we split well she kinda ended it i guess cuz it was so stressful and serious for her and "she just wants to have fun" 3 weeks later she has 3 one night stands in 2 weeks and gets back at hitting the bottle hard even going out to strip clubs for some reason with her friends, but dude i saw in her what she could be i saw the mother the decent women she could be, she was a proper girl too liked to submit liked to be taken out on dates treated like a traditional girl, but her fucking society ruined her and she was so pretty like a girl from a propaganda poster oh GODDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD

People were never meant to live next to other millions of other retards, especially outside our tribe.
Build a community of people you trust, and start families. That's all you have in this fucked up world, material consumerism is not happiness.

Canada seems to be a cesspool of filth, when you see regular leaf posters here didn't that give you any indications that it would be a place of cancer?

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Sounds like you did what you could. Some people are destined into the downward spiral.
People rarely dig themselves out. And the act of fixing people isn't intuitive, even with the best of intentions.
Campfire rules: setup people better than you found them. You will get screwed for doing it sometimes, but the alternative is way nastier.

Nice post mate.
>but dude i saw in her what she could be i saw the mother the decent women she could be
It hurts mate, but I think you have to accept they have been poisoned from a young age and it is beyond your power to save them. It makes my blood boil to think of the amount of worthless girls and soiboi cuck males our parents generation have spit out. I want to fix this degenerate culture so fucking bad.

nice tv show FINLAND

it brings a tear to my eye m8 i cant fucking wait to get married and have kids im going to devote my life to raising proper people who will grow up and help save this world

Too late for that world saving part, better thing would be to do a surprise abortion with a falcon punch.

It is a tv show that will quarantee you autism.

this, everyone in this fucking country is mentally ill in some way

I remember when I was a kid our teacher told us to pray for Bosnians kids and I said ''why should we be praying to Muslims'' and she made me sit in the corner the rest of the day.

fucking gypsies, lol

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user you just hung out with shitty people or bydla as you may call them over there. People use the word white trash and guess what? Their genes are going to die out and be replaced by the fucking shitskins. Also why the fuck are you trusting in an initial opinion of a woman.

Sounds about right. Can't believe how fast it when downhill. The good news is that in just over a year I have "red pilled" several people. I turned a woke chad into a Jow Forums visitor who now shit posts and rips on Jews. Hi Ryan. I turned a 17 year old girl away from a gender studies program by ripping feminism hardcore in front of her one day. Also sure I convinced my good friend who is 23 to get off the cock carousel. She is now in a serious relationship. So there is hope.

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>when you see regular leaf posters here didn't that give you any indications that it would be a place of cancer?

Lack of vitamin D

Same with your country

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You're wrong. You don't know how many girls I know who grew up in liberal households and fell into marxist teaching about female empowerment and abandoned their motherly instincts. It's not that they're trash, it's that the culture creates trash. CHRISTIAN REVIVAL NOW

Didn't you hear Trudeau? Canada doesn't have a culture. We're multicultural. There's no nationalism here.

she was a proper girl too liked to submit liked to be taken out on dates treated like a traditional girl, but her fucking society ruined her and she was so pretty like a girl from a propaganda poster

No she couldn't. You admitted that she switched from "no kids" to "i want babies and a house and a doggy!" She's a chameleon. She will say whatever she can to make you love her and stay with her. You also admitted that she just slept around just after you guys split.

You did the right thing and just left her ass. She can't be saved.

Most large cities in US are like this. Every single person I know in a large cities is like this. And if they work a corporate job they just wear a mask every day and drug up at home. Its still comfy in my small town where everyone knows each other but our (((mayor))) has been pushing to build low income housing so we get state gibs even though the town is well off. Once the small towns fall to degeneracy I don't know what will happen.

post her pics for Nier:Masturbata

she would have destroyed your life like mine did, similar type of background but i got married to her.
You saved yourself, don't be a fucking savior except for yourself or someone like her will drag you down into her hole