This man has been the victim of a nazi attack in Sweden.
This man has been the victim of a nazi attack in Sweden.
Hey Rabbi
smile luhtler
Retarded Nazis always get a Russian gangrape in the end.
Maybe they mistook his house for a Buddhist temple.
autistic nazi strikes again
hail hortler
I'll never undestand how some people have such a hard time to draw a swastika
is it related to IQ? could we simplify our IQ-tests by telling the participants to draw a swastika, anyone that fails has a double digit IQ and that's it, you're subhuman and should be euthanized against your own will.
smile! smile! smile!
Hey tyrone!
Why is Sweden so cruel?
Verne ”Mini-me” Troyer är död
Sweden should accept an extra 20 million peaceful refugees as a punishment for allowing this to happen
>implying they won't be let in otherwise
Are jews superstitious about drawing the swastika correctly or something? do they think it will summon Hitlers ghost?
hail hortler
I'm still waiting for a swede to apologize
>being this right
Too bad it wasn't trips
is it summer already