This man has been the victim of a nazi attack in Sweden.


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Hey Rabbi

smile luhtler

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Retarded Nazis always get a Russian gangrape in the end.

Maybe they mistook his house for a Buddhist temple.

autistic nazi strikes again

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hail hortler

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I'll never undestand how some people have such a hard time to draw a swastika
is it related to IQ? could we simplify our IQ-tests by telling the participants to draw a swastika, anyone that fails has a double digit IQ and that's it, you're subhuman and should be euthanized against your own will.

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smile! smile! smile!

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Hey tyrone!

Why is Sweden so cruel?

Verne ”Mini-me” Troyer är död

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Sweden should accept an extra 20 million peaceful refugees as a punishment for allowing this to happen

>implying they won't be let in otherwise

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Are jews superstitious about drawing the swastika correctly or something? do they think it will summon Hitlers ghost?

hail hortler

I'm still waiting for a swede to apologize

>being this right
Too bad it wasn't trips

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is it summer already
