If you could be black for a day, what would you do?

Would you begin to empathise with how hard it is to be black in this world?

The latest South Park game really made me think about discrimination. They set the difficulty level based on your skin colour, which was a great point. I consider myself to be a south park conservative, but i I don't take the term too seriously.

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I'd commit as many crimes as possible, in order to further advance the negative stigma against their race.

There is no discrimination. It's all in our heads. Don't act like a nigger and most people treat you well.

same id do while im white. better my race and fight jewish influence.

I'd try and fuck some white girls

>black for a day

I'd be dumb as a bag of rocks.

Attached: IQ Distribution by Race.png (928x571, 45K)

Record a video saying how whites aren't the enemy, it's the Jews. Then rob stores, beat up degenerates. other blacks, crazy shit, then when I turn back white I can say it wasn't me since I'm white.

Being black is hard because black people generally act like violent stupid animals so no one feels safe around them or trusts them. Nobody crosses the street or locks the door when 3 Chinese men in hoodies walk by because they dont act like insain criminals. Its entirely self inflicted.

Turnt up.

And in jail.


You mean the extra credit we give them on a daily basis just because of their race?

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>If you could be black for a day, what would you do?
I would immediately apply to a university so that my black privilege can get me into a place I never deserved to be in.

>The latest South Park game really made me think about discrimination. They set the difficulty level based on your skin colour, which was a great point. I consider myself to be a south park conservative, but i I don't take the term too seriously.
Black oppression isn't real. Blacks are just more criminal and have a lower IQ, that is just genetics.

Abuse affirmative action to get a fucking job. Don't know how I'd explain how I was "white" the next day though.

I would immediately start doing porn

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> Get some free Starbucks
> yell at white people for being white
> demand free money from the government
> Tell everyone that I wuz kangs
> shoot up a college and then shoot myself in the head

>Hello, I'm Johnny Rebel. For a long time we've listened to these niggers pitch a fit, 'bout their hard times, and civil rights. Well, ain't that the pits? So I think I'll take me an imaginary trip, and try to be a nigger for a day.

>If I could be a nigger for a day

>I could live my life the free and easy way
>I'd take from Uncle Sam and let the white man pay
>If I could be a nigger for a day

>Now for one whole day, a nigger I could be
>The first thing I'd do is join the NAACP
>And I'd let Fwyzee and Foo-May do my thinkin' for me
>If I could be a nigger for a day

>Now I wouldn't wanna work, 'cause I wouldn't have to
>Guess what I'd do next, well, you shouldn't need a clue
>I'd go down to social services like all the brothers do
>If I could be a nigger for a day

>Oh if I could be a nigger for a day
>I could live my life the free and easy way
>I'd take from Uncle Sam and let the white man pay
>If I could be a nigger for a day

>Now when I'd sit down in that office, the office of welfare
>I'd get food stamps, a medical card, and free child care
>For all the illegitimate kids that I've got scattered everywhere
>If I could be a nigger for a day

>Now I'd have plenty of time, so I'd hang out with a mob
>And I'd consume a little dope, or find a good place to rob
>Now that would make me self-employed and I wouldn't even need a job
>If I could be a nigger for a day

Oh if I could be a nigger for a day
I could live my life the free and easy way
I'd take from Uncle Sam and let the white man pay
If I could be a nigger for a day

And when I'd need somethin' I'd steal it so I wouldn't have to buy it
And if the cops would apprehend me you know that I'd deny it
And I could call Jesse or Al, they'd come and start a riot
If I could be a nigger for a day

But I can't be a nigger, and I don't really have to be
'Cause coon, let me tell ya, it's plain and simple to see
That if I was you for a day then I'd be taking from me
So I don't wanna be a nigger for a day.

go to starbucks for free "coffee" as I refuse to pay such high price for carcinogenic garbage.

Go get free coffee at Starbucks.

Free coffee from Starbucks nigga!!!

Go sit in Starbucks to get millions of dollars.


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I suppose I'd rape a white girl and cry racism if I was caught.

If I could be a nigger for a day
I would do the same stuff I do daily since my race doesn't make me responsability go away

I'd abuse the system and use my black privilege to get scholarships and bursaries just for being black,

I'd go to starcucks for a free coffee

Fuck a white woman

Never go back

I think you mean school because they discriminate against blacks when hiring.

Drop hoodrat manners, learn to "act white" (meaning act civilized) asap.

Milk all affirmative action in education.

Milk white guild to the fullest, play race card against every single basedboy who truly believes that shit.

Basically the same thing every single nigger who decided to make something out of themselves, left the ghetto and became just regular black dude.

Fuck south park, there's whole series about this (Boondocks).

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Get shot probably

There is no proof of blacks having lower iq based on genetics plus race is a social construct so exactly what is black.

inb4: blacks are people from africa.

Africa has the most diversity of people genetically.

Theres a song that sums up my feelings on this matter


Attached: nigfact.jpg (1000x4500, 801K)

score with a white woman

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I'd go get my free 400/month plus housing plus utilities.

Kill people on the streets for no reason, rob a few stores, rape, torture and kill some white women, then play the racism card, say I did everything because whites are nazis and have millions of leftards support me
The usual

Sit on my ass and do nothing.

>There is no proof of blacks having lower iq based on genetics
It is a scientific fact, please show me anything that points otherwise.

>plus race is a social construct
Yes, it is also a biological construct.

>Africa has the most diversity of people genetically.

Run straight to Starbucks with my coupon for free gibs of liquidracism.

holy fucking christ what a waste

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Probably go on a robbery/murder/rape spree... all I've got to do is avoid capture by police for 24 hours and suddenly I'm a white guy again.


>Race is a social construct
Why is it that people who say this are also the people who constantly complain about white people?

>It is a scientific fact, please show me anything that points otherwise.
How do i show this to you? Shouldnt you be the one that should provide your data since you made the claim?

>Yes, it is also a biological construct.
yes which is why i ask what is black for you?

Not irrelevant because what i was anticipating was yo usayig anyone from Africa is black which is why i said it.

> If you could be black for a day, what would you do?

Id steer clear of my furniture and the neighbors dog

that guy is a niggerball player, last i heard she was pregnant and i bet the thing shes harvesting iss beautifullll

>commit as much crime as possible and hide stash
>hit gas station a few hours before time limit
>let clerk call police and chill until cops arrive
>turn white while in custody
>sue city

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Race is a social construct and when one race is benefiting from this social construct i can complain. When one race is oppressing another i can complain.

Lots of things are social constructs. Equality. Money. It doesn't mean they aren't important.

>yes which is why i ask what is black for you?
Cluster analysis does that for me.
It gives an objective definition with corresponds to like 95% with self identification.
More here: thealternativehypothesis.org/index.php/2016/04/15/329/

>Not irrelevant because what i was anticipating was yo usayig anyone from Africa is black which is why i said it.
Okay. But you do not need geography if you can just look at the genes.

>How do i show this to you? Shouldnt you be the one that should provide your data since you made the claim?
The default hypothesis should be 50/50 genes and environment.
But anyway: thealternativehypothesis.org/index.php/2016/04/15/the-heritability-of-iq/

>Race is a social construct
It is, but so what?

>when one race is benefiting from this social construct
I know that blacks are heavily privileged when it comes to University applications.

Go knock up as many white women as possible. Why not? I would be expected to pay child support.

If I were black for a day I wouldnt have to take responsibility for my actions, and I could even get free coffee at Starbucks

If I could get out I would

But I'd probably end up gangbanging. That shit seems fun as fuck

Equality and rights are social constructs. They're not real.

Drink a bottle of henessy, start living on welfare and probably rob a liquor store.

I could go a recording studio, slur a bunch of degraded english into a microphone and cut a million dollar record deal

>still waiting on my gibs from Africa
No gibs! Fucking racists!

Probably Rape and Kill because I dindu nuffin

I'd use it to fuck with people and get free coffee

Get a job

Apply for scholarship to some ivy league university and getting use of that sweet affirmative action.

A south park conservative...

How complete and inspiring is the Jews mind control. amazing

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East Asia people get tan easy.
I becomes black in every summer, so don't care.
same girl

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Id go to some Ivy Leauge school.

Fuck white women.
Sing some blues.
Win some sport competition.

Use my big black dick to fuck all the white girls

>Cluster analysis does that for me
For some reason when i try to go to hte main source insted of alt hypes interpretation the links end up broken for litterally all the things he claimed except for stuff taht isnt really debated like we are 98.7% similar with chimps.

There is also the fact that alt hype has been known for citing very old studies in the past with data that was manipulated by the researcher.

>The default hypothesis should be 50/50 genes and environment
That is correct but how do we know that one "race" has more of the genes for intelegence than the other.
Also the links for the main source are broken on that one as well.


Go to Austin, TX and get myself a nice mixed baby

The African is a different species entirely from our own; They are not "black people" in the same way a chimpanzee or bonobo are not "hairy people".

>if you could be black for a day what would you do?


redpill some niggas on the street

If I could be a nigger for a day, I could live my life the free and easy way
If take from uncle Sam, and make the white man pay
Oh if I could be a nigger for a day.

Black for a day - get on the subway and act loud and like an ass and watch all the white people bury their noses in their phones and books and pretend like they don't notice the loud ignorant nigger.

Rape and steal

and then the guy goes radio silent. RIP


Single mother with a really interesting story to tell in the line while renewing her ebt

Free Coffee.

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accuse tons of liberals and jews of being racist, and call the congressional black caucus uncle tom jiggaboos

race is a genetic construct.

First I buy the most ridiculous clothes possible then go hit on women by first calling them out AYY YO gurl hol up then mutter about my dick.


So what is being black?
What is being white?

Lower IQ among continental Africans could easily just be a result of them living in such a resource-rich environment, standard r/K selection theory shit. When confronted with this point, race realists always use lower GPA/SAT scores among middle class black American students to prove race realism and that trumps class.
>It's not as though black culture perpetuates a very real, tangible narrative associating scholastic achievement and intellectualism with race treason and "acting white".
>It's not as though middle class black youth are just as impressionable and easily influenced by peer pressure as youth of any other race or class.

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>So what is being black?
>What is being white?
Ask this broad kek.

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Reported to Homeoffice for racial insensitivity.

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My point was that outside of America nobody really considers themselves white or black. and that in america to be labled white you need white skin and or straight hair. To be black you need to be darker skinned and curly/kinky hair. This type of classification can be very misleading.

I'd start fights with abos, nig vs abo turf wars are already happening but I'd add fuel to the fire

I'd dunk a basketball.

I'd probably just shitpost on worldstar comments instead of here

I would try to find a job as quickly as possible because trying to find a job as a white dude in this day and age is pretty fuckin taxing

Fit as many stereotypes as possible.

Find my dad.

Black where?

I don't disagree with any of that: MY point is that, in contemporary post-industrial post-modern western society, you are whatever you can successfully pass as.

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I would stay inside and wait for the next day to come when I'm white again.

I'd apply for a job at a big tech company.

I’d get wats doo me.
Din ide do sum shit n say I dindu nuffin.
Din I be talkin shit ta ah pig n get shot n sheeit
Momma would say I was a good boy