Program cost US$1.508 trillion

>Program cost US$1.508 trillion
>Still can't fly


Attached: f 35.jpg (1200x861, 90K)

Other urls found in this thread:“aerial-quarterback”-18556

The f-22 raptor is more expensive.
The trolling plane (the X-something that looked like it was laughing his ass off) was cheaper but since pilots are such prima donnas they refused it because it looks "ugly".

Attached: 795.jpg (1080x1086, 97K)

>Be F-35
>Be stealthy
>Be the latest tech
>Cost $1.5 trillion to develop
>Get targeted and hit by Cold War era S-200

Attached: picrelated.png (689x422, 39K)

My sides. Saved.

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Boy the russian shills really got you guys on the whole f-35 is trash meme didnt they? Probably got you on the zumwalt too.

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$1.5 trillion over 30 years, and this is assuming the U.S buys 1,700 of them.

>su-35 unit cost 40-60 million
>f-35 unit cost 100 million

so even if Russian trade 2 jets for 1 they still have an advantage?

>1.5 trillion not used for welfare programmes that encourage scum to breed
Sounds like a win to me m8

That's 1.5 trillion USD over its expected 50 year lifetime, retard.

why do we spend billions on a single stealth bomber we will never ever use?

You can double the price for the F-35 if not more.

>still can't fly
Post a picture of an F-35 flying

>russian shills are on Jow Forums now
you redditors are always amusing when it comes to calling out shills, seems like someone wants to be wanted by his fellow reddit peers also screaming 'muh roosia'


Once one of them gets shot down by an old SAM the pentagon will shit their pants.

It will never fly well.

It's aeordynamics suck.

Yeah but you don't know if that was the pilots fault or the planes.

He could have been flying low and slow with his radar on.
Instead of using it from 30 miles away without being seen.

if it was hit by an s200 that thing would be splinters, not just a "claim".

>he thinks US money has a limit

i suppose we will eventually run out of paper and ink

>Probably got you on the zumwalt too.

look at this russian source my fellow plebbitor

1 F22A playing QB for 4 F35A could take out a whole squadron of SU35 ×12

>406 billion so far spent on the F35
>2456 F35 will cost 345 billion
>1.1 trillion operation cost up to 2070

>1.5 trillion not used for sex ed and contraception programs that prevent scum from breeding

>Heheh welfare is a waste fuck niggers
>Spending trillions on planes to bomb kids overseas is fucking BASED

Attached: F3262AA7-B11F-4F81-9397-3FDDD292D2B9.jpg (577x601, 116K)

>lmao just print money it's easy guyz

literally how south american communist regimes try to bait their people into the "lmao print money and become rich" meme

More like
>US military needs funds for black budget projects
>Overcharge for the now default fighter jet and make claims it needs constant maintenance despite statistics showing otherwise

Man, we could have been flying these beauties for 15 years already, if we had chosen the Rafale instead of this flying turd.

In a few years we won't have an air force anymore, because our F-16 fighters will be too old. Choosing the F-35 was the worst decision possible. Any other fighter would have been better.

Attached: rafale.jpg (4000x2663, 646K)


The F-35 is copied from tech the Russians didn't want.

If I werre the F-22 pilot, I would not want the F-35s anywhere near me.

I don't want my position given away by the F-35's exposed jet nozzle.

And yet your country has paid us billions of pounds for the privilege of using them. Don't you build your own aircraft by the way?

Attached: F-35.jpg (2100x1500, 882K)

Kek, Rafale is a good bird. It's the only non stealth fighter that enter a heavy SAM zone without ECM support (EA-18)

However a mature F35A would whoop Rafale.

>However a mature F35A would whoop Rafale.

Are you sure about that burger ? I wouldn't argue if it was an F-22, but that flying ox F-35 ?

Haven't the rafales beat the fuck out of the F-35 during trials or some shit like that ?

No its not.

Attached: Northrop_YF-23_DFRC.jpg (1280x943, 468K)

The F22 flies far ahead of the F35 to gather information on bandits then relays that information to F35 which then can setup an ambush.“aerial-quarterback”-18556

There should have been competitions to build two separate aircraft, one for the Airforce and one for the Navy, each capable of meeting unique combat requirements for those respective services. Of course when I mention that Navy I'm including the Marine Corp. There's no need for the verticle lift 'C' variant. The Harrier jump jet was never a superb performer. Although the concept was cool, it was never practical or capable of great performance.

>Don't you build your own aircraft by the way?

Yeah the euromemeter trashphoon EF-2000

absolutely shit at ground support, very good in anti air

>he thinks $1 trillion was spent on this plane
85% of that budget went to black projects.

And it will be shot down by a 10 million dollar rocket.

non-symmetrical warfare sucks.

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It wasn't supposed to. It was supposed to eat military budgets, which it does. Performance is irrelevant.

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in dog fighting probably? It's kinematics aren't all that.

Assuming that relay isn't jammed.

>However a mature F35A would whoop Rafale.
Would it? I read somewhere that the F-35 had the flying characteristics of an F-105. A more stealthy F-105.

Attached: thunderbird.jpg (1800x1188, 275K)

Nah it went in the pockets of the jews and the elite.

When the US army spends $1000 on a toolbox, the Russian army buys the same for $50, you're buying overpriced toys, your 650 billion dollar budget could be divided by two but you're being jewed by the military industry.

The "stealth" and radar aside, the aim-120 missiles the F-22 and 35 carry have a less than 46% kill rate on low end export models. So an F-35 carries 4 missiles internally, 2 of those will miss off the bat. The other 2 have to defeat ECM, jamming and other shit. Meanwhile a typical Su-27 has 3x the missile load with different seekers, radar homing, active, passive, infrared... the planes are only as effective as the missiles, which aren't.

Attached: Ritchie-Success-Rate.jpg (833x721, 332K)

You bought our aircraft to make your shitty plane.
>BASED British tech.

The F22 radar is powerful to jam whomever is tryong to jam it.
This is assuming Rafale gets within 30KM of the F35.

you can clearly see how it's held together by duck tape, what did you expect

Attached: f35 frame.jpg (1200x1054, 202K)

>duck tape

fuck tape*

he could have left it in the hangar, too

the best kinds of planes are ones that can't fly!

>Still can't fly

what are those lines on the plane? just paint?

reminder that this piece of shit only exists because the air force insists on pretending that when the big ones go down fighter jets won't be sitting ducks for the drone swarm

duct tape

It didn't cost Lockheed Martin $1.5 trillion

They just make their customers pay then $1.5 trillion because why not?
Shit will always cost exactly whatever customers are willing to pay.

The F35 had a 15:1 kill ratio against F15s and F16s in an exercise...

You are aware home-on-jam seekers exist right? Not every military relies on one type of seeker

Russian shills are a thing you fucking brainlet. Just like American shills are a thing. You dont honestly believe that Russia doesn't have a propaganda program do you?
>firing 155mm Excalibur rounds is expensive
No shit but do they work? Yes.
>US copying russian designs
Now this made me kek

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US exercises are all rigged tho

>No shit but do they work? Yes.

No one ever said the opposit. But why spending 800 000$ per round when a standard gun can fire 500$ shells ?

>a mature F35

is F35 a fucking bird now?

The F-22 can run without radar just like the F-117 did

It's camouflage so the plane will blend in with the average American road.

Attached: American asphalt road.jpg (400x320, 27K)

Yeah it's kind of a meme.
They should've just made an entirely new platform if they just wanted a longer range missile spammer.
I guess innovation is dead, and it's just about moving money now.

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>be 29

Attached: images (1).jpg (440x334, 16K)

It's constantly being updated and upgraded.

But F35 lost a simulated dogfight against a Fokker Dr1

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das rite

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>US always gloating about some new magical flying/floating coffin that will be supposedly unstoppable

china and russia committed to massive missile stockpiles decades ago, all these toys are beyond useless

Because a standard gun cant hit a fucking dime from 60 miles away.

it also lost to a cessna 172

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The zumwalt doesn't use that though, stop embarrassing yourself wtf

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Don't laugh but an american jet was defeated by a big old soviet biplane during the korean war.

I don't think any of this matters when we can hit things from space with god rods and megawatt lasers...

Attached: godrod.png (600x527, 201K)

F35 engine might be getting a upgrade in the next 5 years.

10% thrust increase and 6% fuel consumption decrease

Software is constantly being updated.

New RAM paint in the future

Etc etc.

>it's another f35 thread

Most off you are retards without the least bit of insight into what makes a great plane

Do you really think we have those capabilities?

How do the aerodynamic of this work? It looks like it would have a lot of drag with that ridiculous design.

>Russia always gloating about some new magical missile that will supposedly shoot down anything under the sun

>load ship up with explosives to promote sales
>transmit it on your state-run media to show the "destructive power"
>"It's super strong guys!"

Educate us then, engineer.

There is something very secret about the Zumwalt that the public does not know yet.


indepeeeeeendence daaaaaayyyyyiyiyi (that movie)

Not really if the air is being pulled in at that intake.

>ya'll were lied to, the creator of Red Army, Leon Trotsky was actually a black man #educateyourchildren

>Haven't the rafales beat the fuck out of the F-35 during trials or some shit like that ?


And of course a shitposting mutt like you does know that, right ?

Air intake is hugely important for jets. The big scoop actually probably improves the aerodynamics.

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Absolutely correct; the warhead on that motherfucker would have turned that F-35 into chaff. I could see maybe a random lucky burst of 23mm or a shittier missile having a prox detonation, but not that S-200

Obviously it is a budgetary bucket for black ops.

It fires the LRRAP. Literally just a larger version of the Excalibur made by the same company....

Attached: 1505180126940.png (720x594, 146K)

i heard it has special force field that turns off the bullets when they get close

First started testing it with nuclear energy at Whitesands in the 80s.

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>The LRLAP round was developed by Lockheed Martin. In 2001, the director of Lockheed's guided projectiles division claimed the LRLAP would cost "less than $50,000 each." Even factoring in inflation, the rounds have ended up costing nearly twelve times as much.

The eternal (((Lockheed Martin))) strikes again.

>the least bit of insight into what makes a great plane

I think the least bit of insight is that a plane should be able to fly.


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>fires the BRRRAAAAP

This is just one big shitpost, isn't it ?

If women ran the country, they would spend 1 trillion on makeup and plastic surgery.

And you're stocking up the QE with this lemon.

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