This board is a global hub of right wing activity that is relatively free from censorship and its anonymous nature allows brutal honesty without personal backlash. This makes it very effective and dangerous to the left. As such, it is targeted by the left with disruptive tactics intended to hinder right wing activity as much as possible.
There are many right wing activities that take place here. These are some common ones: >Uncensored discussion of current events >Creating and sharing funny viral pictures that discredit left wing ideas and promote right wing ideas ("memes") >Sharing data that discredits left wing ideas (graphs, statistics, studies, articles, etc) ("redpills") >Conducting volunteer investigations of left wing criminals (unmasking left wing terrorists (antifa) caught on camera committing violent crimes, investigating potential criminal activities of left wing politicians, etc) >Planning and organizing poster campaigns to discredit leftism (ex. "It's Okay To Be White") >Promoting a sense of community where right wing values are destigmatized and unapologetically upheld and people are motivated to live up to these values, and their spirits and morale are raised by the community when needed
These are some common left wing disruption tactics intended to hinder the above activities: >Lowering the signal-to-noise ratio on the board by making more noise (posting garbage and nonsense), especially posting sexually suggestive material to draw attention >Attempting to cause infighting by posing as a right winger and attacking other people, often according to some criteria that the disruptor believes is already controversial >Attempting to demoralize people by posting ad hominem caricatures of right wingers >Attempting to scare people by posting false information about how their activities are supposedly illegal and they are being monitored by the authorities
i wish newfags would just shut the fuck up and lurk moar
William Hill
Why the fuck would you want to help newfags?
Aaron Stewart
>Lowering the signal-to-noise ratio on the board by making more noise (posting garbage and nonsense), especially posting sexually suggestive material to draw attention
governmental agencies and special interest NGOs.
Jordan Peterson
Because they don't have any filters on when they first arrive (they don't even know what a filter is) and are immediately confronted with a very bleak image of the board. This could turn away many new people who would otherwise join. If they read this introduction, they might understand why there is so much garbage and try to ignore it and look for the productive activities that were outlined.
Eli Evans
>giant blogpost wall of leaftext faggotry >lurk moar ftfy poofter
Christopher Murphy
>This could turn away many new people who would otherwise join that's exactly the idea faggot, we don't want newfags here
It's so great that the catalog and every thread is filled to the brim with racemixing porn. Kys. I don't know why the fuck I even bother with this place anymore.
Ian King
Because half the board is newfags at this point
Lucas Gomez
why don't you want to redpill newfags and create more of /ourguys/?
Charles Reyes
>This could turn away many new people That's the idea, fag
Gavin Lee
Henry Perry
have you seen /b/ lately? that's what happens when you invite newfags
That's because this board is garbage, it's not just an impression Also most of the so-called disruption tactics you mentioned are just your average trolling and shitposting, go to r*ddit if you're looking for some nice precious feelings sharing You're a faggot by the way
Adam Cooper
At least my post gives a good reason that explains why to people who would otherwise have no idea and just dismiss the board as an offensive porn site and leave. Instead they might make an effort to see through the noise and find the productive activities, stay and become redpilled.
Ayden Davis
>anonymous nature allows brutal honesty without personal backlash
>fills out Jewgle captcha to post
Cameron Morgan
Because they'll ruin the board with their magapede faggotry
Let newfags integrate and immerse into the culture. It'll become a normie hive for bringing right wing views into the normiesphere. When things start getting out of hand, you can migrate to fulIchan at any time.
Angel Morris
Kill yourself nigger >enjoy your leaves
Noah Allen
This. Op Is a NewFag Cuck nigger
Elijah Sanchez
A bump to also remind people that infiltration of Jow Forums by the left was verified by leaked documents.
Are you saying Jow Forums is incapable of redpilling people? It's been doing that for a very long time.
Wyatt Gonzalez
Jow Forums was a red-pill factory a few years ago. I think I'm just coming back out of habit at this point. I mean, realistically, which is a newfriend more likely to see at this point >white bois cant compete or >crime statistic thread
The mods either died or just simply do not give a fuck.
Dominic Baker
Jow Forums is already 80% cancer, every other board hates it. There are constant calls to get the board removed, the way it was 3 times before.
If you want to spread redpills, direct people to reddit or other outlets. Only the supreme shitposting autists should find their way here
Also Jow Forums is mostly for memes, most of the hardcore activism shit is done by cripchan
Austin Walker
Jackson Ramirez
this is the truth OP, and you probably don't know this because you're new yourself
Dominic Reed
% Cancer Try full blown AIDS user
Gavin Wilson
thats what T_D is there for. The more chunks you take off this delapidated layer cake, the less scrumptious it becomes. Just look at Faceberg. All the bilgerats are setting up squatterhouses all over the net. 4chang being one of them.
Where else are we going to red people huge numbers of people on the Jewish Question? Namely how to get the the fuck out of our countries.
Eli Hall
No, of course not, it redpilled me. But we shouldn't actively encourage newfags - if people want to find the redpill they ought to put some effort into it, that way we only get the best people. Appealing to the lowest common denominator will ruin that.
Should have a /newfag general for this crap, perhaps a weekly thing?
Hudson Wright
Jow Forums is a weapon aimed at the left, it has a clear purpose supported by the various activities that it hosts Jow Forums is capable of absorbing and redpilling newcomers
/b/ is random nonsense how can you compare Jow Forums to /b/?
Brandon Watson
meh I expected actual banter from you, not this stale shit
>Only the supreme shitposting autists should find their way here This
Carter Sullivan
>free from censorship. >can’t type basedboy without it being filtered Jow Forums is dead
Benjamin White
It's not my fault the cum tastes stale Sven I'm sure you can ask your wife for some more.
Zachary White
Jaxon Flores
>Attempting to cause infighting by posing as a right winger and attacking other people, often according to some criteria that the disruptor believes is already controversial Probably the most common example of this tactic is leftists pretending to be right wing and personally attacking right wing commentators. They will pejoratively call them "e-celebs" and accuse them of exploiting their audience for money (especially if the right wing commentator is an attractive female). They will also fabricate accusations of hypocrisy against them, inventing things that they didn't do that violate the right wing values that these commentators are promoting.
They do this because these right wing commentators are often the mouthpieces that deliver right wing ideas to the masses. Youtube is an especially important platform for this.
This screenshot was taken from a leftist discord where they actively plan to disrupt right wing activity on Jow Forums. The leftists describe these personal attacks against right wing commentators on Youtube as "literally the most effective thing we're doing right now". This is why they do it so much. They are trying to destroy the credibility of these right wing commentators and lower their support in order to prevent the spread of right wing ideas.
>especially if the right wing commentator is an attractive female Yeah like the leaf thot and the fourth generation holocaust survivor? Stop shilling for these e celebs
Ayden Campbell
>these types of threads are required on Jow Forums I remember when most newfags went to /b/ and knew their place if they were acting like retards.
My comment was extremely general, I didn't name anybody. I'm talking about tactics in general.
Do you disagree that lefitsts relentlessly target right wing commentators, especially on youtube, with personal attacks intended to discredit them as mouthpieces thereby preventing the spread of right wing ideas?
Ethan Lewis
It's humorous and deadly serious at the same time. This is not a contradiction. The power of humor is partly what makes it such a serious threat to the left. That's why they try to disrupt it so relentlessly.
Daniel Rivera
No they do, but you also referred specifically to the female content creators. The two major ones being those I described.
Nathaniel Reed
Obviously someone takes it seriously, if they're willing to spend millions on a shill army to flood the board with piss.
Brayden Brooks
tldr op is a faggot only shills and shitposters here lurk moar
Jaxson Rogers
Yes because with female content creators they can exploit the angle that the right wing is disproportionately made up of men who desperately long for these right wing women. If there is any truth to this, the left is hellbent on exaggerating it as much as possible and ruining the ability of these content creators to spread right wing ideas by personally attacking them.
Connor Murphy
What about the onions censorship?
Jonathan Turner
>>Uncensored discussion of current events basedboy
Clearly another newfag pretending they're to be anything other than a basement dwelling panties wearing nobody.
Isn't it past your bedtime kid? Maybe mommy will let you suck her saggy crack whore titties before you sleep.
Sweet dreams cuntbags.
Jackson Harris
>Attempting to scare people by posting false information about how their activities are supposedly illegal and they are being monitored by the authorities
a bit overboard on that point. the fact of the matter is that Jow Forums has been a honeypot since at least 2007 and various 3 letter agencies do monitor this board. while americans, canadians, and various other countries are still free to shit post "gas the kikes, race war now" and to question/deny the holocaust there are countries where saying such things will get you imprisoned. note that the UK has passed a law that merely viewing material found on this board is now a crime. that being said you newfags would do well just to lurk around here for awhile and glean what you can. when you do post here do not even attempt a real life call-to-arms type of statement encouraging that you might actually attempt to overthrow your government by violent means. that type of shit will get your ass vanned faster than you can say "gas the kikes, race war now". enjoy your stay. youre here forever
WHY IS NOONE TALKING ABOUT THE SEX CULT!!!!! >hollywood/government sex cult Exposed by catching second in command and recruit >ALLISON MACK There's the QUICK RUNDOWN
also BONUS HAPPENING!!!! >Broward county deputies being murdered
Numerous cops are dieing and being murdered in FL >what do they know!? One was definitely OURGUY , with his Facebook being purged but pixs mocking HOGG in nazi outfits >what did he know in Clinton controlled JEWWARD county FL
If right wing commentators actually delivered redpills instead of shitting the bed or being too cringy even for normies i would consider not calling out eceleb faggotry as eceleb faggotry.
Logan White
Leo Morgan
Robert Ortiz
We could use that as a screencap, wherever shills make a thread just post the screencap.