Stormy Daniels's lawer, avenatti, says once cohen has been arrested, theyre gonna threaten him with life in prison if he doesn't give secrets on trump. avenatti is confident it will force trump to resign. what do we do?
This faggot might actually end trump
That is literally the most stupid plan I've ever heard.
Even if there were any dirt to be found on Trump, Trump can pardon Cohen. The threat is completely empty.
Is this shit really all the left has at this point?
that's the thing. trump can't pardon him because it's a state offense, not a federal one.
it might be real this time guys
>it might be real this time guys
im not a shill faggot. im not saying all hope is lost, but this is fucking serious mark my words. watch the video on breitbart and listen to what he says. trump is in serious trouble. i dont know how the fuck we get out of this
>admitting to extortion and blackmail
You wanna know how I know your thread is shilling
Op has a fantasy of witness tampering and coerced testimony... which is illegal.
>illegal search
Cased closed
>trump can't pardon him because it's a state offense, not a federal one.
Then why did the FBI raid his shit?
>Muh Shill post.
>I'm not a shill.
What shill ever admitted to shilling?
Cohen's office got raided which broke the attorney client privilege. Trump tweets about this which gets the MSM to write a bunch of stories about it. This is in preparation for Mueller to begin indicting the swamp. Remember, Mueller's team is filled with Hillary's lawyers. When Hillary and everyone else gets indicted they can't complain about attorney client.
Stormy Daniels works for Trump. Instead of coming out before the election when she could’ve ruined Trump and made around 25 million she waits until her story is essentially worthless. Her name is “Stormy” to signal to all the insiders whose side shes on. Her story ends up just being a big distraction/let down and a parlay into other things like the office raid and an example of how pathetic/desperate democrats are.
Stormy Daniels lawyer Michael Avenatti calls Trump personal attorney Michael Cohen "radioactive."
"Anyone that had any contact with this man in the last 20 years should be very concerned about what secrets of theirs are within these documents."
im not a shill you shitheads. trump is in fucking trouble. watch the fagenetti interview on breitbart
Exactly. FBI is not allowed to investigate state crimes.
>trump is in serious trouble
He really isn't. In about 11 months, if this farce lasts that long, they'll just have proof that Trump laid some pipe in a porn star.
>openly talking about political persecution as their goal
The absolute state of the left.
I don't believe that.
Regardless of who's side Mueller is on, he's a unprincipled asshole.
As for the ethical whore hypothesis... yeah no.
>might be real
Life in prison for what? He hasn’t been charged with a crime. Whatever happened to Manafort flipping in exchange for immunity? Didn’t work did it?
I think they planned it all along knowing trump wouldn't have veto power over a state offense. theyre going after cohen for something totally unrelated to russia. dershowitz is saying theyre going to use a series of small offenses against cohen to accumulate a life sentence against him that they can use to leverage him against trump. i never by the shill anti trump hype, but this shit is for fukcing real
>Shilling that he's not shilling.
>slip slide, slippidty slidest
What is pardon, faggot.
>what do we do?
>The lawyer of a literal sex toy cumdumpster says Trump is finished, that means this time is for real.
life in prison lol
Shit, I also work for Trump now!
That guy is literally the mutt face
hes finished this time for sure
Ignore this retard. This is obviously a last ditch play, but a serious one. They think they will get away with obvious extortion of a united states president and if something like this happens it needs to be clear that this isn't ok.
If the 'deep state' whoever the fuck it is goes this far outside the law, then the time for the law is over.
What do?
Same thing we did every other time.
Laugh at you.
Surely this time......
This is why the right needs to keep their guns, 50 percent of the country is literally your enemy and shouldn't be considered human at all. No civility.
dershowitz has been right about this stuff so far.
thats the thing. its not any one crime. thyre going to rack up a bunch of tiny offenses that add up to a life sentence.
This is the bottom of the barrel response we all expect from tumblrina rejects.
>theyre going to use a series of small offenses against cohen to accumulate a life sentence against him
Unless any of them are actually serious enough to call for a judge to do that(it's judicial discretion if someone serves a sentence for multiple offences concurrently or consecutively), that is just a fantasy.
Alan Dershowitz is a pedophile.
kys mutt
I've seen this pasta at least 3 times now
This shyster is so repellant CNN tiptoes around him. Jesus Jow Forums, these fucks can't get out of their own way.
I'll keep posting it, because more people view this board than you'd imagine and the more people that see this the better
Speaking of Shysters. Watch this clip of Jeff Sessions
>FBI raid
>state offense
pick one
Blackmail is illegal onii-chan
burn in hell faggot
Is Avenatti making a threat upon a sitting president?
Trump Curse how and when?
He will be disbarred by mid 2019.
if the dems successfully oust trump, i think its the end of america as we know it
shut the fuck up you worthless mutt.
>oust Trump
you've got to be some kind of retard to thin kthat the Dems have any power at all anymore.
you might be right. from what ive heard tho, whatever they charge him with will be unpardonable. giulliani might manage to get us out of this one somehow
>Says the blah blah blah for the blah blah blah
the important question is: who did this guy fucked?
its actually for real this time. read my posts
Can anyone explain how trump fucking a porn star in the 80's has ANYTHING (LITERALLY ONE SINGULAR F U CK I NG THING IM NOT EVEN FHCKJNG KIDDING ANYMORE) to do with politics or his presidency?
How would he be REMOVED FROM OFFICE over.....cheating on his wife?
Lmgaoo....this is the least worried ive ever been about trump.
Its more aggravating than anything else, cause it makes no sense.
>be DNC
>be so angry you start a special prosecution to impeach Trump on Russian Collusion
>over a year passes
>no signs of collusion, was only able to arrest associates of Trump on unrelated charges
>decide to shift to the old bill clinton strat
>start shilling Stormy Daniels
>despite the fact that it has nothing to do with Russian Collusion
>have the FBI raid Trump's lawyer over this, who meanwhile ignored all the signs of that kid who went on to commit a mass shooting
>fully expect Trump to fire someone in retaliation
>he doesn't
>DNC sues Russia for hacking the election
The absolute state of the Democrats.
this might be legit...
Why do you think the Jew shills on this board freak out every time someone mentions 4D chess? Because they're the ones getting played.
it has nothing to do with the affair whatsoever. theyre gonna blackmail cohen with some legal technicality bullshit related to the stormy case and cohen will flip on trump, everything up to this point has been bullshit but this is for fucking real. watch the breitbart video i posted
It's the same playbook the GOP tried on Bill and his poll numbers actually rose in that shitshow.
Of course they just want him impeached no matter what at this point.
it doesn't have to do with the russian collusion. watch the breitbart video i posted. DO NOT FUCKING IGNORE THIS YOU PARANOID RETARDS. THIS IS FUCKING SERIOUS
Please cease and desist from making such statements and submit a written apology for slandering Mr. Dershowitz immediately. Your IP address is being traced as I type this and the FBI will soon be knocking on your door with a search warrant and a notice to appear in court you're welcome.
-The Moderators of Jow Forums
Can something you tell your lawyer even be used against you in court?
it wasn't in the 80's, it was in 2006, and there's an investigation to find out if there was any financial fraud, because you cannot use campaign money for hush money
i dont know but thats the strategy. this is the most trouble trumps presidency has ever been in
I know, it's like he is trying to act as if "Trump is in trouble, we gotta save, but obviously peasants like us can't so we're doomed..." ;_;
Didn't (((they))) already say Trump wasn't a target in the Cohen investigation???
bunch of women getting paid hush money...hmmm could Trump be getting blackmailed, blackmailing a president is probably not a smart thing to do.
>getting impeached for going balls deep in sugar walls of a hoe stripper
lmfao talk about desperation from deep state. get real nigga.
IDIOT. don't be so fucking schizophrenic. he's in genuine trouble. watch the fucking breitbart video. this shit might bring trump down. DO NOT IGNORE THIS STORY
Looks like its finally the end of the line, we had a good run boys, time to let the mature and responsible people circumvent democratic institutions to put their people in charge...
yes. if your lawyer is helping you to commit or cover up crimes.
Good, who gives a fuck? Israel's good little cuck is getting what he deserves for his sins.
exactly. They would give concurrent sentences not consecutive. Especially for some BS. Not enough room in prison.
he's going to get impeached over that. cohen will give secrets on trump in exchange for immunity for unrelated bulshit. dont ignore this story
>Ad hominems away my deconstruction of his premise
Boy, you are sure making a good case for why I should resistive to sheitcart at al...
just watch the damn video and you'll see
If they bring down Trump on such bullshit charges they will permanently destabilize the republic as every normie republican will realize they live in a Banana republic.
>dershowitz is saying theyre going to use a series of small offenses against cohen to accumulate a life sentence against him
Oh wow... a kike openly calling for a violation of the 8th. I guess they needed a break from shitting on the 1st, 2nd, and 4th this week.
Something strange is happening, are expensive works of art being moved?
Why is a lawyer of some cheap porn star so invested in getting Trump to resign? So bizarre.
>Whatever happened to Manafort flipping in exchange for immunity? Didn’t work did it?
You're supposed to forget about all the "tick tock, drumpf" narratives that failed.
Only think about the current narrative, goyim.
Memories will just trick you.
Only believe what you're being told right now.
In fact I think you should tune into CNN to see what they have to say about this!
Who ready here
(WISH I COULD find the video to those lyrics, dumb drumpf supportwe that I am ;_;)
These Shareblue threads are really getting out there
Lol. You think some kike who still has to work for porn stars is capable of taking down Trump? Boy you must be retarded.
>what do we do?
Get ready to kneel before president Mike "shock the gay away" Pence.
I swear libcucks never think shit through.
Trump has the ultimate ace up his sleeve, an absolute dictator of a VP.
Anything. ANY FUCKING THING happens to trump and the left is literally buttfucked.
It's actually brilliant.
and? What can they do? Trump fucked a stripper a decade or so back? Clinton banged hoe interns while in office and stayed in office for some time afterwards. Unless trump killed someone in his tower and it gets dug up, which is a bigass stretch it doesn't matter. Seriously tell me what else could have trump done? Guy has less skeletons then last several presidents easily and that's going off assumptions.
Serves you twitter/media spades right for constantly crying wolf and hyping up bullshit.
I won't watch it faggot
>I am not a shill
>you should all be skeerd, Drumpf is done for!!!
Sounds about right. I know that we usually reserve the glow in the dark label for CIA niggers but these shills are so fucking blatant that they stick out like a black man at a KKK rally
Lol pence will bow to the cucks on day 1.
this. im fairly confident the country wont survive if they take trump down
I agree. And even with the campaign finance shit Stormy's first suit simply pointed out that Trump never signed the papers. If Trump has people read shit for him so he doesn't have to read himself I don't see him sending too many emails. Isn't he a face-to-face/phone guy? Cohen took out a mortgage on his property to pay her and I'm sure he has the paper trail showing that. Cohen may go down, but I don't see Trump going down yet based on what is available to us.
Stormy still may wind up paying Cohen 20 million because she signed a legal document.
it's not Avenatti that is going to bring trump down, is Cohen
>Pence wouldn't cuck out on issues where it matters like Immigration
Now that is silly user. If they ever did reach the point where the are going for all out impeachment you know what must be done.
>Life in prison
>for white collar crime
So stupid it’s laughable. A real thread died for this.