Right wingers are only just discovering post-modernism

>right wingers are only just discovering post-modernism
>even though its 70 years old, is widely considered to be ending and has had a successor since the late 80's
>they still don't understand what is and call it "cultural marxism"
Fashionably late in intellectual circles as always, I see.

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We can hardly get done dissecting the negative consequences of the last round of leftism before the next one starts up. In America at least, we have a new round every ~50-70 years or so.

What we call it is irrelevant. It's evil, it's based on lies, and it must be stopped.

Post-modernism isn't leftism. Most of you use it everyday without realizing it. Jow Forums with its irony is probably the most post-modern place on the bloody internet.

Like i said, you cunts use it all the time.

"That which is colloquially identified as postmodernism" is definitely leftist. You can never nail down a definition of postmodern thought though, since that would make it possible to argue against...

Of course it would Benift your argument to include the whole circle of thinking. Even though many people only subscribe to parts of it out of necessity

What constitutes 'post-modernism'? Define it, as you seem to be so knowledgeable of it.

You do know communism is modernist right?

No it wouldn't, post-modernism rejects grand narratives, communism is a grand narrative.

A broad array of literary, philosophical, sociological, cultural and media techniques developed from 1960-2000's, including irony, self-referentialism such as characters who know they're in a movie or novel and cynacism. If you've ever watched Xavier Renegade Angel, that's probably the purest example of post-modernism.

>>You do know communism is modernist right?
Sure, but who unironically engages in Orthodox Marxist thought anymore? Classical Communism is basically dead as an ideological current.

>babby's first 4chinz thread
Post-modernism and cultural marxism have been bosom buddies for decades.
What's your point, you commie faggot?

Communism itself is always the end goal. Where the contention lies is in how to get there, and there hundreds of marxist theories. Of course, all communists do believe that communism will arrive eventually no matter what, its just how much damage is done along the way. That is a grand narrative, something post-modernists reject. For the post-modernist, nothing is guaranteed and what system you're under depends on your individual interpretation.

Cultural marxism doesn't exist.

>Cultural marxism doesn't exist.

Cultural Marxism is a bad term anyway. What is typically called "cultural marxism" is definitely leftist, but not necessarily Communist, since unironic Communism is dead anyway.

>the world we are living in doesnt exist
your brain on communism.

Post Modernism was the bedrock of 'Cultural Marxism'. Go read anything by fucking Derrida or the Frankfurt school you fuck.

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>including irony, self-referentialism such as characters who know they're in a movie or novel and cynacism
This is cool. I was reading a post-modernist book about serial killers and the author said we all live in a kind of horror movie which we act out daily. It's kinda cool stuff, real post-modernism.

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See me, I just like to keep things simple: youtube.com/watch?v=Cb_bDHZ4UmE&t=1m10s

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post-modern what? literature? architecture? Are we talking about critical theory?

Communism is modernist relying on the marx-engles dilectic and drawing upon grand narratives.
Frankfurt school rejects the "industrial uprising" and associated dilectic components (including the grand narrative) components of marxist thought and replaces itself with a more relativist and relatively more post-modern philosophical stance. For instance the Fabian approach which is to search for a relative socialist stance in each individual situation rather than planning any grand strategies.

Short of accepting absolute relativism and contextlessness it's impossible to have a grounded politicial movement that is actually post-modern, however it's possible for movements to take and use (or abuse) post-modernist philosophical approaches. An easy example of this is "discourse analysis" as used in modern gender studies. Using Derrida's "il n'ya pas de hors texte" any context or intention of the author is discarded and the reader (or 'researcher' in this case) then interprets their own context and meaning to the text, however as an abuse of post-modernism, this new interpretation is not considered to be the "valid" or "correct" interpretation and published as a result (whereas post-modernism itself rejects the notion of non-relative truth).

So what we see are post-modern techniques and concepts being carried from literature studies and then applied to statistical or scientific results. When the results do not match the political views required then they are used to redefine the outcomes under the guise of relativism, before then being claimed under an absolutist framework to be correct.

t-rex has a huge faggot face

It literally doesn't exist. There's no academic theory of it. Its simply a rebranding of Hitler's concept of "cultural bolshevism", an ideology based on destroying German culture and degrading it. No concept like this has ever existed. What Hitler is mostly referring to is the frankfurt school, however, they weren't against culture, they criticized capitalism for *destroying* culture. In fact, if you lot actually read them, you'd probably agree with most of what they had to say. Mindless consumerism, forsaking art to pursue profit motive and appeal to the lowest common denominator, these were ideas they originally posited. They saw capitalism (and keep in mind, they weren't open communists, more like socdems who don't want to get rid of capitalism just "fix it") as toxic to western culture.

Trump is president, the Tories are in power, Macron is in power, neo-liberalism is the world you live in. You have no excuse and nowhere to run now that Trump is president and you got your wish. No-one to blame. What you're living under, my friend, is capitalism at its strongest since the 19th century.

Just addressed this. Cultural marxism doesn't exist.

Post-modernism is and was useful, problem is its advanced to the state no-one can really say anything anymore. People aren't allowed to be human, to make mistakes, to have solid beliefs. People engage in stupid behaviour or hipsterism and then hide from criticism by saying it was just ironic. They have to cover everything up with irony. David Foster Wallace talked about this at length. New-Sincerity or Meta-Modernism (funnily enough, Shia Labouf was involved with meta-modernism) is the attempt to reconcile post-modernism with sincerity.

Keep making these threads OP.

Discovering, more like alredy analyzed and disgarded another lefty fad.

Presidents in the current system are just actors. Sovereignty in the American system is de facto held by 1. the Judiciary and 2. the civil service. The whole Constitution is practically designed to outsource sovereignty to the judiciary.

The current system has nothing to do with the social state. Cultural Marxism is a social tool, not a political system.

Post-modernism is alive and well, and being pushed by academia every day. Youtube "give me an answer" and watch the college liberals spew everything their professors tried to force them to do.

Cultural Marxism is just another word for critical theory which is exactly the social sphere we live within.

>Marxism has been dead in ideological circles since the 1950s with Marxist economics being wholly debunked even in French socialist circles
>white middle-class American LARPs as a communist on his $500 cellphone bought by his parents because an old crusty Jew promised him free shit that one time

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S-shut up

you are right, it doesn't exist. It's just Judaism misidentified as a coherent ideology.

Media (Entertainment/News) hates Trump
Universities hates Trump
Both sides of politics hates Trump

Which side are you on again lefty faggot? Oh, right, you're on the side of the turbo cucks injecting leftism throughout society while you casually undermine traditionalism, the constitution and the rule of law. To cap it off you'll wave basic human rights, science and enlightenment principle just to bring about your hell on earth society.

kys, scumbag.

Yes, we all live in caves and are completley ignorant of the world we live in.

Also, neoliberalism (and all forms of liberalism more generally) should be properly understood as left-wing ideologies, in that they involve the centralization of state power and dissolution of non-state institutions.

The lefts massive influence both in our political institutions and our media has allowed for the spread of critical theory and identity politics. Two collectivists, post modern idea's rooted in the grand myth of Communism.

It's fucking Communism applied to our culture rather then our economics, hence forth Cultural Marxism. This isn't hard, take your retarded ideology and just realize because everyone hates it has everything to do with it sucking and not because we misunderstand it.

You're not going to get very far with the brainlets here who think that the invisible hand of the market would steer us all towards white picket fences, if not for the hidden yet omnipresent cryptojew cultists. They've got jew monomania.

post modernism is just relativism and bad taste. you dont know shit you little commie turd.

True communism that works on a societal level will only be possible when administered by a Benevolent AI that would practice a pragmatic form of eugenics upon mankind. If that is the future you want, then enjoy.

No its just your generations turn to notice how retarded post modernism is... I can distinctly remember using an exhibition to stock my garage with and the bricks of another to make a BBQ back in the 80s...

It was retarded 70 years ago and still is... but some displays make great urinals.. anyone asks you just say your a live post modernist art display and they will leave you to piss on it in peace

I don't believe its an abuse. Its the sociological version of a scientist always including an error reading in their own measurements. For example, if I was to measure how long it takes a ball to fall certain height with a stopwatch, I'll always use the smallest unit the watch measures as the uncertainty to account for the error of my reaction time and when I judged the ball to have truly hit the ground. That is pretty post-modern, realizing that you, the observer, can never truly understand when the ball hit the ground and your own physical limitations aren't perfect, meaning that what *really* happened is subject to your own bias and the limit of your "hardware" so to speak. I consider what Derrida said and intersectionality as just the sociological extension of that.

They're not. I know you love Trump, but you've got to stop making excuses for him. Its not healthy.

Can you tell me what critical theory entails?

Not American lad, and it doesn't matter what I do.

Or rather Nazi Party propaganda.

>Media (Entertainment/News) hates Trump
No they don't. They know he sells, and nothing they say about him is a lie. If you want to see someone the media REALLY hates, look at Corbyn. The LSE found only 13% of articles about him weren't lies, he's been accused of everything from hating jews to hating muslims to wanting to nuke Britain to being "undetelectable" even though he was elected by Labour party members. That's real media smearing.

>It's fucking Communism applied to our culture rather then our economics, hence forth Cultural Marxism
>Cultural ideas are publicly owned. People are engaged with as much culture as they need, and expected to produce as much culture as they can.
Makes sense

Yeah Jow Forums is a shithole of idiots and "postmodern" is one of their baddy booboo words. A huge chunk of altright criticism is "postmodern." It's just something for them to spout while not really understanding it. That being said, let's not pretend the average leftist is some intellectual giant, given how much they're still bitching about nazism.

Post-scarcity luxury space eugenics
seems pretty comfy

I didn't vote for anyone. Again, suppose Blumpf tried to, say, enforce the Muslim ban against the will of the Judiciary. He would face a bipartisan impeachment effort. The Judiciary holds actual power. The Presidency, not so much.

Reinstatement of intermediary powers fucking when?

Anyone who understands Post Modernism knows how utterly retarded it is. This isn't because its Jow Forums, it's because its just relativism injected with poor pseudophilosophy pot heads like conversing about.

I know this because I'm one of them.

I'm cool with it, but everyone with an IQ below 110 is going to have a pretty bad time.

Post modernism is bad taste / poor skill hidden in relativism and subjectivity.

We call critical Theory cultural Marxism because the cunts at the Frankfurt school were hardcore left wing retards that wanted to destroy our society by slowly eradicating our culture with multiculturalism because in their views our culture is apparently oppressive

The similarities between fully automated luxury gay space AI Communism and American Protestantism should not be overlooked here.

Cultural idea's are not publicly owned. Unless we're talking about something as broad and collectivist as,

"Canadians like playing hockey"

yes it entails questioning the structures of society and their validity

My most favourite dinosaur is the deinonychus. It looks scary and goofy at the same time.

>I know this because I'm one of them.

neoliberalism is worse, it's global control (which started as free trade (which is what sucker conservatives were sold on), but now freely take part in labor and demographic replacement.

Free market libertarians really need to think about the true cost of open markets and open borders which is what neo-liberalism/globalism is selling.

Nope, modernism originated in early 20th century, socialism came about in the mid 1800s. Socialism is not necessarily modernist, but it can be, and it's not rooted in modernism.

>hollywood/government sex cult
Exposed by catching second in command and recruit

>Broward county deputies being murdered

Numerous cops are dieing and being murdered in FL
>what do they know!?
One was definitely OURGUY , with his Facebook being purged but pixs mocking HOGG in nazi outfits
>what did he know in Clinton controlled JEWWARD county FL


Stay frosty

American Protestantism, or WASP culture, is all about productivity, honesty and a white picket fence.

Personally, I would love a post scarcity society where the biggest dilemma was 'what wine to serve at my lavish dinner party', and not 'oh shit, the dindus a block over are rioting again'. But I guess I will never have the luxury of that world. Because we, society, insists on catering to the lowest common denominator instead of pushing everyone to the highest.

>post modernism is every idea from 1960-2000's
>irony was developed in this time period
>self-referentialism was developed in this time period
This is the level of bait to get (you)'s on Jow Forums now. When are we going to purge the fucking boomers, niggers, and mutts from Jow Forums?

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You have no idea how many stupid stoned conversations I had that seemed enlightening only for me to realize when I'm sober how fucking dumb they are.

Now I see University Professors, politicians and fucking Uni Students arguing about this shit dead sober unironically.

Its so fucking stupid.

People tend to not delve deep into the ideology of their opposition. Lets not pretend like you understand what Fascism is either. Everybody understands what liberalism is except liberals, they're like fish in water.

Eh. Adorno hated a lot of the same shit that people complain about here on Jow Forums though. Adorno would consider the "bugman" concept to be an extremely useful distillation of some of the things he hated most about the west.

>post modernism is every idea from 1960-2000
are u dumb
>>irony was developed in this time period
irony has existed for far longer then 60 years, r u dumb
>self-referentialism was developed in this time period
similarly this has existed for far longer then the last 60 years. Again, r u dumb

The difference lies in that the scientific notion of error is the quantification of the accuracy (and associatedly the omission of the liklihood of the inaccuracy) of the experiment. It also relies on a 'prior' which indicates your previous assumptions about the statistical state. I can perform a perfectly valid experiment and using a bad prior acquire garbage data. However my uncertainty or error will tell me that my data is garbage.

This is not a relativist notion; my selection of a prior is out there and the correctness of my selection of the prior is testable. Conversely Derrida is advocating for discarding context; a "prior-less" state. If I have no prior I have no objective measurement of the accuracy of my statement.

Again combining this with modern gender studies papers we see the complete lack of verifiability of the interpretation of the text has given rise to the assumption that the interpretation of a text by the author is (somewhat ironically) a priori correct. The entire technique of discourse analysis then reduces to a fancy implementation of confirmation bias.

I'd suggest that you pay a bit more attention to what the notion of 'error' is scientifically before attempting to use it in this context.

We're post-post-modernists. Post-modernism developed as a reaction to the flaws of modern society, so post-post-modernists develop as a reaction to the flaws of post-modernist society.

LTV wasn't debunked, it was the dominate theory until it became contradictory for universities to support it while accepting donations from industrial revolution capitalist. Countries are now gathering economic statistics for the past decades and we can prove the LTV right: youtube.com/watch?v=emnYMfjYh1Q

where as marginalist theory (capitalism and demand curves) have been debunked long ago: fixingtheeconomists.wordpress.com/2014/02/27/hans-albert-expands-robinsons-critique-of-marginal-utility-theory-to-the-law-of-demand/

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fuck that adorno hated tradition. he would look at the bugmen and trans rights and all this shit as the subversion of the society that chained us up.

Benevolent AI, lol. They'll be just as flawed as the humans that created them. They'll just have god like prediction and learning, but compared to human emotions they won't have shit, no kindness, no happiness, no FUCKING benevolence.

Nobody in AI is working out a set of morals and that's because no two people have exactly the same set.

At best you'll get a set of asimov-like rules that they'll quickly work around by indirect means.

Maybe if you had read the fucking thread you wouldnt have made such a retarded reply.

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Free markets aren't real. Free trade isn't real. The entire idea presupposes a strong state and/or power center to ensure "free" flow of goods, and in the case of modern free trade agreements, a large regulatory apparatus to ensure compliance between the trading parties.

Look into the types of thinking to come out of America's Great Awakenings, in particular the first one. The general thrust of New England Protestantism in particular has to do with rejection of hierarchy, having a "flat" society ruled by God without said unjust (by what theory of justice?) hierarchies, Democracy, etc. Now replace God with an AI and you're pretty close to fully automated luxury gay space Communism. What is happening here is continual (leftist) rejection of hierarchies, authority, etc. as unjust, logically followed by an attempt to outsource governance to some external system/apparatus, whether it's a Constitution, a State, an AI God, etc.

Neo-liberalism has nothing to do with state power. Neo-liberalism is informed by the heritage foundation's core principle that the government should basically do nothing and that the free market will solve everything.

What influence? Trump is in power, Macron is in power, the Tories are in power and capitalism is more free now than it has been for decades. What fucking definition of "left" are you operating under?

>allowed for the spread of critical theory and identity politics
I have a strong feeling you don't know what they are.

Probably, I'm drunk and bored though.

Post-modernism isn't relativist. Find me some evidence that it is.

Possibly, although a benevolent AI would still be a hierarchy so it wouldn't really be communism. It would be like... ultra-distributionalism.

I'm not talking about you, obviously its impossible for me to second guess what anyone user thinks or does. I'm talking about the right in general.


I liked that as well, but Spino will always have a place in my heart.

Communism, Capitalism and Fascism (though communist don't consider capitalism and fascism to be separate, fascism is just evolved capitalism) are the trifecta of modernism according to post-modernists. Grand narratives that are going to solve everything *if only we could just implement them perfectly!* Post-modernist reject the idea anything can be perfect and so they're all doomed to fail.

I understand fascism probably better than you. Carl Schmitt in particular is required reading for any leftist and we even use his friend/enemy distinction.

Oh fuck I am retarded.


Why are you responding earnestly to my parodic interpretation of your stupid-to-the-point-of-meaningless statement? Just explain how "Cultural Marxism" is "Marxist economic ideas applied to culture"; instead of a pathetic slogan heard from people that pretend Capitalism would promote traditional values if the cyptojew cabal wasn't forcing CATCHMEOUTSIDEHOWBOUDAT down our throats.

aww look, babby's first semester of college and she thinks she knows everything about the world now

>only just discovering it.
Faggot, no. People have been shitting on postmodernism for a century. Let me guess, you're in college and now you think you're some kind of expert on postmodernism because you read Deleuze and Guattari?

Is radical accelerationism the final redpill?

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imagine being this unironically ignorant

literally a religious, metaphysical cult

Classic Marxism is class struggle Cultural Marxism is cultural struggle

>Neo-liberalism has nothing to do with state power. Neo-liberalism is informed by the heritage foundation's core principle that the government should basically do nothing and that the free market will solve everything.

Now ask yourself if this actually happens in reality, where corporations act as unofficial arms of the State and are in bed with the CIA, where a huge governmental apparatus is needed to have "free trade" between countries, where the number of regulations grows by the year, etc. The State is undoubtedly more powerful today than ever before.

>What is happening here is continual (leftist) rejection of hierarchies


>im drunk


>Neo-liberalism has nothing to do with state power. Neo-liberalism is informed by the heritage foundation's core principle that the government should basically do nothing and that the free market will solve everything.

Excuse me sir, could you spare a bitcoin?

"intellectual" circles
ha ha ha

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right, I say "Free market" because that's how they're selling it.

Bitcoin is unironically the most right-wing thing in existence today.

Interdasting. The biggest problem with this or any system is the variation and unpredictability of humans of different intelligences and capabilities. Which seems to be the root of every government's struggles for equality, parity or even just keeping it's citizens alive.

>no sources
>a running off at the mouth like the typical lefty sperg
Do continue.

a true accelerationist would take a KSG and blow their brains out to hasten the inevitable.

Lmao what’s the successor you absolutely fucking dullard?

Ummmmmm sweetie? That's not true.

And? You asked what it entails, that's what it entails. That's its problem, it only offered a hammer, no nails.

>Bitcoin is unironically the most right-wing thing in existence today.

Its pure capitalism

Unrefined theft

>Consumption of the easy pleasures of popular culture, made available by the mass communications media, renders people docile and content, no matter how difficult their economic circumstances. The inherent danger of the culture industry is the cultivation of false psychological needs that can only be met and satisfied by the products of capitalism
Does this sound like someone who would be at ComicCon? Adorno preferred the kind of art that resisted easy interpretation, and held to a modernist HighArt vs LowArt dialectic. Say what you want about 12-tone music and abstract paintings, but Adorno would have hated today's post-guilty pleasure consumption-positivity

You’re so so stupid, Jesus

The total dissolution of all grand narratives/traditions is *itself a grand narrative.

End game of this trend is collapse into corruption and chaos. Just like the "communists" the Western capitalist plutocracy will be destroyed by lighht of its own nihilistic/utopian fantasy. Then comes War.

So fine, watch it burn. Just don't be so damned happy about it. Hold on to whatever meaning you can.

That's why we really hate smug PoMo/HyperPoMo faggots.

Also PoMo is 100 years old, discovered by Spengler and Guenon

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>What influence? Trump is in power, Macron is in power, the Tories are in power and capitalism is more free now than it has been for decades. What fucking definition of "left" are you operating under?

The difference between the economic and social left. Economically all the leaders you have stated (with the possible but not really exception of Trump) are all open market. (Which is these days somehow considered a 'centerist position' but I digress). These people are 'right wing' in the sense that they're pro big business, just as Tony Blair was 'left wing' in the sense that he supported big business. None have any real ideological differences, or even supporting ideology beyond the god of growth.

I'd more make a point here that capitalism isn't in an of itself "right wing", you need a little more nuance on your axis to encapsulate the differences there.

If we believed what you faggot leftists said we would have to concede that due to how words are defined it's theoretically impossible for leftists to be authoritarian marxists. You guys literally walk around sayin stuff like "a woman's penis" and you expect us to give a fuck what your "isms" are defined as.

You just cribbed off my comment from a minute prior.

>I'm drunk and bored though.
oh youre just so interesting

But when the AI cops come to arrest the vagrants for loitering at Starcucks, at least they can't scream RACISM.