So.....this is the power of Jow Forums?

So.....this is the power of Jow Forums?

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I'm pretty sure it's mostly niggers in that blue circle.


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only time Jow Forums will organize will be when Jow Forums gets taken down

How many guns do you own?

Your crusade ain't exactly popular compared to punk rock.

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I wouldn't be surprised if none of them frequent Jow Forums or if they had never even heard of it.

That wasn’t even majority antifa. Most of them were locals. Either way the Nazis got shamed out and antifa got locked up so win win.

So glad there's a fellow superior in here afraid to take sides. I'm also a big pussy so you're in good company.

>If I don't believe in anything I can't possibly be wrong. I'm a smart person!

So about 20 autists managed to bait an additional 400 autists into wasting their time. Cool.

Was Thermopylae just another false flag like Charlottesville?

no all the cops rocking full auto, dont forget them

It's over we have the high ground.

imagine meeting all autist user comments u ever read or replied to
holy fuck

Not true. The white power / nazi types are only a small subset of those who browse Jow Forums

I'm sure gun owners outnumber Jow Forums too.

Radical centrist strikes again. Whatcha gonna do boy, throw off helicopters anybody against the status quo?
>Alright, I'd like to add a motion to your bill
>Sorry pal, to the gulags.


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Jow Forums is one of the least white boards

It's goyim, not goys, newfag.

wtf i wasnt invited

It's already withering quite badly. It's just a matter of time before the mods are done away with and Jow Forums turns to dust. The nail that sticks out gets pounded down, and Jow Forums has been sticking out like a nigger's dick when he sees a refrigerator that vaguely resembles a white woman ever since the election.

Remember the 300s

how about we use scientific method? i'm tired of knee jerk emotional reactions by people who don't know what the fuck they're doing.

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>it's goyim not goys
stupid goy
you goys should know goyim and goy means the same
kys goy

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But _how will we organize?

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with 4 of ebin cards

Imagine your shock when you find out that super chads like me count themselves among your numbers. You fell for the neckbearded mong meme.

So, it's what 10 to 1 odds? Thats good...ill still stomp your faggot antifa nazi heads in...
Yall have a nice day...

what the hell does the scientific method have to do with opinions on some people protesting

we've got a regular big brained niBBa over here.
may i inquire sir, what is your IQ? i bet it's in the high 140s.
also, would you recommend Jordan Peterson's latest book?

man, this guy is so smart he doesn't take sides. now that's a big brain right there. i wish i was that smart.

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>claiming Jow Forums was ever there
>claim "power of Jow Forums"

you have to be over 18 to post here kid

1 Tarren Mill Horde can kill a dozen of more Alliance retards.

> scientific method
high IQ ashkenazi confirmed

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there's plenty of antifa Jow Forumsacks , i personally know 2



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Jokes on you, we are a bunch of plasticized AP crystals in the shape of a nail.
Go ahead hit us with that hammer, see what happens

ever watched Zulu?



the left always congregates more idiots

The power of Jow Forums is drawing 20,000+ "counter protesters" in Boston to some colored politician's campaign announcement.

Attached: boston nazi rally.webm (1280x720, 2.95M)

>these are the faggots who call me a fucking leaf

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Fucking LEAF

fuck Antifa - we should not dismiss fascism, but rather combine socialism and fascism! Long live National Bolshevism!!

autism lord

you will always be a leaf

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based leaf

Those are mostly feds bby. Anyone who attends these rallies is exposing himself and most poltards are obsessed with privacy, They know their views can ruin their jobs/social standing.

Yeah it's just larpers looking to brawl. I bet 90% of those people could not explain thier political ideology

Hitler would turn in his grave if he (had a grave and) would see this cowardice

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Antifa = George Soros paid protestors. No one takes antifa seriously so why would everyone waste their time? Those on the antifa side who aren't being paid to be there are evil demon possessed freaks only there to throw bricks, pissed filled balloons, bike locks, doodoo, paint. Fkn pathetic violent degenates.

What did he mean by this

That’s pretty nice

Search didn't work

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hey, I just come to Jow Forums when I'm high - you probably more often, so you win in this autism battle

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all these glasses-wearing degenerates can't type the address

Coming from a meme flag poster, regardless I filled in more of the address than I had to, video is meh.

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The time Jow Forums gets shut down is the day those madmen create the real happenings

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welcome to Jow Forums: the most ethnically diverse group of white nationalists you'll ever meet

I do my protesting online like a civilized person




>participating in a fucked system will bring on a better system
t. gaslighting shill retards

come to Nazbol brother - it's the party for you and me!

you clearly misunderstood my previous post

Thats a big group of people. Would be a shame if something happened to them.

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> that's right goy doing absolutely nothing is the best thing you can do
> make sure you have no opinions, take no sides, and do fuck all
> it's the quickest way to bring about change

hey, I can at least try?

indifference if the only way to treat things of which you disapprove. if you fight it, you're just feeding it. what you resist, persists. if you ever realize this, you'll be free
a for effort

whoaaa edgy bro!!!!!!!

they look pretty based

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antifa: give me free stuff
WN: no, give ME free stuff



I also live by quotes regardless of circumstances.

That's incredibly sad.

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>Larger Group of Not Nazis

Wow it's like Nazis are outnumbered who fucking knew, great job guy

While I don't think being radical in (almost) anything is a good thing, this image is fucking funny.

Right wingers are almost always outnumbered at these sorts of things because

1. Soros and other leftist sugar daddies pay to bus in counter protesters
2. There is absolutely no risk to your freedom, economic livelihood or reputation to to to a leftist counter-protest unless you do something really stupid like le bike lock man.