/SOSNicaragua/: JUST FUCK MY SHIT UP Edition

The Basics:
>government fucks social security
>issues loans to (((cronies)))
>nation-wide chimpout happens
>the army's being mobilized
>people are stacking on provisions and water everywhere
>the police are stealing people's provisions
>Contras are rearming themselves
>high chance (((they)))'re behind this shitshow
>mass gassing seems imminent

Last Thread
Watch the Shitshow here:



Thread Theme: youtube.com/watch?v=oIscL-Bjsq4

If anyone knows how to drive and operate a tank will be greatly appreciated if you shared the info with us

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Other urls found in this thread:


there is a drone at the Jean Paul

show us some gore so we can spread it to the normies

>If anyone knows how to drive and operate a tank will be greatly appreciated if you shared the info with us

Bro I love every single one of these you've put in every thread.

here's the timeline


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One of what looks like a more or less organized group made this.

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This happened on 4/19

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Does Nicaragua have hot woman? Asking for a friens.

Where's the liveleaks guy? he was uploading the really gory videos

Holy fuck, any pictures bro?

BUMP fucking rough road

this is sad

but since this is probably going no where also a waste

In the mean time here's a really good plan some user gave us

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give me the basic gestalt on the Sandinista Youth


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Who are the 'Sandinista Youth'?

other one lost his eye

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He's going to look like a badass with a eyepatch 20 years down the road.

I don't why the Pellas or Cohens or Chamorros just scrounge up 10 million and find a good international sniper to take out the leadership. This fucking shit. Even my elitist schoolmates from ANS are out in the streets. I'm considering going down there once there's a clear structure to the protesters.

shit son
see 's dropbox

hope he's okay

>but since this is probably going no where also a waste
its sad that what you just said might be true
technically they're the Sandinistas shock troopers

Alright I'm signing off for a while, please someone take care of the thread while I'm gone.

Im going to the hardware store, I want to build that "four winds" shotgun, then I'll probably go visit my friends and relatives and maybe check on my crush, see if she's alright

yes we do :)

Egoraptor really isn't aging well.

A bunch of thugs paid by the government to do their bidding. Right now their bidding is to fight peaceful protesters and try to quell them.

basically Sadinista Youth is a pro government gropu(actually people bought by the government) they do what the government tells them,they have been working as a shock force along the police, beating everyone up

is the military on their side?
do they have guns?
are they getting paid by (((the government)))?

I'll try to keep it going

what's the racial composition of Nicaragua

Useful idiots for the commies. Take some poor, dumb teenagers and give them a uniform and some power and they will kill to preserve it because they have nothing else. These types of groups are the backbone of communist dictatorships.


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Yes, the government is literally paying them to work as shock troops. Vid is the police bringing them stones to throw at protesters

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Little fuckers who are sucking Ortega's balls

No, the military was deployed yesterday, they're going straight for the kill, two days ago they started using rubber bullets but soon changed to lethal

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mostly mestizo. about 10% white

Fuck, were you the one that asked me for my Liveleak Channel?

Its here, hopefully you can add some stuff to your dropbox.


Fucking coward, dissapointed but not unexpected

That was me, thanks brother im taking them to good use

Swats have been raiding universities, and shooting everyone.
They have been using tear gas, grenades, and Aks

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What is that, exactly?
They sort of sound like a chamber of commerce...

Sounds like the blm movement of spicland. Too bad you dont have a pinochet.

we had a badass named Somoza... pretty much betrayed by Carter

>That stance
>Police vest
This pose leaves his side ribs exposed to oncoming fire. No trauma plate in the side...
No trauma plate there.


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Jow Forums's first dictatorship

can you imagine how well we could run a country with the leader using us as their think tank?

thanks. don't care then

sounds good.

yeah its something like that, they were supposedly going for peaceful discutions but they're not doing it unless the government accepts their conditions.

We dont have guns either, minimum wage is 200$ a glock 17 is like 700$, you're averga Antonio doesnt has enough money for a gun.
the best we have are this mortars, some guys have been sending us tutorials on how to make our own WW2 tier weapons

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there's no incoming fire. the police are the only ones with guns.

>COSEP is a ministry that is composed of private enterprise
>We communicate:
>We express our total backing of the youth and population in general who have mobilized and peacefully demonstrated in defense of their principals and their rights.
>Because the crisis goes far beyond the discontent over social security reform, we demand that the government:
> a. Immediately cease the repression done by the national police force and shock troops (juventud sandinista) loyal to the government and to guarantee free and safe peaceful demonstrations
>To immediately free the citizens detained for exerting their right to freely and peacefully express themselves
> Re-establish and guarantee a free, non-restricted press and free expression

>We can not have a dialogue if these conditions are not met. The dialogue must also contain representatives of the youth and from academic sectors and from the Episcopal conference.

>We urge the government to create these conditions immediately to avoid more bloodshed
>Managua, april 21st, 2018

Translation here:

Problem its going to be setting a reunion, right now we dont have a strong leader, there are only angry people fightning, most people are communicating via whatsapp facebook and twitter, so information its going to leak out to the government regardless

Make some extra-long barrel shotties and you might be able to bring them down, but without a barrel choke, it's probably not going to be a thing.

>there's no incoming fire.
Glowing contras soon.



here see some of the gory shit happening

nicas please get your shit together, we have enough problems already and we dont want any more of you "people" here

some context on this picture.

Ortega gave a speech today, he said nothing but shit, he didnt proposed a solution and only avoided to talk about the problem, and said stupid shit like the protest being drug dealers and "minories" disguised as patriots(yeah that's why you're shooting universities fucker) everyone but daniel and his wife la chayo had that face, they all know they fucked up beyond repair

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Nice to see a fellow Costaricanon, dont worry bro we're trying to fix this shit, I dont want to leave this shithole, I want to repair it

I've seen that one with the big cut before, that's old

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based Nicaraguan

>using us as their think tank?
"Honey, come to bed..."
"I can't, I'm not done shitposting Nicaraguan economic policy..."

are you whiter than them? fuck I need a map with all the percentages for South America

yeah feels the same here, but perhaps it's another one. it's not that uncommon

We face and reveal ourselves against injustice and repression. We are not afraid.

I think its from yesterday.

Appreciated bro, we're also trying to spread the message about or shitty situation

Are Nicaraguans "sudacas?" Like the spics even Mexicans hate?

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You forgot to mention that we are being financing by the USA empire lmao

Yeah I forgot about that shit, was expecting him to say "its all the CIA's work"

we call them centracas

i dont hate them

live stream



we hate mexicans, but we get called centracas

More like the ones no one know about and neve talk about

im not sure if we are whiter than them but at least we are not as niggers as them. nicas are partly responsible for the crisis our country is in, they come here to abuse our social security, most thugs are nicas, and if you ask anyone they are lazy, make a lot of noise and generally are bad people

how ever i know there a lot of non-nigger nicas out there, so i really hope you guys fix your country, ive visited and its got a few nice places

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My bad, I was thinking of picrelated

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reminder, these are the tanks we're expecting to run into

Yeah dont worry about it pal

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only shit nicas go to live to Costa Rica, so I understand how you feel, don't worry, this place will get it's shit together one way or another

Wow a Mexican that doesn’t act like he’s above Central Americans

They're beating the shit out of everyone, no exception

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geographically we are m8
to be honest i kind of feel disgust towards most of my country men
at the same time many would call me a liberal
but i would not doubt in genociding most of them


That's Guatemala's fault.





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He was one of the first kills

fuck races in America, both North and South, are a fucking mess. what a shame
We shall re-europeanize all of this shit one day

Not to be too Machiavellian, but that's some good propaganda right there...

There more than 10 confirmed, there have been repports of 19 more deaths, they say the police is trying to hide that shit, their bodies are inside the UNI(National University)

What's the death toll?

nvm checked

Unfortunately you're right, that's not the only one like that, we're going to have to use those photos and videos

Actually that picture wasn't confirmed that it was real and it was from another source not related to what we are going through

no international news are reporting it , no one cares. maybe if it was a drowned syrian kid refugee they will care.

un-ironically live in italian founded town

Costa Rica is the lease shity central America country, i really think that without ortega nicaragua can get their shit together, lets hope they manage to throw him out

Central Americans are basically our brothers, we share a similar culture and hopefully will share a destiny

Whenever I see an American flag bashing an irrelevant country like Guatemala, I immediately assume I’m speaking to diaspora

Reminder that we hate all of you niggas, but we tried to help you exterminate the commies back then.
I know the Juntas was CIA lapdogs but still the mutual hate for communism was reason enough.
>Pero la idea de los argentinos de cómo combatir "la subversión comunista" en América Central no era igual, en ese momento, a la de la administración Carter. Los argentinos bregaban por lo que se denominó el Plan Charlie, es decir la constitución de un "ejército panlatinoamericano liderado por la Argentina que desembarcara en El Salvador con la idea de arrinconar a los revolucionarios hacia Honduras donde serían exterminados"

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....I'm not sure that's precisely relevant.
It'd be dishonest, if true...but my moral compass can swing wide, shall we say.

Look at this shit man, this is ridiculous

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Wasn't he the kid from Instituto Loyola?

I feel for the Nicaraguans, especially the pol bro who keeps posting here but, it's gonna go down like this in the US and, some of you here will be MAGA shock troops so just keep that in mind.

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I've heard good things about Costa Rica yeah
The other day an user from Costa Rica told me I could move here in case of emergency
(I have judiciary problems in my country)

Nah, just shitposting, perpetuating a stereotype. I've met a scant few that I know of, they weren't bad.

Is that a fucking hunting rifle on his back?

all the naysayers and people who think that this kinda shit can't happen here should pay the fuck attention. it did not take long for Nicaragua to go from 0 - 100. it can happen at any time and shit tends to go tits up in a hurry.

thats why I'm prepared with a SHTF box and bunch of guns, ammo, plate carriers and kevlar helmets.

>Touching a cop
Brown people get killed over shit like that here...

you know what my nica frendo, forever blaming the USA gets you nothing, that excuse is over use, i've been to mexico and central-america, we got a saying here in chile even when we talk about ourself "la raza es la mala" (something like "the race is the problem")

we are one of the prime examble of US "helping us" and doing good in the long run. japan is another.

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