I’m about to write a best selling book about Jow Forums and Jow Forums and all the chinanagans they have gotten up to. I’m gonna make it more graphical because chan is “an image board”. But I’m gonna hit up crazy screen grabs too cause funny af shit. Got anything to add?
Book about Jow Forums
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HEYO S(o)YB(o)Y!
It's spelled shenaniggins, faggot
Fuck off
I'm sure it's because our hate towards chinks and their sub-human behaviour towards animals.
Your bowel cancer will Kill you before you finish you overweight boomer cuck
Fuck off with your normie shit. We don't need any more new users here.
Its already been done, its called Kill all normalfags.
I want to be described as enigmatelly handsome.
Or kill all normies or whatever
>Got anything to add?
When you finish your book, kill yourself with it
chapter one, op is a faggot
OP is a nigger kike fag
SAgethis shit
Kidnap the jap
Dindu nuffin said the jiggaboo to the jew
nigger stole the kikes bike
kidnap the jap
niggerboo the jiggaboo
sage said the nigger ot the kiek
kidnap the jap
OP is a faggot
Jow Forums is being slowly taken over by neo-Nazis. Some of us miss Ron Paul memes
Cant chinese moot sue this faggot?
Now I’m gonna write bad stuff about Jow Forums.
So butthurt
So always angry.
It’s gonna be fun af.
Should I write a glowing report ?
Love this idea!
Your book will be a year out of date by the time it's published. Jow Forums is a fast moving board and highly opportunistic to earn a hearty kek when the time comes, or if Jow Forumsacks are bored.
Besides, we have screenshots and image compilations to document Jow Forums's history, plus the archives. Who do you plan on selling this to?
Write a book about how you rape your grandmother and ass fuck your kid brother you hook nosed kike
Got you bro
Screen capped. Awesome!
You should not
Hear that.
Selling to amazon. Of course. Lamborghinis on the moon!
If anything is going to get buried in the Jow Forums history books its this
It will be historical
You have been duped all of it is satire
Thanks man!
Screen grabbed, but it’s classic. “This book is purely satire”
What should the book be called?
If your gonna write about Jow Forums and make it a best seller then your going to have to explain meme magic and memetics along side everything else.
If you write the book from a non-Jow Forumsack perspective then it won't sell.
You can't be some random guy writing about Jow Forums, you have to be one of us who uses it a lot and have been for a wile in order to write a good enough and in depth book about it.
Jow Forums is a lot more than just funny pranks...
It's about swinging elections, pushing certain political agendas which have led to legislation and policy changing.
Jow Forums is more than a place where people make jokes and pull pranks. Yes that's part of it, but the deeper picture of Jow Forums (Because 95% of Jow Forums's legendary moments originate from Jow Forums) is the understanding of what holds it all together and how a bunch of random people from all over the world who don't know each other are literally changing the course of humanity.
That's what Jow Forums is about, changing all of human History just because it's funny and we can
Yes, we all have deep beliefs. But in essence, it's always about the lulz
I have told Jow Forums about your idea of writing a book. They love it.
They love it so much they have made a song to lift your morale. Yep, just for you op.
Maybe take an English course before writing a book.
>explain meme magic and memetics
Autism, the post
Redpill the world on how small Putin is.
dont unless its Jow Forums approved, otherwise gtfo
>ecause 95% of Jow Forums's legendary moments originate from Jow Forums)
hi redit
>jay greenberg
Kill yourself
You're a fucking retard. They've always been here.
That's a good one
rules 1 & 2 mother fucker!
>now I'm gonna write bad stuff about Jow Forums
People have been doing this for years with no effect.
>a best selling book about Jow Forums and Jow Forums
You can have my screengrabs, I don't care if you write your autistic little book at all though faggot
so yourself? its normalfag not normie.
Nr. 3
I’ll make sure to make the book to counter your book. And trust me, I know a fuck load more and seen more than all of you combined
Nr. 4
Nr. 5
Nr. 6
Nr. 7
And Octo
Just going to say no one here will agree on everything some people see trump as a jewish puppet others see him as the second coming of christ. The only unity here is when we all have a common agenda with each other(mostly having a giggle).
He doesn't know
Keep it up boys! Keep the hate coming! Don't stop
or we'll never be immortalized!
I fucking hate newfags.