What is she seeking to accomplish?
What is she seeking to accomplish?
she's gonna lick this country's pussy
to crash this race. with no survivors
Don't know, but those legs make he think of this pic of DWS.
Looks like she's trying to eat some American pie for the 4th of july.
I wish there was a better picture of her feet, I'm curious about her toes, possibly soles.
collecting all my cummies
7/10 body, 3/10 face, would consider.
Jesus that’s ugly
>sorry citizens i need to be excused ~_~'
0/10 face.
She looks like a man and that shaved hair does her no favors.
I think you posted the wrong pic, user. There is no she in this picture.
Is she auctioning Florida?
Whores just want their gash railed. By a plastic or real dick. That's all.
She gets 1 point for not being covered in moles or legions, and another point for general symmetry.
She is disgusting
Scissoring across America to stop gun violence
That hover hand
top kek
Free ride scholarshit to a prestigious school.
She'll probably get one, unlike Hogg lmao.
i still don't understand why she isn't locked up
this is now a mongrel thread
Literally thought it was a man when I saw the thumbnail
El goblina needs moar bracelets
A true American. Why do white men on this board pretend to love America? You basically hate everything about it.
She's draggin quite the wagon. Judges sometimes make selfish decisions.
She's going to become a ham planet in no time
>yeah, I'm thinking I'm back
About 200-250 lbs if I am guesstimating correctly. Give it 1-1.5 years.
The mutts trying to tell you thats the future of the USA....
Just a disgusting little bastard.
Looks like a anti social runaway boy.
As soon as someone gives it some drugs you'll never hear from it again.
That's all the CIA would do.
The CIA wouldn't forget it'll need a few phone numbers too.
It deserves it and Hogg is already on psychiatric speed.
bisexual women are the best.
I don't understand why you losers always complain about women degeneracy slut women=more sex for you
Khazar hooves
Only a cockroach could be ok with that sort of degeneracy.
She is realizing she's a stupid teenager and she doesn't like the role she has been coerced into accepting. She knows her image is now the kike, america hating dyke, so she's trying to change it by showing she loves america.
>Why is promiscuity degenerate
You wouldn't understand roach.
She's violating the flag code.
Next week, she will be an afterthought. They all will.
who dis
that image is photoshopped
She wants to get her friend a pair of functioning legs.
>maximum attention with politics reached
>time to get naked
I think shes trying to get with some hot chicks user. No lie
To slide our board
With newfags bumping
Debbie Wasserman Schultz.
Wamen can't really help themselves don't they?
she already is. Syria is huger than these fucking hacks.
Her torso is exactly the same length as the firl standing beside her, but she has short stumpy legs, should she get leg extensions ? I say yes !
friend had manlet surgery. pic related
A sweaty vagoo on her face
A beard on her chin
that's her sultry face
wtf me ! girl
Trolling for more attwntion from simps
Spics are "R" selected she's trying to breed.
She's an unintelligent liberal female that knows that her body gets her attention thus showing her body off seems like an intelligent, practical and effective way to get her point across. The problem is that her point is stupid and that by doing this she looks like a retarded fucking whore.
She might realise this one day but it will be too late.
Purple hair would look good with pale skin and blue eyes.
el goblina
is it bad that I knew who this was just from the butt and hair?
Deep Vein Thrombosis
No views of that ass.
that looks like a brutally painful treatment for something that wasn't even a problem to being with.
And blonde hair.
whoa, neat
she has exceptionally short fat legs & noodle hair
HA HA HA they thnk the problem is leg "Length"
Aw look it's Larping as an American.
the right to bare arms
>manlet cope
they never learn. webm related going back to the pit
If I were a doctor I'd give them leg shortening surgery instead, to teach them a lesson about the perils of vanity, then they'd be turbo manlets, but humble turbo manlets.
She's might be a mk-ultra monarch programmed tool they are using to take away guns. Shaved head is a way of emotionally damaging a mk-ultra programmed person.
They expect at least one of us to have died brother
for what? 3/4 of an inch?
>leaf cannot into proportions
Zheng, or Rajeetsharhmauvanin, you should be good at math unless you're pic related.
Deport these cunts. Send them all to the EU where they can live lives devoid of personal rights.
Anyone know here shoulder routine?
the new Canadian Boy Band 38 degrees
Lol, worthless whore.
>38 degrees
That would be an Aussie band. For our neighbours up North would be closer to -30 degress. (Remember they use Cuck units and not freedom units.)
Literally the least understandable fetish
I want to cum on her cute tummy
>Getty fap
Goblina has a nice, curvy and meaty feminine body i give her that.
Look at her fat fucking feet they're disgusting
>what is she seeking to accomplish
to push the feminist agenda so she can feel more powerful and beautiful despite how ugly her outer appearance becomes. also to feel smart even though shes just spouting rhetoric given to her, thats mostly what the feminist movement was built off of, saying inane shit someone else said just to feel superior