So lets say that you find your trad virgin future wife and when you meet her father he shows you this sign.
what would you do?
So lets say that you find your trad virgin future wife and when you meet her father he shows you this sign.
what would you do?
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its a canadian leaf that wants to marry his daughters boyfriend
Laugh, and say "Oh, yeah, right, tough guy. I'm SURE you killed a lot of guys for breaking your faggy little rules. Ha ha ha" And if he gets violent, I'll kick his weak old ass.
Jump ship. She's no trad, no dad would be that over compensatingly insecure without knowing his daughter is an uncontrollable cock monster.
Pump and dump her. but make her do degrading shit that will haunt her and question whether or not she is a whore.
>whatever you do to her, i will do to you
So he'll date me?
famous last words
>rules obviously implies this girl is under 18 and lives with her parents as a dependent
You need to read the rules and come back when you are older.
Give her killer oral sex, then tell the dad and say he owes you some oral, then wink.
he'll fuck you in the ass
Lose lose situation. Either you get beat up by an old man, or you go to prison yourself for beating up an old man. 4D Checkmate.
Sorry father-in-law, but I'm really into pegging.
Bend over.
>not wanting an uncontrollable cock monster
>what would you do?
Throw it on the ground and laugh at him.
Shake his hand and smile.
A week later I'd see about havin' a beer or goin' fishin'.
This is how father's should act.
I'd feel better about marryin' his daughter lookin' at that.
>record it and send it to her dad
Bust a nut on his daughter's face and send him a picture through my friends phone
Ever since I bought that MDE book I can only see this behavior as the father internally screaming "I wanna fuck my daughter".
Show him this
This is exactly why no American listens mexicans or canadians. Daddys little princess is a massive slut. She probably says "i love you, daddy" after choking down cum from our star-spangled dicks.
no problem. understood.
> implying fathers have any rights at all in today's world
all that tough talk for a slave that's stuck on the plantation. can't wait till wifey gets home and emasculates you and tells you shut up and get in the corner
>whatever you do to her I will do to you
>drops pants
I guess we better get this rough anal sex out of the way, "dad".
He's going to fuck me in the ass?
Run away. This guy isn’t alpha at all. Just a stupid, jealous, aggressive beta.
Daughter probably has “daddy” wrapped around her finger.
So if I fuck your daughter, you will fuck me?
as long as the girl is worth it, I don't see a problem
Live up to these literally below-baseline standards?
must be white???
bit his penis off
well duh
>get a job
can't be a nig nog
>you better get a job
>he expects her mates to not have a job in the first place
looks like his daughter dates losers and he got tired of it
"Good to see we're of the same mindset."
Call him a fag and tell him mind his own fucking business
go down on daughter, demand head from dad
>if you lie to me I will find out
Well, I can't hide who I am. I'll wear my finest SA shirt
it's funny because the daughters are all fucking niggers
If shes a beautiful faithful virgin, I'd gladly accept the challenge
Challenge him to a fight, he will appreciate the cohones.
This. A good father isn’t some meats guarding beta orbiter of his own daughter. He’s a cocky aloof alpha whose approval she’s always chasing after, and he’ll give it out when she’s consistently done a good job without being badgered into it.
The dad is going to fuck my throat then piss in my eyes?
What a fag.
This man gets it.
That sign isn't a red flag about the father, it's a red flag about the daughter.
Girls with unstable controlling dads are always huge sluts with massive issues. 100% guaranteed she is guzzling niggercum at a rate that can be measured in gallons per second whenever daddy isn't looking.
turn 360 degrees and BRAAAP in his face
>Buy dinner for daughter
>He buys dinner for you
Hey thats prettygood
Laugh at the idea of a boomer doing shit to anyone. Boomers are the biggest larpers.
Fucking tough guy larping as "or tough guy dad" to try and get respect from his peers and bored ass wife. Total faggot tier display of insecurity
>girls with unstable controlling dads are whores
> girls with no dads in their lives are also whores
So which one is it?
>uncontrollable cock monster
wait, she is futa? that changes everything
RIP, Mini Me.
Ask what made him a whiteknight.
Kill myself.
The father must be a strong, stable influence.
>If one extreme doesn't work, shouldn't the other?
How is anyone this retarded?
Well, I wouldn't fuck her in the ass for starters.
Depends on how serious you are about the girl. Also, the father's attitude is natural. I don't think I'd be offended.
would he have sex with me if I have sex with his daughter?
I dont understand what the hell you mean? This board pushes for women who have dads in their lives and then you go on and say if you're in your daughter's life shes going to turn into a whore?
Trayvon will honor those rules daddy I promise.
I don't think you realize how old boomers are...
You wouldn't be dating their daughters, you'd be dating their granddaughters.
Stick my tongue in ass
Lol, it's good he's not afraid of prison, because she'll make her own rules or that's where he's going.
>wanting HIV
....girls with...strong...emotionally fathers perhaps?
Women don’t respect beta mate guarding shit, not even from their fathers
He sounds like an internet tough guy rather than a bible believing christian
"Yep, sounds reasonable to me, sir!"
>As if they are literally going to be absolutely everywhere 24/7
>whatever you do to her I will do to you
Go for it, faggot.
"whatever you do to her i will do to you"
>tfw i cant be impregnated
well, then i guess we'll love cherish and respect each other
>'tough dad' shit that has balding manlet written all over it
Ooh. really scary pal.
Onions basedboy
>you sucked her dick
wtf user
>not sucking a girl's dick
what are you, gay?
my fucking sides
i bet you kiss girls faggot
>So lets say that you find your trad virgin future wife and when you meet her father he shows you this sign.
>what would you do?
Casually inform her father that you gave his daughter a rim job last night and got her as clean as a whistle.
Pull down your trousers, and your pants if you have any on and tell him you expect him to make good on the "whatever you do to her" promice.
Papa bear will either respect your alpha superiority over him in all tour future dealings or give you a nice clean ring piece, ether way, you win.
We don’t means go all “HURR DURR DURR, I will BLAST you with muh shotgun if you seduce muh baby girl princess!” boomer shit. That’s insecure as fuck and reeks of cuckservative “masculinity”. And any young pussyhound is gonna be entertained by impotent threat displays before drilling her ass while she’s “studying” with her friends. I did it myself.
She’ll just see it as the ramblings of an upset beta cuck.
Y’know what kind of girls didn’t run around with guys like me? Girls with chill masculine fathers, who’d just smirk in contempt/pity of me because calmly explained (subliminally brainwashed lol) to her that guys like me are low status and would make her a social pariah. Among people she considers cool, mind you.
He probably even sent his daughter off to public school
If someone said that to me in person with a little less cringe I'd respect them. The sign is just embarrassing
this is the right response.
realize he's a blowhard posturer and fuck her the same
>your daughter is an adult.
>you're not tough
>go fuck yourself
>slap girls as as were walking away
that sounds like a christcuck
real white fathers would have pic related
>traps are gay
debatable desu
>Daddy's little girl learns about the usefulness of tradcon white knights.
Hola sir, sounds OK mi amigo, dios mio!
This is also why it's so easy for your white daughters to get BLACKED and BEANED on a regular basis, sweeties.
idk rape her
My knees ache not b/c of basketball or dancing, but killing faggots. Play your cards right or you'll be next.