Great Russian Shitwall

Well fuck this shit

The KGB commie leftovers have finally done it. They are blocking youtube and google, the addresses are already in the list and the ISPs will update their filters tomorrow, so this may be the last several hours an actual Russian may post here without VPN\S, (which will undoubtedly blocked too in the near future). After that it will only be Putin paid shills.

I was able to tolerate all the regime's bullshit until now, because I believe no matter how shit Russia is it is still a positive actor on the international arena, particularly in Syria, but not anymore.

The last place where I could just stay and mind my own business is done for and turned into another totalitarian crazy ass commie shithole. There's no place to even flee for a Human in this world now - Niggers in Africa, Caliphate in Eurabia, Commies in China and all of the above + militant faggots in North America.

But don't rest easy, putinist cocksuckers. Whether you're an olgino scum or alt-cuck dupe who bought into le based Putin meme and sucks his cock, the reality will come bite you in the ass, whether because you will lose, or because you will win and then see who you've been siding with.

Farewell and fuck you.

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America is a big place user with lots of different communities. It's not militants you need to worry about but diabetes and debt slavery. Oh.. and roving packs of feral niggers. We call them werenigs. But as long as you carry a silver cross and vials of holy water you will be fine.

Battlefield 5 is saved

Well the fact I just don't want to be a dirty rapefugee. I don't really have much to contribute to the new potential society so I'd rather stay and hope to see this shit burn. Soviet Union was more powerful than this kleptocratic joke and it still fell.

And besides, you're a still an axis of evil with your jewish allies.

honest question why are russians competing with us instead ow working with us like uk, germany and france? why do they care if nato extends to soviet lands?

Russia is still cucked by jews and yet it gains none of the benefits of being cucked by jews

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privet chuvak.

im going back to the motherland next year. also thinking of maybe buying a small piece of property in permskaya oblast. thoughts?

They're still blocking the IPs?

Keep us posted, ruskiebro. We're all Russian Hackers here, so we need to be able to know how life is in the motherland.

every1 is cucked by the kikes. the central banks are out in full force creating j00 bucks out of thin air in virtually every country. pretty soon they'll crash the world economy and consolidate their power giving it to the IMF / BIS. then it'll be one global bank creating j00 bucks for the entire planet.

fuck it. no1 gives a shit so it is what it is. best you can hope for is a small house / farm combo. better learn to build, grow and shoot and stop jerking off. the time is coming soon.

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just use a vpn