You're not white

Only blonde hair and blue eyes in white.

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I have both but im asian.

whiter than u mouhamed

so your asian, have blonde hair and blue eyes,
and live in cold finland.
gotcha, wannabe.

Week I'm olive skinned with thick coarse black hair and my child's mother is pale, blonde hair, and blue eyed.

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Guess I'm white...

what am i supposed to do now?

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>blonde hair and blue eyes and pale af
>find black hair and dark eyes the most attractive

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Fuck, I'm pale as fuck but have dark brown hair and eyes. Put me out of my misery! I can't take this degeneracy anymore!

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shitskin fetishist


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well, I still prefer pale skin

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Hitler wasn’t white


Where is the blond line?

all my life I fluctuate from dark blond in summer to light brown in winter

most people call me blond but Its really only blond in sunlight

>You're not white
>Only blonde hair and blue eyes in white.
Oh, so I'm white then.

>be the most cuckolded group of faggots on the planet



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Ur right.
But at least im not a nigger

Ok then stop using Greco-Roman civilization

dumbass, romans were ancient nordics

I am white then..


Explain this you somali nigger

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I had blonde hair up to the age of 8 and blue eyes. Where do i stand?

Hair and eye color are very volatile. It’s not unusual for siblings to have different eye colors, and occasionally different hair colors. No race realist has ever used hair or eye color to determine race. It’s what they used to make fun of the Nazis for because their was a lie they believed in that pseudo science. Even though it was propaganda made up about them by the soviets. You’re probably a leftypol troll

>Only blonde hair and blue eyes in white.
Not only are you horrid when it comes to grammar, you have absolutely no idea when it comes to genetics in Caucasians. Make like a leaf and hang from a tree you fucking neanderthal.

My fucking sides, thanks

Reminder that 8/10 women prefer dark haired men

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You know "nordic" runes come from southern alphabets right?

Ok. Then I am white.

varg drinks mediterranean semen to make nice skin

Varg is a retarded faggot

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Snowniggers are sissy nigger-loving faggots.
Meds are real men, creators of European philosophy, architecture and science.
Meds purged sandniggers and Carthaginian scum, Meds destroyed Jews and their temple.

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Why do people care about eye and hair colour so much?

fiinns are albino mongolids

He needs to trim his nails, dirty nigger

can having a complete white eye posible?no and also blondes is much recent human hair color

>these faggots don't have wild-type hair

>be white
>dont have blonde hair blue eyes
>sees a black hand
>"He needs to trim his nails,dirty nigger"

Blue eyes, That is an genetic mutation that occurred, Learn the difference between an mutation and an adaption you moron

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Reading is degenerate. Stop being literate!