Are millennials the most mediocre and despicable generation to have walked this Earth so far?

Are millennials the most mediocre and despicable generation to have walked this Earth so far?

>the generation of skinny basedboy "males"
>everyone either has purple hair, tattoos or piercings
>everyone is a special snowflake individual with no duties or obligations towards anyone
>army of left-wingers and communists in its ranks
>biologically inferior to previous generations from the estrogen in the water
>music is either formless, muddied and random chords (wave or something like that) or faggy upbeat pop shit with 'millenial whoop' (they actually came up with a term for it)
>do childish things well into adulthood like collect Cuck Wars figurines or watch cartoons
>not interested in world history and politic, but absolutely need to know who's fucking who in Israelwood
>address each other as brah, bro, bud, dude
>never fought in any war

And I'm a millenial myself (1994). Seriously this generation is AIDS. Even our juniors from Gen Z are more based.

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Millennial here. I escape today's music from the internet, learn history and politics from the internet, watch obscure shows on the internet. Saying I can't escape is ridiculous

I can only answer with a simple Yes

I read somewhere a couple of years ago that young people peaked in physical strength in like 1984, so there is some truth to this.
t. born in the 60s master race

whats the official definition for what constitutes a Gen Z'er? 1997? 1998? 2001?

Z is 2005 and later
the pew research center defines the millennial generation ending at 1996

Pew Research isn't the US government.

thats what I thought, I'm 97 and I was usually told that I was a Gen Z'er. Fucking hope that I am, wouldn't want to be a millennial

Sorry. I don't feel collective guilt or shame. If someone wants to guilt me for being born in some arbitrary time period they are the idiot.

This is you

Millennials have it far worse than the boomers and gen X.

There are just no good paying jobs now and everything costs so much.

Yes. Boomer hell spawn.

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>butthurt cuz he doesn't get to engage in millenial debauchery

whos the basedboy?

It just seems that way, OP. Every generation of elders says the same thing.

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There are good paying jobs. You live in some fantasy land.

>jewing intensifies

Why would I want to when I can choose to socially disengage? I have belief systems different from all generations because of this.

You’re both faggots. A generation is 20 years if judging numerically or ~20 years if judging culturally. Millennials run from 1980 to 2000 or 1981 (Reagan Revolution) to 2001 (9/11).

If you remember Obama getting elected, then you’re a millennial.

Found the booomer


You are pretty ignorant kid. Girls were dying their hair colors in the 70s, the real huge left wing movements all happened before you were born, feminism, civil rights, abortion,etc all happened long ago and these are the things that have fucked our society. Millennials haven't done anything, they are a product of the irresponsible and ignorant generations before them.

Here's the difference between a Millennial and a Boomer or Gen X. There are no jobs for Millennials. A Millennial has to compete with people not even in his country for a job.

eh stfu bro

>never fought in any war
Also you are a moron, the men sent to Iraq, Afghanistan,etc ARE Millennials.

Try Computer Science graduate.


OP is a faggot.

People can analyze their environment. Ultimately everyone decides what they believe.


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Nobody I know is offended by the show Friends. It's just some know it all internet writer trying to tell us reality that doesn't exist.

>get into crippling dept with jews you'll be rich like me fellow goyim

Try zero debt for me.

It truly is a testament to just how batshit insane most millenials are today that the absolute most normie tier, non intellectually engaging sitcom of the 90's is "problematic" to them. Honest to Christ, the "educators" that made them this way should all be publicly hung. An entire generation of people who think they know better than everyone else based on fucking feelings.
It really should be considered an egregious crime against humanity. They basically brainwashed them through Pavlovian call and response, but they still think they are independent.

You are a boomer
>go to college and get a degree
>I did it, why are you so lazy?
>stupid millennials
fuck off

There were no black Friends. It couldn't be made today. If Friends was rebooted, at least 2 out of 6 of them would be black washed.

So are many shows. TV can decide to ignore demands of SJWs

You are an idiot in a bubble. Like the other user said, these articles are bullshit.

I struggled for other reasons than the economy. That being said, the economy was bad but not anymore. It's not the recession era anymore.

It ain't sunshine and lollipops either

No, boomers are

They helped create millennials.

You are the one in the bubble. Open your eyes. When even milquetoast Jerry Seinfeld is too "problematic" for stand up comedy, you know something is wrong.

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>Are millennials the most mediocre and despicable generation to have walked this Earth so far?
Without a doubt

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It would suck so hard. The logical thing to do would be to blackwash Joey, but you just know that the SJW camp would be all "Why the dumb guy gotta be black?" So they'd make Ross black instead and the suspension of disbelief in the show would be ruined completely. Yea, man. Black man working at the museum and being a complete pushover to a roastie. Totally believable.

You probably shouldn't try to pull such shilly bullshit with me, shill. I'm not some lazy ignorant phoneposting faggot who will take you at your word. I willc heck to see if you're lying or not. Guess what?
You're lying.

Eat a dick dumbass.

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How do I get the entry level job as an autist with no networking?

And a car is still cheaper than a degree.


The solution is to just do and say what you want and not care about feelings

Get hundreds of LinkedIn connections

black ross would be like white ross in that they were both shitty fathers

It's important to realize out of all the people that don't "fit in" with you, think of all who do.
The trump campaign had a similar idea with the "silent majority" thing

You could at least wait until the generation reaches an age actually worth measuring.



no, stfu. they will fix all boomer-created problems.



Some things they sucked at and we need to fix. Other things they had right.

Except I don't fit in with any generation.

This...this isn't real, is it?

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There are more conservative Millennials than conservative Gen X'ers and Xennials.

We need to force the college bubble to burst.

Fucking same

Sorry. You don't deserve a cookie for being born in Gen Z

t. 14 year old who wants to be a millennial

Eh, I don't think you really have room to talk about their taste in music. I know for a fact that a huge majority of this board listens to tasteless nigger music, as evidenced by the death of that degenerate druggie rapper the other day.

They are all looking at FB or shitter.

anyone who hates on modest mouse can die in a fire

millenials dont use faceberg, zedders were raised by the internet because x'ers and boomers are obsessed with sharing their narcissistic lifestyles with everyone online

He's right though. It's somewhere between 2000-2005. Only marketing companies put it earlier, and they do it because they don't want to be associated with millennials and push a new trend.

Millenial here, seriously fuck milennials, I hope you all die, even the fucking boomers wern't this bad, even the music sucks.

Depends where you live. I live in Scotland and from a early age you are told to take personal responsibility for everything, living with your parents past 20 is considered taboo here even if you can't afford it you still take the risk and move out. Most people my age go into a trade after school and just work till they drop dead, my cousin is only 23 and works 16 hours a day in construction and working on roads. I myself was kicked out by my parents at 18 so i could 'learn and fend for myself' as they said, i had to find the cheapest rent and some days i would go without food - i do fine now though so maybe my parents were right. So no, not all millennials are mediocre.

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What's weird about them is they don't seem to see themselves as individuals, they're always huddled together in a mass, like one beast with many heads, it's weird & it creeps me out, look at that picture for example, they're all sitting way too fucking close to each other.

Not caring about what is taboo and what isn't spared me from most brainwashing. I simply don't care about peer status or whether or not people are offended or look down on me.

Millenials are products of boomers so no.

I don't get it either and I'm Millennial. It's like they have a hivemind I can't tap into. I spend most of my time solitary and using technology.

Why haven't people burned down the media yet?

Because I can escape any media I want by using the internet. I can disengage with society.

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Traditional media heavily influences normies. There is no way any normie is going to do any research on their own.