WTF! Why Is She All Over Twitter?!

WTF is going on with this B? This picture is all over twitter and other SM now. Now it's being posted by big Celebs. WHY?

Please post a short video on this spirit pizza thing.
A SUMMARY please - I don't need to know every GD detail. Just a very good synopsis so I can figure out what is going on - OKAY!? thanks

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Other urls found in this thread:

Kys schlomo

>Now it's being posted by big Celebs.
Woods has been shitposting for years. kys

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so you're defending what this woman is accused of - wow!

Check 'em




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Counter it with a beautiful picture of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Fight evil with good.

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marina abramovic is literally a witch. she's been studying the occult since she was a teenager, and has become so proficient at it that she's figured out how to slow down the aging process. her life story is pretty fuckin crazy.
I was able to partake in The Artist is Present in 2010 and it was very strange. she has this really powerful aura around her, I'm not sure if it's "evil" per se, but it was definitely noticeable.

Stop with the graven images.

Fuck off with your dead kike on a stick, how fucking stupid can you be to not see Christianity is (((THEIR))) creation. It literally says to worship a jew, give all your wealth away and to be absolutely miserable for something you never did. Fucking kys you weak, pathetic maggots. There is literally a bull in your picture of Jesus for fucks sake you moronic idiots.

May God Bless you.

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>kike on a stick,

>big impotent wall of edgelord text
>"there is a bull in that picture"
>doesn't recognize the 4 living animals

educate yourself or kys

Woods has been losing his fucking mind for the past 5 years

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this was very informative than you

seems to me the only people dissing this are pedos

people read too much into the satanism stuff with the art crowd. "edgy" sells to the normie suburbanites that want to larp as one of the cool kids for a night. Pentagrams shit, horror film/schlock has always been "edgy".
That said, she obviously is adept at creating success for herself, manifesting the reality she wanted.

dead kike on a stick religion

Not quite there, Satan. Need one more "6."

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Almost statanic digits.

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Just 300 off. So close!

Missed it.

look at the picture in the OP, she is 70 years old, does that look like someone who is 70 yo ?

Does anybody know what happened to this boy?

Is he still alive? Was he raped?

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nah I don't think it's satanic but it's definitely occult, she did another art project about paganism and some european country's fables.
it's just weird that her spirit cooking has been practiced by politicians. and I definitely felt something about her when I was sitting in front of her

If she were just edgy and full of shit like a teenage goth she 1) would not have been able to magically stop herself from aging and 2) would not have the most powerful people in the world vying for her attention.

Calm down and lurk mwoar. Also, ur mom gay.

You all fucking know it's true in your heart. Both pagan religions and Christianity have a father god with a hero sons. Both of them have God's whose wife was associated with fertility. Both religions have "giants" in the beginning of their texts. Both religions have holidays that drink blood. Both religions have a God son who was "fallen" and lives below the earth now. Both religions have a symbol associated with a cross like symbol. Your version of Christianity, (definitely not what the first ones believed) was warped over time so that it was easier for pagans to adopt it. Oh but wow you're right, Jesus knocked over some tables one time so he's fighting for you.


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How did she manage to stay looking so young? She's fucking 71.

Q predicted this. That's the actual answer, he basically said pizzagate is real

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man i'd hate to lose my virginity to a milf

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Reveal your flag ŝoydrinker

I suspect demonic influence. Also childrens blood.

lol, a kekistani not knowing what “spirit cooking” is, ky OP.

Think about it

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She's over 70 and probably has every STD possible.

If you believe she's stating her true age
I have a couple bridges in the San Fran Sicko
bay area for sale.


>pizzagate gets revived

>"guys whats happening?PG thread btw!"


some bad news against drumpf must be coming,trump tower shills working overtime today

wece waited long for the reckoning anons.

the reckoning is here. enjoy frens


>Slaves must respond to a text message from Mack within 60 seconds or face punishment that reportedly includes brisk paddling with a large wooden paddle.

>In an email, dated October 1,2015, Raniere wrote to another one of his slaves, “I think it would be good for you to own a fuck toy slave for me, that you could groom, and use as a tool, to pleasure me.”

>Raniere also teaches that if a man ejaculates on a woman – especially on her face – it means he has marked her for ownership.

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>some bad news against drumpf must be coming,trump tower shills working overtime today

tell that to allison mack, rachel chandler and the clintons.

Now that is truly fucking scary.

holy shit!

tell it nigga


Pic is you.

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Pizzagate is coming back and this time it won't get shut down.

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he rtweeted the image of allison mack you dumbfuck

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A wise user earlier claimed she likely stole or forged a new identity, which considering most of these people are deep swamp as fuck that wouldnt be very hard. Shes not 71.

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I've already seen enough fucked up shit for a lifetime. I hope others come to see what we are dealing with.. I hope they are able to understand

Man, I've been trying to wake normies up to this shit for years. They just deny everything. They call you crazy when mention it. I doubt they'd accept it, even if the evidence is right in their faces

Sitting in your basement? You seen a lot?

spirit cooker general

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i feel it.

I wish i could have some of her spirit cooking.

straight up

you need video of Hillary or Podesta or any of these people engaging in these rituals. You need credible people to come forward and call them out or no one is going to believe it. These people then need to be put down like rabid animals.

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Susan Sarandon is 72 and looks as good if not better. Here is a picture of her not in a photo shoot setting, with perfect lighting.
Serbian women just age like shit, but they were shit to begin with so I guess it evens out.

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Fuck all of you, I'm going to blog for a brief second:
I have felt rather depressed for the past few days as I've realized that I left my friends when I moved 7 years ago and I haven't made any new ones, nor have I advanced in my career at work. The lack of human interaction has been killing me for some time now. I unironically have been contemplating suicide after I finish work on my house, sell it and give the money to my young nieces so they have something of a better life. I came here to shit post to kill time -- I don't even know why I clicked this thread -- but the pictures of Jesus that pissed off the kikes that was posted have, along with me literally googling "churches around me" before clicking this thread and being unable to find one that suits me, have made me redouble my efforts: I will go to a church tomorrow. I will even iron my clothes.

Done blogging now. Bye.

who is she and what does she do

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too long, did not read

Oh boy!!!! There is something going down big if this is true! Get ready pedo faggots!!!! Shits going down soon!

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It wasn't shut down, it was misdirected. The idiots started reading about Kabalah instead of focusing on the trafficking routes. Misdirection doesn't get more obvious than this. Ironically enough, some pedos near where I live used that to escape. Some chopped up kids were found in some bushes, and the media promptly put "Satanic ritual" on the cover. Two weeks go by and the police finds out the officer in charge of the investigation had been bribed to promote the satanic narrative and scare people away. The pedos had long escaped by then.

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>hollywood/government sex cult
Exposed by catching second in command and recruit

>Broward county deputies being murdered

Numerous cops are dieing and being murdered in FL
>what do they know!?
One was definitely OURGUY , with his Facebook being purged but pixs mocking HOGG in nazi outfits
>what did he know in Clinton controlled JEWWARD county FL

A lesson, allison

Three whites

Look up sanpaku eyes. They probably killed him ate his flesh and tripped out off his blood and pineal gland.

that photo is a magic spell , don't look at her too long.

This is a jidf meme that is parroted by a new generation of pathetic degenerate millenials that aren't good at anything and never will be. Even if it's true they are pathetic

Are you fucking around. I do get a very strange fucking feeling looking at the pics of her especially the one with the boy. I feel pure evil looking at some of the pics of these satanic pedo canibals

i think she was into bestiality

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Funny how this witch is internationally a respected artist but back home here in Serbia she is known as as a batshit crazy bitch. Even her own brother speks poorly of her. Her brother is also famous here. He is a scientist who works on the ideas of Nikola Tesla.

It drinks the breast milk and pee on earthquake nights or it gets the hose again.

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>harvest party

shiitttttt. do you have the post from Q?

shit she has then sanpuka (sp?) eyes!@

Guys, i figured out why this picture bugs me so much. Remember that really fucking horrible picture if the old white pedo and the brown crying kid in a rainforest?

The girl looks exactly like that fucking guy.

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I'd like to see that birth certificate.

did a little digging, found some pics of her family, grandmother and mother, all look very young for their age, so some of this is genetics. I took a close look at some high rez pics of her, she definitely skin-peals and uses botox. What ever shit she is into,Crowley or otherwise, her art is trite and boring. Anyone who believes in her spirit craping, and let's pretend it is real, she would have no power over Christ. Anyone who would follow this garbage would be anchored to the earth for eternity. Bottom line is these are degenerate delusional pedophiles who should be eliminated from the gene pool post haste.

slow down aging thru prana exercises simple breathing patterns, also gets u attnetion in public (ie the aura around her) - a christian can do this just as fast as a sick fuck like marina.

The Q tards are insisting the Wizard God that is Q told them the HRC/ Huma video is a fake.... WTF

Yes, if she's had plastic surgery or is covered in makeup.

>meme flag

>HRC/Huma video
quick gestalt pls

I've been let down too many times by God to believe in Him but I don't approve of this Satanic shit.

Do you think James Woods comes to Jow Forums ? wonder if I've ever called him a cuck, really makes one ponder.