Contrapoints is the best leftist YouTuber. Y'all should listen to her

Contrapoints is the best leftist YouTuber. Y'all should listen to her.

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Not an argument


not an argument

How badly does she want The Golden One's dick?

Thats a man u fucking retard.

He contradicts herself in every other video and injects unfunny skit comedy to make up for his lack of nuance

where's the contradiction?

on a scale of 1 to 10 ... i'm guessing like an 8

Still has a x and a y faggot.

> I don't have white guilt, it is a form of white narcissism
> I want white people to feel guilty

not an argument

Why the fuck is Stefan Molyneux promoting a crazy tranny?

Is Molymeme trying to create a false opposition for the propagation of NEETbux from YouTube debates?

More at 11, probably.

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Fair enough on that one. I think she was going for a joke, but it fell flat and weakened her position a little bit.

White guilt is dumb.

That said, her arguments on race are pretty sound and Ryan Faulks """debunking""" of the lead theory is misleading because it cites adult lead levels when the lead theory hinges on childhood lead levels and the permanent effects of lead poisoning.

Note that the misleading nature of Faulk's debunking is almost certainly intentional. In the study he cites, childhood lead levels appear in a table right below adult lead levels.


>a degenerate jew with mental illness lyring and pushind an agenda

No, sage and report

Not with that nose.

> not
> an
> argument

Shut it down

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Report for what exactly? You triggered?

>in all fields

When you have no arguments, simply accuse someone of being a Jew.

It's the /pol way.

That thing is a pathetic jew shill, when people lies and is pushing an agenda they contradicts themselves a lot

Please elaborate on all these contradictions.

this. The guy in the op is just mad he doesn't pass like pic related

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That thing is a jewish person and you can not deal with it, you get triggered when you see everyone who is a degenerate marxist lier is a jew

>He contradicts herself

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You still haven't made an argument.

But if you insist on harping on the Jew thing ...

(((Sicilians))) genetically overlap with Jews and your average Italian is closer to a Jew than a Brit.

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I unironically enjoy his shit, he presents himself as a parody of how the right see the left all meanwhile descending into his own tranny madness it's so fucking meta, I used to think he was a deep cover alt-righter but no one would keep up that tranny voice for a 20 minute video

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You’ve only made opinion statements. Arguments are for factual statements, otherwise it’s little kids arguing on the playground about rubber and glue.
If you’d like an argument, stop stating opinions and try to make factual posts.
Quantative vs Qualitative
You’re asking people to argue opinions. That’s a childish argument.


this is the level in the far leftist retardation

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Ok then. Tell me why her opinions suck rather than low rent cop-out tier criticisms.

I think he's gender fluid so she wouldn't care what pronoun you'd for xer

Yeah, if nothing else the production value is top tier. Contra is much more left wing than I am, but the content is just excellent on a lot of levels.

She recently did a full transition, so she/her is Contra's preferred pronoun set now (if you care about that).

Because he presents his shit-lib talking-point opinions as scientific fact. Which is why he refuses to debate anyone. Contrapoints is a dishonest brainlet.

I hope he joins the 40% squad soon!

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Then by all means, be better than me. Make an argument.


it's looking at adult levels because it's looking at blacks affected by lead exposure. the """"lead theory"""" is clearly trying to explain away iq differences with lead poisoning. Therefore the stats should reflect that basically every black adult has lead poisoning.

The lead theory has been debunked. There are genetic differences between races when it comes to many attributes, including intelligence. This science is pretty much settled.

althype btfo this dude


oh I heard genderfluid but that must have been an old video then

Go suck flaccid tranny dick somewhere else nigger.

>I hope he joins the 40% squad soon!

It doesn't work that way. The effects of lead poisoning are permanent and black children have elevated lead levels. The stats don't need to reflect high lead levels in adults for the lead theory to make sense.

Points like what? Can you be specific about anything you undermench?

Is this a prank shit show where the trap goes you thought it was Caitlin but I'm still Bruce?

Fucking digestive abuse of morals and normalized fetishes. Absolutely kinky and deviant in nature and execution

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listening to mentally ill retards with commie shtick. useful idiots get the bullet first in their grand utopia.

That's just not true. Contra cites studies and subscribes to hypotheses that explain racial inequality not vis a vis genetic variation but by environment.

She never claims these hypotheses are straight up scientific fact. Her preferred hypotheses have just as much backing if not more that the preferred "alt right" hypotheses.



Why do you keep asking for "arguments" when you started this bullshit thread with a subjetive opinion. My first comment is my opinion about why I don't considere that degenerate jewish faggot "the best leftist YouTuber", like every other comment from the other anons, and you keep spamming "not an argument", you are utter retarded. Opinions and likes are not arguments, so go back to twitter with your empty irrational bullshit.


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Nah it's the stylistic choices made and how they play into the presentation
>Present alt-right as logical with facts on their side
>Left wing intelligencia only have emotional pleas on their side
>Slowly go mad seeing the alt-right as demons
>"This is what the alt-right actually think is happening"
>"See guys you shouldn't let mediators act like they have a point with their facts"
I still can't believe this isn't a parody

You're wrong
Did their entire black sample eat paint? Actually watch Ryan, if you did you'd know alt-hypothesis does not stand for alt-right hypothesis and you'd see his channel existed before the term was even coined, you've not even begun to rebute his argument

Fine. I presented an opinion. These posters could at least express reasons why Contra sucks other than "he".

It's pretty fucking low-rent shit.

>trusting a man who did this to himself willingly

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How do you know that lead poisoning is the sole cause of the IQ disparity with adults? What's the concrete evidence that the reason blacks perform worse compared to all other races is due solely to the effects of lead poisoning?
Why are blacks universally performing worse when it comes to IQ universally? You would expect blacks not affected by lead poisoning to perform on par with whites but this isn't the case obviously.


Just throwing in my contribution


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Anyone who takes talking points from a degenerate cross dresser who takes POZ dick deserves to be abused by a muslim rape gang.

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Depending upon the age of adoption many of them could have been exposed to lead paint.

With that said, the lead theory was never meant to totally explain racial inequality in the western world. It's touted as one of many factors.

The black / white IQ gap is shrinking (for whatever reason). That suggests it's at least partially environmental in nature.

Meant to add you to the reply.



That's a dude.


imagine the absolute state of this guys father

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>could have
But they weren't. So the theory remains destroyed.
>lead theory was never meant to totally explain racial inequality
Why would anyone bring it up in a race-IQ debate then? Sounds like someone is backpedaling in the face of a BTFO.
>at least partially environmental in nature
Nobody denies that environmental factors play a role. However they are not the predictor, inherited genes are the main predictor. The gap can be shrunk a tiny bit but there is a certain point where the genes are impossible to surpass. This is why the gap can't and never will be closed. People have been throwing programs and money at this problem. Nothing works.

"Contrapoints is the best leftist YouTuber" is a baseless opinion.

"Y'all should listen to her" is an outright lie. William Nicholas Parrott has severe mental issues. This faggot's argument consists of fallacies with insincere "observations".

Protip for better shilling. No one actually writes or types y'all Chaim.

we're past the age of arguments friend, you can thank your comrades for that, completely decimating any chance of legitimate discourse about anything

> But they weren't. So the theory remains destroyed.

What's the age of adoption? Lead levels were highest in ages 1-5.

> Why would anyone bring it up in a race-IQ debate then? Sounds like someone is backpedaling in the face of a BTFO.

Because the truth is complex and multivariate.

> However they are not the predictor, inherited genes are the main predictor.


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>bringing up the lead argument at all

complete desperation tier argument, I've come to the conclusion only people with legitimate lead induced retardation think this is a sound argument


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Its a statement

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Kill yourself, my dude.

>when you drink too much lead


Seems pretty damn relevant.

That's not a real photo, I remember old videos and he is definitely different.

Why not use a real photo, we all know the truth


Billy and Mandy warned us.

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>you should listen

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The stormfags here don't care about that and still think sex and gender are the same thing
They're pulling us backwards. We went from Ron Paul in 2012 to this shit.
8:50 "There is no way stop cultures from changing ..."
He is conflating slow gradual shifts in cultures due to outside influence with the rapid forceful change brought by mass migration. Migration and the change it brings is natural, but so is the opposition to it. Except under xenophilic, ethnomasochistic leftist dogma that hates any form of our identity that reflects strength.
9:50 "It could literally be a thousand times worse and European culture would still survive in some form or another."
Yeah, but a lot of suffering would occur on the way.
10:18 "Razor-wire fences in front of children fleeing for their lives"
There is absolutely no way the migrants put their children in the front-line for a photo-op, right? Children are only a small part of the migrants that came to Europe, and their life wasn't at stake after they made it out of Syria. They could have stayed in the refugee camps in Turkey etc., but decided to move to Europe for economic reasons.
10:39 "There is one lesson that America can teach Europe, it is that these things are surmountable. It may be difficult in the short-term, especially for countries that are just now having to deal with significant ethnic diversity for the first time, but in the long term, it is honestly going to be fine." Where is that significant ethnic diversity in the US? Wasn't it basically 90%+ huwhite until a few generations ago? Or is he referring to the multi-ethnic paradises in South America? What kind of argument is it even to say that something is good because it will be fine in the long-term? Clearly the process by which you get there matters, if there is suffering along the way, how can it be fine?

That's just one video.

>Dat nose doe.....
All of it's arguments and opinions have been immediately discarded.

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Awesome post German bro

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>Always wears skirts with leggings
>Thighs the size of tree trunks
>Tries to tackle issues, but fucks it up through logical phallusies.

I'd still hit it. Not gonna lie. Preferred old voice though. New one seems fake.

he's mentally ill. you actually believe ramblings from someone with a mental illness? do you believe in the time cube theory too?

Wow. CIS gender much?
Also Alt Hype already destroyed *insert pronoun here* arguments.

How fucking cucked and retard you need to be to refering to it as her?

contrapoints delivers absolute shit wrapped in a beautiful package.
He is very eloquent and artistically superb with creating an aesthetic but the arguments are all complete garbage appeals to ((academic authority)) and left wing dogma that has been taken apart by the right and the left refuses to acknowledge it.

Leftypol laments that contra is cancer and the right has a vastly superior vlog lineup.

Here's a better person everyone should listen to

>What's the age of adoption? Lead levels were highest in ages 1-5.
You're committing the same fallacy contra did. You're confusing a potential cause for an actual cause. Also the children in this study would have been medically examined to be sure there wasn't any potentially dramatic factor that could effect the study. None of them had lead poisoning, down syndrome, fetal alcohol syndrome, or any other affliction that would impact the conclusion of the study.
>Because the truth is complex and multivariate.
No you're just obfuscating an actual cause with a bunch of excuses because you're ideologically inclined to reject reality. Also this explanation contradicts your claim over not trying to explain the IQ difference with the lead theory. You're clearly backpedaling.
> However they are not the predictor, inherited genes are the main predictor.
The science is settled. If you disagree, feel free to debate AltHype. I'm sure everyone would love to hear your amazing counterargument that no one has heard yet. You might even get a spotlight on ContraPoint's youtube channel!!!

>Clearly the process by which you get there matters, if there is suffering along the way, how can it be fine?

Fair enough, but the alternative suggested by the alt-right, which is to say, mass deportation of non-whites seems like it would impose a lot more suffering. At best this is an argument for a restrictive immigration policy.

> He is conflating slow gradual shifts in cultures due to outside influence with the rapid forceful change brought by mass migration. Migration and the change it brings is natural, but so is the opposition to it. Except under xenophilic, ethnomasochistic leftist dogma that hates any form of our identity that reflects strength.

I think you're correct that both migration and opposition to it are both to be expected. I break with Contra on this issue a bit. I think you have to look at migrant groups on a case by case basis. EG: Mexican immigrants to the US aren't a big problem. Some Muslim migrants to Europe are.

Congrats on making actual points btw.


He is a liar. You should NOT listen to him. Shame on you for lying and saying that he is worth listening to.

Then why do racial iq trends transcend just the US? We see them elsewhere. You only hate racialist thinking because it pulls out the axioms of your ideology from under you. Shows you outright that equality doesn't exist and isn't even something desirable to force on a society. You and hours have no interest in solutions, only excuses.