Crowd of 500,000 celebrates Vaisakhi in Surrey, BC, CANADA

hahahahhahaha Canadian cities are dead!

“I’m shocked at the numbers,” said organizer Moninder Singh.

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Other urls found in this thread:

the white guy putting on the bandana

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Not just any white guy, John Horgan the Premier of British Columbia and the leader of the BC NDP

I’ve been bitching about these assholes since the 80’s. They hate Canada why do they come? Fuck off and go spice up Saudi

so what

I went to it as a red man and had one hell of a good time. Some of these pajeet girls are babes. Whats the big deal anyways, they love the land and take fairly good care of their properties. Shame to work near or around them, they are stubborn people at best. Guess that is why the both of us, red and poo, won't bend the knee to Islam or Judaism.

Meme flag poster is probably just a homeland pajeet who can't go out and party in the streets cause its full of shit so he mad.

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enjoy living in India 2.0 dumb ass!

Fuck off, I have a couple Sikh buddies and they're based. They hate Islam, they have a strong belief in family, and they work their asses off to provide. They will be out greatest ally in the future.

do you speak Punjabi? You enjoy walking around your hometown not knowing what anyone is saying? Not being able to read the store signs? You call that based?

>1 segregated city in the multicult center of the west coast that is greater vancouver
>somehow the end of canada when everything past hope is white until edmonton
i doubt that you'll be making a thread with it's the american/mexican holiday of marty grass dumb burger

The west is dead, the age of white man is over. Wake up. You might as well ally with sikhs who are conservative and won't let the west fight jew wars or become another caliphate.

I live in Toronto dumbass but enjoy the real estate boom created by mass immigration, I hear houses are cheap cheap in Vancouver!

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Literally no issue. Sikhs accept everyone at the celebration, regardless of skin, religion, etc. It's basically a massive celebration everyone gets to join in on. Mutt's just mad that he doesn't get to enjoy it.

> accept everyone at the celebration, regardless of skin, religion, etc. It's basically a massive celebration everyone gets to join in on

you mean like every single other Canadian event?

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>you mean like every single other Canadian event
what are you even trying to say at this point?

it's a friendly event and sikhs are chill. you're too ignorant to understand that.

Sikh’s are the most dis-honest people I have ever had to deal with, they are masters at corporate fraud and right now are stealing the wealth of Australia, New Zealand and Canada with their corporate fraud scheme’s.

This is what your average bar in Pittsburgh looks like during Indian holidays.

>Sikh’s are the most dis-honest people I have ever had to deal with,
I have no clue where the "based sikh" meme comes from. I worked with one and he was a huge lazy piece of shit.

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your acting like this is somehow a Sikhs concept, that because they are welcoming the event is okay, news for you: this is a Canadian concept, all Canadian events are like that

Québec is not white

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And this is why leafs got BTFO in Kandahar

Whiter than you Amerimutt

back to r/the_donald

Found the pl*bbitor

Who gives a fuck how based they are. This continent was supposed to be for the white man and is fucking handed over to these fucking scum. KYS if you defend this.

>87% white
>Only down because of the shithole that is Montreal
>Province is nearly 100% white outside of the Greater Montreal Region
Whiter than you, mutt

>Being this delusional

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>What is Gatineau (Hull)...

This is a weird time. An incredibly weird time. Britain brings all their bullshit with them. Chinks and Poos. French bring their pet niggers. Holy shit this country has gone to hell.

It isn’t hard to be whiter than America
French are white. Both anglos and francos are descended from Norman conquerers. We’ve got shared blood. The nigs and poos are a problem. I’m thinking I we should fly the right wing flag low key. 3 of hearts?'re well on your way to the same mutthood as your southern neighbor. You may not be there yet but tru-tru the turbo faggot is hard at work ya know.

You get sent the fuck back with them when the time comes

you suck! jealous poor snownigger dalit.

>be stupid snownigger store owner of 3 Subways.
>be franchisee of the year for region.
>be Indian Masterrace
>become Subway Development Agents changed and with in 14 months
> force dumb snownigger to sell all 3 locations because white dalit was all of a sudden considered a bad operator (All the while, snownniger stores out performed the market)
>In a period of 14 months Indian master race flip over 40 stores in our Southern California Market .
>All were forced to sell due to "compliance" issues. Most of the stores were above market average.
>The new Subway Development Agent, the Marwaha Group, in its role of Development Agent has the responsibility to do the Compliance Inspections.
>immediate Indian Masterrace Family members were the only approved "buyers" in the 40 locations that flipped.
>Subway Development Agent, the Marwaha Group
>Marwaha Group


I live in Surrey. I'm way up in North Surrey and the parade was in Newton, to the Southeast. Totally missed it, didn't really see any advertising for it specifically even.

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I'm Sikh and we are pretty jewy. Huw*yes stay mad. Enjoy your fag marriage and whore your womyn. Chinks and poos have taken over.

Westernized sikhs are cultureles degens who embrace nigger culture and listen to rap. They also adopt the professional victim mindset.

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Kill yourself hinjew.

are you a Marwaha master race?

Cry more white-bitch baby. We are happy to dominate every single industry in America, Australia, Britain, Canada, Spain because we can. White people are stupid, black people are stupid, Euros are stupid, Mexicans are stupid, and chinks/gooks are smart but they have to study 5x more than we do.

Just accept that America is like playing a video game on lowest difficulty for Indians.

We don't even have to try to beat everyone else in America.

Even the dumbest Indians in America become millionaires by owning gas stations and motels.

BRB the entire medical field is full of Indians
BRB tech is full of Indians
BRB law is full of Indians
BRB Indians taking over Wall Street
BRB all your businesses, schools, white bitches now all belong to Indians

LMAO white people always comment on the state of India and how the average Indian IQ is low as fuck because illiterate villagers are lumped into that calculation. They have nothing else to come at us with because they know that we completely murder them in every way when given American opportunities.

Enjoy being brainlets, non-Indians. An Indian person in America can accomplish ANYTHING that he or she wants to. It is quite simply the most amazing feeling in the world.

Meanwhile, white people have to "discover" themselves and all this bullshit LMAOOO just LMAOOOO.


who the hell cares about america

Sikhs are anti hinjew. All hinjews deserve death. Inshallah!

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Demographic replacement... and it is beautiful.

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I see them around town and on the trains and such. Don't know any well enough to call one a friend, per se. The younger ones who have the bracelet but have cut their hair and gone Western do tend to go with the worst parts of the culture. The older ones who wear the turban are always super polite and approachable and are generally pretty solid people.
Also, I have long hair and a salt and pepper beard so I get a touch more respect sometimes.

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Wow lots of CIDF in this thread

The younger ones are the degen nigger tier ones since "based sikhs assimilate so well" its better if minorities keep to their own culture and dont assimilate into western degeneracy.

>Surrey, BC

should be renamed to Curry

I am Mandeep. Marwaha are Sikhs! We own all the Subways!

Sikh Franchise Development Agents give favors to ouw own community and relatives, We own all the francises in US/Canada.
My clan has over 40 franchises in Southern Ontario alone
Brampton, Ontario is great for our businesses.

is straya good for Sikh business? how is it treating your clan and business?


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lol fucking canada

Is there any white country left?

because the world doesn't have enough Indians


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Maybe I'll move to Iceland or Greenland

What's with the hinjew copy pasta? It makes you sound like one of those poos with the inferiority complex

The age of the orc has begun.

Imagine they pooped at once.

this is what the fucking idiots in politics want.
unlimited votes for their own party.

except in reality it won't work that way, and the moment someone from the """minority""" tries to, they get all the minority votes because racism is a basic bitch who whores herself out to EVERYONE, not just whites.

the poo's keep on expanding their territory outside of Surrey. Places like Langley will be entirely full of them in less than 10 years. They are pretty much 90% of the employees at stores and Tim Hortons and fast food restaurants. Fuckers can never get my order right because they don't know English

They look at all those tech support and irs scammers.

That mother fucker is getting an email from me tomorrow.


Then to india shit street with you epicurus.

I live in LA. We own every single donut shop. Every single one.

We aksi managed to get a monopoly on Tim Hortons franchises in Canada.

Even in NYC every Dunkin Donuts is staffed by one giant Indian family.

Thank you Canada! Tim Hortons is good for Indian business!

I sometimes do that when asked where I live. "Curr ... I mean, Surrey." Gets em every time.

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>all that frozen poo

No. They are litteraly the goyim the jews warn about. They worship cattle, stars and idols. They only hire poojeets and you know it. You have been invaded.


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Lick my nuts. To the bloody bitter end.

You, too, will be slaughtered come the day of the rope.

>literally no issue
I couldn't care less if they were the nicest people in history, being replaced against your will by foreigners in your own country is an act of genocide.

It has nothing to do with if Sikhs are "based" or nice people, they are not European and they are being imported with the express intent of demographically disenfranchising European Canadians.

Is this the day when they get their once a year shower?

It's true they only hire fellow poo's. When one reaches a supervisor management position they only hire their own kind

poo incest

b-but muh based shitskins though. At least they're not muslim!

Yeah, post the percentage that were born in Canada

At what point does it stop being Canada?

Well wp boys, on next election flood into vancooder and vote white is right.

>import enough indians
>country becomes a shit hole like india

I don't know why this concept is foreign to people?

That is true. Wp

Holy fuck lads
What the fuck is wrong with us?
We are seeing our fucking replacement with our own very eyes and no one does fucking shit about it !
Fuck this is fucking depressing af

>Just accept that America is like playing a video game on lowest difficulty for Indians.
My job literally consists of writing software to replace the shitware produced by subhuman IQ poo in loos such as yourself.

Every time I've worked with an Indian developer on a team, they were the most clueless and produced the worst, most awful code.

India developers always get by on lying about their abilities and feigning confidence, when in reality they don't have a fucking clue what they are doing.

Your post is a perfect example of this type of bluffing.

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It's called Networking. It's very effective when running a business.

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Shitskins who don't mind.
Whites who have been brainwashed to think everyone is like them.
Reality is going to be a bitter, PAINFUL pill for them to swallow. They deserve every bit of it.


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>in 2018
really faggot

Even they know that.

those are filthy subhuman poo shitskins


Yep, devil worshipping garbage people.

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reminder that a sikh caused the humboldt crash by running a stop sign and the RCMP are saying the cause is "unknown" because they're afraid of being called racist


when the fuck are we going get rid of these people?
We have to get rid of them before it's too fucking late.
Every white nation I see if becoming more and more nonwhite.
These fucking parasites will not stop until they replace us and take over our nations.
Our greatest threat are liberal race-traitors and boomerfags .
If they don't stand in our way, we can save our people.

I already know it and have been victim to it.

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Of course. The issue is rebuking the lies that our people have been told with the unfettered unabashed provable truth. The stinkdians are not us, they hate us and come here to rob us and our nations.


Send the poojeets back to their poostreets.

Its the libs, they are so desparate for power they throw their own people under the bus.

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The "demand" is from Indians who get into management and only hire other Indians

They are human rats. As soon as one gets in a position of management, all they hire are more regardless of ability.

The problem is the indians that get into management positions, and then refuse to hire anyone but Indians. And since those indians fulfill diversity quotas, they're allowed to stay in those positions, no matter how bad at their jobs they are. It's actually a huge problem here in Silicon Valley, but most companies are wising up to the fact that it's economically worse.

Bay Area tech executives indicted for H-1B human trafficking