How does the blackest region of the country still manage to go red every election?

How does the blackest region of the country still manage to go red every election?

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Other urls found in this thread:,_Virginia#Demographics

They're called a "minority" for a reason, user.

they are a minority and 25% of them can't vote because they are a convicted felon

Jesus christ look at that cancer

How does upstate New York/Long Island always manage to go blue every election? You could apply this to CA and IL as well.

Our blacks are based.

(((NYC))) (((Chicago))) (((LA)))

wh*Tes are subhuman

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Most don't vote?

Confederates will defend that map. Who else /Southern Yank/ here? Slavery was a mistake and we should have shipped them all back

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I’d imagine most niggers are either too stupid or too lazy to vote

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You must be joking nigger. Slavery was practiced by practically every culture and people and stopping it is only a relatively recent idea.

Obviously they should be shipped back.

kill yourself you dumb nigger.

Felons can't vote. Also lazy. Also white people there are redpilled as fuck about niggers and understand too well the importance of owning guns.

Whites minority in Dallas and still based

the more populated the place the more likely it is to be blue. almost all major cities are democrat voting.

They don’t vote


Except for Obama (which I get), you’ll never see a yard sign for a national candidate in a black neighborhood. They usually only give a shit about local stuff like tax commissioner or district attorney.

Nothing redpills whites like actually being around niggers. The only niggers liberals know are the middle class civilized ones, and only a few of them.

Yankee kikes shouldn't have brought them here and Yankee evangelicals shouldn't have freed them and given them equal rights.

I actually had some ideas on that.
Do you think it would be possible to get black people to buy one way tickets to Africa to reclaim their Homeland from whitey if enough fake black Twitter accounts posted pictures of plane tickets with a catchy hashtag?
I mean, even if only a few fall for it, it's still a net gain for America.

>So much blue in Colorado
Fuck Californians for bringing their cancer here

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Blacks are less than 50% of Atlanta’s population. They’re still the majority but won’t be in the next 10 years. They were 68% of Atlanta in 1990. They just dipped below 50%. All the liberal whites are gentrifying them.

Because only whites vote and being in the south makes you racist quick. That's probably going to change though once the old people die out and the kids move to the cities and sell their parents home out in the country to some Mexicans.

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what does that have to do with most large cities voting democrat? just look at the last election, the blue was centered on major cities and that was pretty much it.

Quit blaming us. Colorado is full of hippie dudeweedlmaos. Essentially Portland lite.

Shit, start a charity to help them. Pay their one-way tickets for them, or else they will never do it.

If 30% of the population is black, the other 70% is guaranteed to vote Republican.

Slavery is unironically the worst decision America ever made. It doomed us to racial division forever.

I feel bad too, they always try to overcompensate for blacks that act like niggers.
I’m a barista at a local cafe and I consistently get $5 tips on $3 drinks from black patrons. They’re also always super nice too, very polite.
I almost want THEM to relax.

I genuinely believe there is a difference between blacks and niggers.
Niggers are usually the third generation being raised by abusive, drug-addicted single moms
I don’t even blame the moms, since they’re just perpetuating what was done to them. We need to bring back the black nuclear family from the 40s and 50s. It would change so much

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It’s commentary, not to dispute or refute anything you said. Calm down user.

>Albermarle county is blue
Thomas Jefferson is rolling in his grave

Did you just redpill us all on why conservatives are pro life?
>live around blacks
>guaranteed republican voters
>make more blacks

The worst decision JEWS* made, you filthy subversive kike shill

Noted. I'll get working on something later tonight. I feel like with all the support from American niggers towards the white genocide in South Africa, now is the best time to convince them to go back and fight so they can Make Africa Kangz Again.

Conservative black men also value monogamy and marriage more, thus producing less offspring doomed to repeat failure

But they're the minority

it turns out that those that actually live around blacks vote republican, although if they are poor they are probably gonna vote democrat. trailor trash gotta get them handouts.

Map 1 of 2

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which state

West virginia didnt follow this logic. Its white trash that have accepted their fate of living around the nogs that they become them for self preservation or stockholm syndrome

Map 2 of 2

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The same reason Texas goes red despite it being mostly Hispanic.

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so are you saying that the voted democrat? I did say white trash was probably gonna vote democrat.

>mfw it's 80% white too,_Virginia#Demographics

Your based spics are going to destroy Texas as well. Just give it another 10-15 years.

Pretty sure west virginia didnt vote democrat

lazy niggers dont vote

Not South FL

They still do at the local level but the party machine is breaking down because the Dems abandoned coal and unions. West VA was a solid a democratic state as you could find not that long ago.

this is only partially true. if you look at the map i posted here the lighter counties in alabama still have a lot of blacks, but tons of liberal whites and californians moved into them which made them slightly more democratic.

this happens a lot, where a county will be solid red, and people will wonder why it flipped to blue in the 2000's. then you check the numbers and you'll see that most of the population didn't flip, more people voted democrat.

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Albermarle is where all the UVA/Charlottesville fags live
Dave Matthew band all own houses there

>15 years

They've been here for over a century or more. It's just not going to go blue one day because you want it to.

the data you're using is from 2000 census and so is this, but notice its graph and how it actually list less than 1%.

Population does tend to hide in clumps, but they also are thinly spread, and like others say, there is a reason they are called minorities. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

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>North FL
That explains it. The blacks in the south are actually far less racist than the ones in the north/more liberal areas of the country. it's pretty wacky but that's what i've seen

So was arkansas when clinton was running so was georgia when carter was. Some things republicans believe in i agree with but dont believe theyre not making life worse for the average white man either for political gain

This has been done before, silly. The only true way you could get this to work if you had a black-run black power sort of organization that called for all black brothaz and sistahs to move back to the homeland or whatever.

They know how to hide it better, their schools only teach them how to cheat. Remember the atlanta public school scandal?

Long Island nearly went full red for trump

i think this has alot to due with out of state or simply cross county voting. too many people with vote multiple times kinda like they are going trick or treating. they also had that whole thing where they said they were busing people over.

muh blacks is just an excuse by pol

the states that go blue every time and almost always guarantee republicans lose are all white

What if I had videos from black africans demanding that their kinsman return and fight for the cause? Nig up the street from me went home to become the face of his contry's revolutionary army

See this is the problem with some red states like georgia for example, there's whole school districts that are majority if not all black students. With that state lottery college fund blacks are going to do what they can to get as many blacks into college. And now we're here.

>It's just not going to go blue one day because you want it to.
your grandchildren will have spanish surnames

why did the niglets turn into fucking eldritch entities in the second frame lmao

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because even though they're predominately located in the south they're still a minority. Also white people below the mason dixon are usually more redpilled as result of living in such close proximity with niggers.

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the majority of NY is red most of the time except for Albany and 3.5/5 boroughs

Texas will be a repeat of Georgia, but instead of black school districts and black faculty and staff teaching their students to cheat and getting as many blacks into college, it'll be the mexicans.

The answer
White people living next to niggers: vote republican

White people who don't have to live with their political decisions: vote liberal

Still better than the overtly anti-white coonery that goes on in states like NY and WA.

It's crazy how cheap land is in the black belt. One of the best kept secrets is you can get a nice plot of land far from anyone in what is technically the "blackest" part of the US. As long as you stay away from dense inner cities, you are actually safe and the folks out there are decent and hard-working.

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>t. black pilled faggot
I'm from the south and kids here are just as aware about the nog problem as parents. I'm pretty sure views on immigration have a high hertiability anyway.

Would also like to note that Dems pretend to sign up blacks and Mexicans to vote at thrift stores like Goodwill and Salvation Army and, knowing they won’t end up actually going to the polls on election days, cast votes using the registrations collected
I’ve seen it with my own eyes
Honestly surprised a rogue journalist hasn’t attempted to blow the lid off of this. Everyone is focused on dead votes and bussing people in.
Look into people who are alive and didn’t go to the polls, but somehow voted anyway. Find a yearbook from a black high school from anywhere from a year ago or further. Look up the names on a voter registry. Highest registration rates in the US. Watch their houses on Election Day. They don’t go. But the number of black votes doesn’t match actual turnout.
Then keep listening to shills that bussing in people is the problem, when you need to have an address zoned in the area to vote there anyway.

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Minority, obviously. But also...
Low turnout
Unlucky distribution across states
Gerrymandering of congressional districts, school districts, counties, cities and other municipal boundaries
Felon voting restrictions
Strict voter ID requirements
Deliberately shitty voting locations/hours
Probably some other stuff idk

There's anti white shit going on in red states too. They don't fucking care about you unless you're rich. All you are is a vote to them.

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black people don't vote

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Jow Forums what's going on in these two areas of Alaska?

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I would assume there are cities there.

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That's Anchorage and Fairbanks. Fairbanks has a college that is mostly out of state admissions and is fairly easy to get into.

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southerners are based. even the southern rural blacks

Because you can't vote if you're a convicted felon.

Why don't you do it?


Most don't care about politics, many are felons, and their population is a minority.

Alabama going blue was staged. More niggers voted for a no name over Obama? Not a chance.

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>How does the blackest region of the country still manage to go red every election?

black people don't vote.

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Doesn't show the Republican suburbs very well.

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>tfw deep red county

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