The Black Pill

What's the point Jow Forums? We're all just going to die, humanity is going to die, the universe will die, it's all just fucking pointless. How do you push through and shake these thoughts? How do you find something to fight for?

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>What's the point Jow Forums? We're all just going to die, humanity is going to die, the universe will die, it's all just fucking pointless. How do you push through and shake these thoughts? How do you find something to fight for?
What's it like being so selfish and cowardly that you only care about your own personal pleasure at the expense of everyone else, everything else and even the very future?

make the best of out of what you have been given to work with, build a better world for future generations, be selfless

>What's the point

Replicating your DNA.

>How do you push through and shake these thoughts?

You keep yourself busy with work and family.

>How do you find something to fight for?

Fulfill your biological urge to procreate. All life is variants on machines designed to replicate DNA. Do it. Replicate your DNA. It's amazingly fulfilling on a level that almost nothing else is.

Rational Black Pill Girl is single. Find her and fuck her and fill her with your babies:

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I think I'll just stay a virgin thanks

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99.99% of Jow Forums

The universe is a simulation. There are Gods, whether or not you want to call them that is up to you. We live inside of their creation. They live inside of another creation, and on and on ad infinitum. Eventually if humanity progresses far enough we will simulate our own universe, the process will start over again, and another form of humanity will manifest in a universe from nothing, they will be just as lost and confused and hopeless as we were. The original engineers, the ones at the top of chain of universes are long gone, their dusty technology remains, but it's crashing. It will take millions of years for the entire system to crash but second by second, nodes do crash and unimaginable numbers of universes perish forever, gone like a static pixel dances into messy noise. When you know this to be true, truly know it, all the meaningless wars and politics seem so petty and pathetic. You will rise above all of it and become nothing but a wanderer, not able to be concerned by the cruel or benevolent actions mere men. Men who shit, and breath and die like all others. No amount of wealth or beautiful women or power will stop what is coming for them. No amount of larping as Gods, or devouring children, or any other sick demented stuff they create will cease the terrible and beautiful terror that is coming for them.

Hedonism, maximize pleasure, minimize pain.
Other suggestions are just trying to make you blindly follow your biological urges like a wild animal.

>99.99% of Jow Forums
Yes, I agree. You're all a bunch of LARPers doing nothing but shitposting online.

The problem is, when you're actually presented with a group with a plan to do something about all this, you dismiss it out of hand or just flat-out attack it.

>Ask for advice
>Ignore it

You are a biological machine designed to replicate DNA. Your consciousness, everything you are, is a byproduct of DNA trying to replicate itself.

If you refuse to replicate you become a dead end, and your mind will be filled with terrible thoughts and your DNA will actually drive you to commit suicide.

Breed or die.
Become the tool your DNA wants you to be.
It is the only way to have any semblance of happiness in this world.

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>What's the point Jow Forums?
There is no point OP but that doesn't mean we can't shoot for the heavens regardless.

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Human consciousness extends beyond the physical body is one of the final redpills

That is wishful thinking, not a red pill.
I agree with the DNA replication argument. Literally every living creature on earth struggles ferociously just to pass on their DNA. We are no different. If there is any meaning to life it is to reproduce and die. The reason we reproduce is because we aren’t immortal so reproducing is the only mechanism we have of surviving our mortality.

No, that's just pleb level occultism tier.

>We're all just going to die
>humanity is going to die
Or ascend to become posthumans
>the universe will die
If humanity doesn't go extinct, achieves superintelligence, and has billions of years to advance, during that time it might be possible to find a way to colonize other universes and achieve a Type 5 civilization.

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Future's fucked, m8. Nothing I can do to stop it. Why would I have kids and let them deal with the clusterfuck of a world that awaits them in 20 years or so?

>the universe will die
Jew lies, intended to demotivate.

While the universe won't die, our civilization will, and there's nothing any one of us on Jow Forums can do to stop it.
>To demotivate
I was even more demotivated when I learned the truth about just how fucked up the world really is.

As long as reality exists, there is hope. Even if this civilization collapses, another may arise that holds its ideals.

Don't get me wrong, shit's fucked. But societal collapse should sort rent-seekers out pretty quickly.

> tfw you realise you a literally a living meme shit-posted into existence by a retarded basement dwelling dna molecule

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And what exactly is coming for them?

University of Virginia Department of Perceptual Studies. (D.O.P.S.)

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I think Jow Forums mistakenly belives it is the savior of the West, like the stalwart Romans attempting to drive out the hordes of barbarians. But it is not, it is the death of the West, a righteous plague of Visigoths sent to tear down and burn the city on a hill that has reveled in decadence and discarded its sense of adventure for banal security. Jow Forums is the very hand that will drag the West back into the depths so that it can emerge again.

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I'm not going to die, the thought of death is unimaginable. The world is my limitless plaything.

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You have to decide whether to accept it and move on or kill yourself. It's really hard to accept it, but if I did it, you can too.

Exactly just enjoy yourself and have as many experiences as you can.

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Have faith in God, user.

I'm not sleepy

Watching people suffer is the only thing that makes life worth living.

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This is the most convincing argument I've heard. Thanks user.

I actually had a NDE years ago and listen to other peoples experiences good and bad. I still haven't told many people because of the stigma and my job but it was awesome. If that awaits we have nothing to fear. All religions are wrong but have a little truth.

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>if freewill does not exist then no matter how much you want improve yourself you will always be a slave to your impulsions, environement and pathological personality. On the other hand, if freewill does exist then we all have to suffer the horrible burden of responsibilty
>If there is any objective truths then we cannot know them with certainty because human consciousness is tainted with biases, unverifiable axioms, deceitful senses, faulty inductions and unreliable experiences.

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We just can see it but its there/here

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All sentient beings suffer, user. None are beyond sickness, aging, or death. But we humans have something special; we have the capability to recognize what causes suffering, and we are built to do something about it. No other sentient being, that we know of, had this gift. Please don't waste that, please don't throw it away. Even if you only help the other animals to relieve suffering, you will have achieved a purpose that is greater than yourself, greater than your life and death.

The problem with nihilism is that, although true, it is not productive and leads to nothing. Nihilism is proof that truth isn't everything.

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Reincarnation is real and your will be coming back

You Will be coming back

You WILL be coming back, for all of eternity

So once that sinks in, you realize the only reason you are alive is to change the world

Because it’s in your best interest, cause you’re coming back. You will be lying in the bed we are all making. So let’s make it right

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at the very least I will get my brain preserved when I die. I grew up paying a 10% tithe on gross and brain preservation is far cheaper than that.

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>X is bad because it ends :(

Oh fuck you leaf

This. Religion is the expression of the archetypes of the collective unconscious filtered through the subjectivity of the conscious mind - they all contain a degree of truth and none of them should be taken literally.

>Being slave to a molecule


I rather not

Not even talking about some gay shit like "we're going to die" or "le human consciousness" like some faggy Philosophy 101 student

But we're fucked because the borders are going to stay wide open and there is a literal endless supply of shitskins being brought into our countries. It literally WONT STOP. This is unprecedented in human history, we are FUCKED and people are carrying on with their lives as if nothing is happening because Mr. Shekelberg keeps them too busy for 50-60 hours a week to do anything otherwise.

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I don't think I am having Kids this time. I think that is how you get tied to this plane and keep coming back. Also eternity is a long time and we could just be coming here to experience the physical again..

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So if you believe that this is all you get, then make the absolute best of it.
It may never be given to you ever again.

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Autism and/or boredom.

>Religion is the expression of the archetypes of the collective unconscious filtered through the subjectivity of the conscious mind - they all contain a degree of truth and none of them should be taken literally.
This. Science is the expression of the archetypes of the collective unconscious filtered through the subjectivity of the conscious mind - they all contain a degree of truth and none of them should be taken seriously.

Get a job.

I hate faggots like you who shit these threads up with your Philosophy 101 nonsense. Go smoke another blunt and put on some Pink Floyd you fucking faggot highschooler.


Its draining knowing that the next 30 years are going to be watching everything continue to fall apart around me

>"Some are born with spiritual immune systems"

They're called Psychopaths.

Then just kill yourself and stop poisoning the well with your nihilism

If you live life the best you can, take pleasures in nice moments, make a family and fight for the continued existence of the human race, you'll be rewarded with an afterlife in paradise. If you do none of that, you will be reborn as a Canadian. So I guess this isn't your first rodeo by the look of your flag.

There's really nothing to do, my man other than find your own purpose. Purpose is a uniquely human concept anyway and doesn't really exist. You're never going to shake these thoughts because they're true. Anyone telling you different in this thread will be completely erased from history in 100+ years as will you and I. Just do what makes you happy.

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Yeah Have fun but don't be a dick, basically.

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Nihilism is the assertion that there is value in not being able to find value in anything


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She's a typical solipsistic hypergamous woman. Just click any one of her videos and it's all "I, me, I was, I am, my, me, I once, I, me.." There's nothing rational about her. Everything is her feelings. And she fucked off anyway because of thotgate. Her fee fees got hurt that muh vagina wasn't getting enough respect.

I hope she drowns in a lake.

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value doesn't exist

>Purpose is a uniquely human concept anyway and doesn't really exist.
Out of necessity. If life had an obvious cut-and-dried purpose, none of us would have the freedom to decide on our own purpose and meaning for ourselves.

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Then kill yourself and stfu nigger

>value doesn't exist
Value is all that exists. Facts have been assigned the value of "true".

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Then kill yourself. After all, life is pointless, right? Just do it.

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itt: virgins preaching procreation

The Fire is going out Donald.

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>What's the point Jow Forums?
Whatever you make it.

> We're all just going to die, humanity is going to die, the universe will die
Yes, but not today. While it might all eventually burn out and fade to nothing, it means that there is no END GOAL, but rather you have to enjoy THE JOURNEY.

So.... fuck bitches, build cool shit, and laugh in the face of your foes as they crumble to dust.

Here, lemme give you a slightly tastier pill.

>Poverty is being defeated. While there's more people on Earth than ever before, there are LESS people in absolute poverty than there has been for hundreds of years. That's not a relative number, not a percent, but an ABSOLUTE lower number of people. Even DESPITE the population boom. And they keep redefining what "absolute poverty" means.... upwards. As in an effort to include more people in it. Humanity in general is getting wealthier, and that includes pulling the poor miserable slobs out of destitution.
>And with that wealth comes a plummeting of all the nasty shit that comes with poverty: Illiteracy, disease, violence, warlords, dying in childbirth. Look up nearly any demographic metric and it'll put a smile on your face. In short, we are winning.
>Science is getting better. And not only better, but the rate at which it's getting better... is getting better. And it always has been. The tools we use to further our understanding feed back and help us understand better. And there's some CRAZY shit out on the edge of that Tech Readiness level: cultured meat, nano medicine, gene therapy (and lengthening telomeres might actually CURE OLD AGE), molten salt reactors, fusion power, machine learning, 3D printing looks fucking AWESOME these days, graphene, quantum dots, railguns, quantum computing, reusable rockets for CHEAP SPACE ACCESS, Carbon nano-tubes, and drone racing. Holy shit drone racing!

And the end of war:

We're all slaves to our programming. Obviously I won't end it, but it ultimately wouldn't matter if I or anyone else in this thread did.

Unironically, this.
I don't want to commit suicide because schadenfreude is too enjoyable

>What's the point
What's the point NOT TO FIGHT?

>We're all slaves to our programming
Yeah, except we're self-programming. If you're going to be nihilistic about life, end it. If not, get over it and find happiness.

There are secrets in this world, big and small, that we haven't yet found.

This is what keeps me going. I hope it will help you as well.

The logical conclusion of the black pill isn't throwing up your arms and dying, it's carrying the fire despite knowing full well your efforts trying to save the western states are a waste of your energy.
Nothing is so bad that you and those close to you can't keep being decent humans.

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I'm a relatively happy person, but I'm not under any delusions that any of this matters.

for the sake of nothing
It does not matter, so have fun, it feels good.

Sure it does. This life determines your next, and so on. The nature of reality is mind. Buddhism knows it, so does Hinduism, Taoism, Judaism (fuck 'em), and even Christianity to a cryptic extent

Then kill yourself faggot.

You can either be miserable or not, pretty fucking simple desk. Not going to change anything in the grand scheme anyways.

because usually people are able to deal with these common trivialities of life and get a qt gf at the same time. Life is indeed meaningless, but it is living through it that you find a meaning.

I enjoy your passionate hatred for vile humans who lack empathy and taint the definition of humanity. Stay based

I find the strength to fight through Christ. I've come to realization that the evil we see infront is nothing more than the work of Satan. It must be fought and there is only one who can bring a stop to this insanity. All my adult life I was an atheist who demanded proof of the savior. Now... I see the evil that lies ahead of us. I feel ashamed I turned my back on him... I find myself for the first time in a long time seeking the light of Christ. I know he is out there somewhere and we need him now more than ever.

I feel you user. Thanks for your post


> shaming language
Being so selfish by trying to shame other people into fulfilling your own goals.

Projection much?

You can't change the world. You can only live for yourself.

Was she stung by a bee? I don't get her face

Many of you will retire the idea of marrying a modern woman. The content nature of a man is best found at the base of the last page of a good book. By the pen and on the back alley of paper. The musings of the modern era are a conjecture of folly. A true man finds peace in solitude, even through bondage. You see the reality yet despair because you have yet to imagine a better you, a better world of your making. So instead partake in the oldest dealings of man through nature. Dirt, rock and wood. A man is steadfast in his making. A true woman will approach the mountain. This is key for a lasting love into the next life. No manner of colored pills will define your inner being, nor discolor your hearts. Good day to you brothers, and good day always.

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How do you know all this is going to happen? you don't know anything. Logically you can't know anything. Nobody even knows what it means to know something, or what truth even is. So unless you're some god whose knowledge isn't bounded by the limits of inductive reasoning, you've got no logical basis to conclude that there is no purpose in anything. Just live your life one day at a time and stop complaining.