The absolute state of communism

Attached: pajeetcommiescum.jpg (960x741, 109K)

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the absolute state of nazis

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I love how commies say they are for the working class.
Not one of those s o y i m would last a day at a construction site with people who are actually 'working class'
this is also true

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>People who work aren't working class
Classes are defined by your relationship to the means of production (workplace), proletariat (working class) have to work for the bourgeoisie (the owner of the business).

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get a job you filthy commie. Better dead than red

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The dead part happens more often than you'd think.

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>IT Employees
>Literally all fucking pajeets
I bet they shit in their cubicles

>Talking any kind of shit about hunger, clean water, and curable disease
>Malaria ???
Oh man the fucking cognitive dissonance

Better memed than heemed.

I'll bite this bait.
Those numbers are not an argument. I dont want people to die before they have to as well.

Commies hate my way of life, I can not support them

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Holodomor planed Genozide by starvation

Find me one communist who works. Everyone I know is a bum.

What shit hole countries are these numbers from?

Even the actual commies didn't fucking work. They showed up and did worse-than-nigger-tier effort enough times to get their monthly rations

The true commies work for project rep rap and Gutenberg.

Are you a first year polisci student at a really gay university, or did you just get lost on the way to reddit?

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Remove commiefag flag and show your star of kike

It's probably a kraut desu

When the working class are actually allowed to choose their rulers, they always choose a man who recognizes communism as the abomination it is and takes steps to liquidate the communist conspiracy.



kill yourself