Spread the word. The left is dead


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the right will gain so many blacks and disillusioned baristas

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>Turning meme USA

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This is a smoke screen. "Real" lefties are getting cucked by neocon nuliberals.

In California's OC some Vietnamese immigrant pediatrician got cucked by the DNC. They endorsed a former Republican neocon latino in her district.

Some Mexican who switched parties in 2015, is getting all the shekels from the party and the PACs.

Pro-Illegal, pro-war neocons are taking over the DNC.

Jeb will run as a Democrat in 10 years, I can see it. Bush family is switching parties.


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Neoliberals and Neocons are the same thing. Also you seem to forget that Mueller has 25,000 sealed indictments. The Bush family is going down.

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how do we capitalize on this to turn blacks into a loyal SS fighting force in order to retake the American Southwest?

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Only once all 25k open up I'll believe anyone is going down.
Doesn't seem to matter how evil people here are in America, if you have enough money you get away with being worse than niggers.


Look at these niggas. They're fucking gaslighting and punking their own people.

"Blue wave" my ass. More like a neocon wave on the Democrats. Berniebros are getting purged.

Neocons gonna try to make Democrats reliant on their money. Democrats have to lose these midterms to push Dems to the neocon center.

Perez's master plan is to promise amnesty to Mexicans and reparations to blacks, hoping they don't notice that he's selling the party out.

here's the youtube




Kanye West tweeted about her (Candace Owens) today. Kanye is cool.

They were always dead.

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>Black republicans
LMAO. People like Candace Owens are nothing more than Uncle Toms.

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Isn't it? I remember her saying during the Rubin interview that Kanye was her favorite and how it's because his music is about showing people that they can be great. Then this happens...I hope she gets to meet him.

>LMAO. People like Candace Owens are nothing more than Uncle Toms.

Prove me wrong faggot. 99% of blacks vote democrat. The 1% who vote Republican only do so because they are in romantic relationship with white people or because they work at Fox News and pander to boomers. If you don't comprehend that simple fact you might be a nigger yourself.

Sure thing. Keep trusting the polls, keep censoring people on the internet keep silencing everyone but the MSM narrative. You can keep drinking your own kool aid but soon enough you're going to be in for a surprise when you realize that you believed your own bullshit....AGAIN. It's like you guys don't get it. you never will.

>Keep trusting polls
Fuond the brainlet, literally kill yourself you nigger. I'm talking about data from the 2016 election, not polls. Votes casted by race and sex. The data is public. Even a nigger like you can find it on Google.

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8% of blacks voted republican. This number increasing of any amount would be tragic for the democratic party, as it would signal its loss over the monopoly on minority voters.

The data that said Hillary Clinton would win? This is what I'm talking about you dumb fuck, you rather argue and shill than think about the effects of what you're doing. I don't understand the goal of you shills, you defeat yourselves by exposing your complete retardation.

>Foreign flags
>meme flags
>same talking points
>msm narrative
>shitty memes
You guys are fools.

>92% of niggers vote dem
>He still thinks black republicans are relevant to black people in America
Again, uncle Toms

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Not projections or polls, raw data of votes that have already been casted by race and sex. Go back to school faggot

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It's funny how you're so invested in American politics but you have a german flag and your'e talking from a position where you claim to have a better understanding of the political landscape. At the same time you use terms and phrases common in America but not in Germany. Basically what I'm trying to say is that you're on a fucking VPN, you're a paid shill, and everyone can see it.

Blacks are alt right now. Didn't they see the memo?

You're missing the point retard, they BECOMING relevant would be bad for democrats, which is the entire point of this thread: a black republican becoming relevant because of pop culture exposure.

I'm an American you nigger, on vacation in land of my ancestors.

>alt right
The alt right isn't real. It's a made up term so that the MSM have an easy target to shill against and then claim that everyone who supports Trump is represented by that label.

>pretending to be oppressed for attention

Well yeah, but was this ever a secret?

No, you're a paid shill.

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On vacation in another country and posting on Jow Forums. If not a shill you are a mental case.

>alt right
ah yes, the infamous "cult of personality" because a group of people supporting a then republican candidate and now president that is doing things abit differently need their own new category because nobody knows how to deal with them.
fuck right off.

Get the fuck out

>neocons are taking over the DNC.
>Bush family is switching parties.
They're just being more honest about what they really are now. They're anti-white/anti-America.

good point. its nice to hear it from colored folk though

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There are plenty of prominent black republicans, Thomas Sowell, Colin Powell, Be Carson. Many have been successful in the government. Doesn't change the fact that blacks as a whole do no identify with conservatism.

I have family here, it's another home for me. Not a bloody tourist.

Just lightly chip away at the edges. Don't make any bold moves, or you will startle them. Finesse is important.

Again, missing the point of this thread. Who do you think black people care more about, Ben Carson, or Kanye West?


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Nice argument faggot, this is why the country is going to shit. Niggers are not salvagable even if you convert them to Republicans which is impossible anyway.

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You know what makes you a shill? On top of everything I've already listed, it's the fact that you're so intent on trying as hard as possible to D&C this thread. I don't think I've ever seen someone unironically use the word Uncle Tom on Jow Forums, that's something that democrats use, especially Jewish puppets. You're a Jew, its' that simple. You will never be able to shill properly on Jow Forums because Jews aren't human so even on this board people can subconsciously tell they are talking to something that isn't human.

Floyd Mayweather and plenty of other celebs have expressed conservative views too, Kanye West kinda sorta supported Trump before the election, did blacks somehow started voting Trump in mass because of this? No they didn't. Open your eyes, leaf.

Blackmen know the militant blackwomen has been had, of course she's gonna talk this talk and walk that walk, she's a typical sold out whore.
BTFO murimutts.
Read your histories of MOORLAND.

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mmm.. im gonna sleep snore snore zzzzzz

And in turn they will transform the "right" in a pseudo leftie abomination. I mean, good luck turning that sinking ship around but i doubt this will be very effective.

I love how neurotic Jews like you get when threads like these are made showing unity among ALL AMERICANS. You can't handle it.

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Oh look ANOTHER FOREIGN FLAG trying to tell Americans what will happen. The abomination is everything JEWS LIKE YOU TOUCH.

You give them too much credit. It won’t change anyone’s minds. They’re too brainwashed.

You're the one getting triggered by word. it's an accurate description of people like Candace Owens. The vast vast majority of her own people don't support her. She is only relevant to white boomers. Blacks will never embrace conservatism. All this talk of "civil war of ideas" is horsecrap.


>literally shilling for civic nationalism
>Calling me a kike
Can't make this up

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Everybody says there is this RACE problem. Everybody says this RACE problem will be solved when the third world pours into EVERY white country and ONLY into white countries.

The Netherlands and Belgium are just as crowded as Japan or Taiwan, but nobody says Japan or Taiwan will solve this RACE problem by bringing in millions of third worlders and quote assimilating unquote with them.

Everybody says the final solution to this RACE problem is for EVERY white country and ONLY white countries to “assimilate,” i.e., intermarry, with all those non-whites.

What if I said there was this RACE problem and this RACE problem would be solved only if hundreds of millions of non-blacks were brought into EVERY black country and ONLY into black countries?

How long would it take anyone to realize I’m not talking about a RACE problem. I am talking about the final solution to the BLACK problem?

And how long would it take any sane black man to notice this and what kind of psycho black man wouldn’t object to this?

But if I tell that obvious truth about the ongoing program of genocide against my race, the white race, Liberals and respectable conservatives agree that I am a naziwhowantstokillsixmillionjews.

They say they are anti-racist. What they are is anti-white.

Anti-racist is a code word for anti-white.

Yeah, and this certainly helped red pilling a couple people, even though the majority of pop culture remains a liberal stronghold.
The point is the more pop culture shifts to/ accepts the right, the worse it gets to democrats. I really don't get what you're confused about

Yes, let's all give a shit what some German flag thinks about black people in America

It's half 5 at night in Germany now you stupid fucking retard. So you're shitposting on Jow Forums deep in the night on your vacation? So it's obvious you're on a VPN. The fact you deny it only makes it all the more suspect.

>I feel sorry for you. Watching you speak reminded me of the Dave Chappelle show episode where he was a KKK leader, but didn’t know he was black because he was blind. That’s you.
hahahahah oh my fucking god.

NATIONALISM. You have personal problems and should seek help.

When did the term listed under Race: “Negro” become offensive?
What’s up with that?

I’m in Germany. Pic related. What can I say, I’m an owl.

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I'm honestly sympathetic to your cause, but the whole point of Trump was that it united white people in their hatred of foreigners and losing money to other countries. Just look at how democrats are being torn apart by lefties and how they ravage each other falling over backwards to be the most oppressed and most diverse or "anti racist". And most of this is advocated the most by blacks. Do you really want those people on your side? Considering american politics is basically 2 sides hating each other.

How do you expect nationalism to work when 92% of blacks and 80% of hispanics have in group preferance and will never vote Republican? You are a retard. I'm sorry.

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hallöchen :3 auch noch wach?

Holy shit it's actually working irl before my eyes bros. What the fuck is going on?

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You are dead wrong, pop culture is shifting in the other direction, blacks literally thinking they wuz kangs and want to get Wakanda back. Don't get your hopes up leaf.

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ja klar, gehe aber gleich ins Bett ;)

>blacks literally thinking they wuz kangs and want to get Wakanda back.
You shill so much and spam that bullshit all over the internet YOU THINK THAT'S WHAT A MAJORITY OF BLACK PEOPLE ACTUALLY THINK. YOU DRINK YOUR OWN KOOL AID.

Sorry about my countrymen, they’re critically retarded.

Of course I don't know what each and everyone of them thinks you brainlet, of course there are outliers, but we do know the general cultural trend and of course we know for a fact that the vast vast majority of them vote against the second amendment, vote in favor of welfare and in favor of abortion.

BLM may be dead, but "the revolution is immortal" (Che Guevara).

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Gute Nacht mein Neger

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idk, 5 years ago, being a SJW was the norm, today they're seen as a cringe factory. Don't get me wrong, pop culture is still very left, but I do think it's shifting right. Everyone is pissed at sanctimonious millionaire actors/athletes giving people moral lessons.

Why don't you follow the example of your fellow commies and starve to death?

you're right. thats why civic nationalism.

Jews actually want civic nationalism because they would allow whites to intermix with shitskins.

So you are a Roach decendent? Explains a lot

>I’m going to call him a roach because i don’t have an argument

As long as I of a breath inside my lungs I will fight capitalism.

Absolutely BTFO with no hope of recovery. Lets burn the ashes until there is nothing left of the left.

why cant this place push this in their faces? Make a twitter account follow and retweet this. There is a war for the hearts and minds of the black population lets seize on it and fix the permanent underclass society.

He said he was visiting "muh ancestors" in Germany. I actually agree with his point that blacks have a tremendous way to go before they are a not a homogenous political block. Fuck off

We did. Thats why Trump won. And we're stil doing it.

So long as people other than whites exist, there will always be leftists

Yeah ok, whatever. Enjoy your next rally with "BASED BLACK MAGA PEDE" and the mandatory 2 hour session about the history of Africa and Slavery and how it was actually the democrats (white) who owned slaves.