Did six million Jews really die during world war 2?
The holocaust
Other urls found in this thread:
did six million jews really eat onions
fake and gay.
>88 digits confirm fake and gay and debate is a waste of time
Mentally sound answer: yes.
I want shitposters and trolls to feign outrage and reply angrily to this, calling me a kike shill faggot cunt answer: no.
WW2 never happened
I heard that it was a myth
>Did six million Jews really die during world war 2?
Nope. There was no Holocaust. Jews died yes, but there was no program of extermination.
It's a shitposting faggot attempting to shit up the board.
Clearly you've never investigated the "Holocaust" on your own...
No, probably a few thousand, but not 6 bazillion
>post jew thread
>get shitted
six gorillion lol
I am not a shitposter, I seek the truth
>I am not a shitposter, I seek the truth
Not you, the idiot you're responding to
yeah we really want to know how many jews died 70 years ago
six gorillion lol
6 million jews mean 6 million liters of water ever day. Not only would it have been cheaper to simply dehydrate the 6 million jews... it would have also been more efficient than gassing them.... Just saying... simple logic, simple math... not something the jews thought about when staging this event back then. Also, don't hate me for being logical and honest... it's just how the human body works. No water for a week and you're done. Why spend gorillions on gas? Doesn't make sense at all.. whatsoever.
fuck that would have even be crueler than gassing them.
so the holocaust is a nyth?
so the holocaust is a myth?
How old are you OP?
well, if you apply logic... very much. If you apply Hollywood factor... no. Nazi were somehow capable to conquer vast amounts of territory but in the end decided to spend billions on gas instead of just dehydrating or starving them to death... not even considering the trillions it would have cost to round up 6 gorillion jews. Try it yourself... try to round up only 10 jews right now... it would take an immense effort, logistics and manpower. The whole thing was a ruse. A hoax. Created by british forces to push for the Balfour declaration to go through. To create Israel and to rob Palestine of their land. The only people who conquered land in WW2 were the jews... not the germans. Let that sink in.
based dude is based.
i am in my 20's
roughly 37,000 people of the jewish religion died, mostly as a result of starvation, typhus, some were executed as prisoners but there was no extermination program as Netanhayu also reminded the world in 2015.
"You can trust us, goy"
WOAH. I never looked at it this way.
Fucking kys
Yes. 6 million jews died but it's not enough.
No, there weren't even that many of them in all of Europe at the time. In before shills arrive with fakes. The Jews want white people to feel bad about WWII so that they can get way with starting WWIII.
"Don't forget to give us your credit card information, goyim. These ashes aren't cheap!"
Yes. Stormfags are in denial.
no ashes
no pits of bodies
no gas bill for millions
no tattoo went over six digits
Good goy.
That's worse than the masturbatorium
No scientific evidence anyone was gassed to death
No they were just POWs. They just whined and exaggerated a lot.
More evidence that the holocaust never happened, all the laws criminalizing saying that it never happened. The truth doesn't need a special law to protect it. Why are they so afraid of investigations?
My 20 cousins died in the masturbatorium!! G________d remember them!!
Here's proof. Go away.
>literally written by a man who lied about being Jewish
You see OP, the 6 million number was predictive programming.
It was being pushed through the media on a yearly basis to remind people of the 6 million!
All for the creation of Israel because the Rothschild had already signed the Balfour agreement with their cousins the Windsors aka Saxe-Gothe-Coburg
Every Jew on earth is lying about being "Jewish."
no thanks i've seen that jidf joke and debunked it enough times to know you have no argument other than other people's """"""work"""""
Your proof was debunked, you go away.
da joos da joos da joos
This is a long interview but the man being interviewed is the one who won that trial, his name was Ernst Zundel and he pissed off a lot of zionist jews:
Every now and then God creates a Jew with the ability to tell the truth. It's very rare but it happens.
>contributes nothing to thread
>contributes nothing to anyone's discussion
>tries to belittle and derail
>Says "da joos" as if it's not completely proven and true.
More people wake up every day. You can't stop it and that's why you're scared.
I can't wait to teach my kids that the holocaust was a hoax, and there's nothing (((they)) can do about it.
Your "six million" articles are largely edited.
>50% stolen memes and tiny text.
Quality work, retard
I posed the link to the video showing all the newspapers
the kikes are sneaky, they are going to try to make holocaust denial illegal in this country
no i'm tired of jew threads
they are really boring
they start out with a faggot asking a loaded question
then a bunch of niggers post support
The camps existed and they probably did kill people in different ways to test what they could weponize but I don't believe the 6 million number or that they were all jews
OP, don't fall for it.
hide them you stupid kuck
Yeah if you have somebody locked in a cage you can just stop givng them food instead of gassing them.
Read the image. They're forged. You're literally spreading lies.
Do they want all synagogues to succumb to faulty wiring? Us goyim won't help them anymore.
you just pulled a pilpul on me.
begone jew, you've been exposed for the liar you are
Make sure to wait until they are old enough NOT to bring it up in school. The last thing you want is your kid praising Hitler or saying "My Daddy said that's not real" when the teacher brings up the Holohoax in class.
That's an automatic call to CPS. Never forget you are dealing with Satan's children. Jews are PROFOUNDLY different and do not share your empathy or desire to fight fair.
No one cares what you want, Jow Forums isn't your board. Go back to the_donald if you don't like it, fag.
>i'm tired of jew threads
still posting here tho
what kind of loser are you?
You can't read, can you? It's not the JIDF, it's /his/. Literally at the bottom of the image.
they did this to Germans after the war
no i'm from /b/ actually
never reddit ever
>shows """fake""" pictures
>promises to debunk them
>instead just a wall of text
>implying my kids will go to public school
Good advice, though. Sadly, you're spot on. I can see it now. *ding dong* FREEEEEEEZE HE'S GOT A NAZI GUN!!! ratatattatataaa
~the next day on the news~ "Authorities neutralized cult leader..."
Literally what?
You have no argument, so you're just gonna call me a Jew?
i said JIDF already, no need to repeat the name
grug think long nose man lie about holobunga
long nose tribe make cave drawing of 6 dead gruggs
You claim to seek the truth. You would be able to be open-minded and actually read, if you were a true skeptic. But what you are is a liar who outright makes up shit to discredit the Holocaust. Fuck you, retard.
The true victims of the "Completely Burnt Offering" were the victims of incendiary and nuclear bombs dropped on their heads while at home awa from the war.
Respect these true victims instead
If you side with the Jews, you're really from hell.
Truth wins in the end, you cannot stop people form waking up.
Honestly i can almost believe a knife room, but what the fuck is a pond full of acid?
Plus if I saw people getting marched into a masturbation chamber I would just charge a guard.
In all 100% seriousness, what was the suicide rate in kike camps? They never ever killed themselves?
i know lead and fluoridated minds that populate this thread will never learn anything unless there's a dick being rammed up their ass and I won't oblige
I hope so