Kraut/pol/ & AfD General - Best Friends Edition


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>Kraut/pol/ OP pasta

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I've got some fashwave aesthetics's. I'm not sure if my internet will upload it though.

Goddamnit, I had jusut made my first post in the last thread.
Anyway, Servus Kameraden

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Wir haben kurz vor 4 in der früh.
Denkst du jetzt ist der richtige Zeitpunkt für diesen Faden?

Which political ideologies does Kraut/pol/ follow?
I'm a fan of Mencius Moldbug desu.

Ist doch eh Sonntag.

Just filling up my Prime Pantry box for later.
So far all I have is Lipton tea in bottles.

Yee boi

was talking with some french user and the old one was about to die.

Old Thread:

buy some pair of running shows, babe. it'll be worth it, trust me.

immer die richtige Zeit

Corporatism/Dirigism on economics
Voluntaryism on welfare
Traditionalism on culture
Organicism on society
European nationalism and Neutralism on foreign policy

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it's in every news outlet but i don't know if it made it into the tagesschau or heute journal

Okay, honey.

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It's a me, TKB
Pills will wear out soon don't have much time

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Frage an Kraut/pol/:
Würdet ihr einer nicht deutsche Frau eine Beziehung führen?
Wenn ja, was würdet ihr bzw was würdet ihr nicht?

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Meine Froindin ist Amerikanerin.
Weiß genug, vielleicht ein bisschen zu viel Indianer, aber das Risiko geht man mit denen ja immer ein.

Civilizational federalist
Regional self determination
Immensely strong government at the top
Control of the 6 powers in the form of the emperor
Economical terrorism and kleptocracy
Foreign assassinations
Organized branches of workforce

What am I?

good in the sense that it linked traditionalist elements with new ideas that tried to tackle the problems of the 20st century (loss of religion, industrialisation, banking system etc.)

in the end it was doomed to fail because it had an aggressive expansionism as core ideology which also explains why hitler was a huge admirer of islam. on the other hand germany had no other chance at that time because the population was too huge to feed all of them while being forced to rely on autarchy. trade was mostly out of the question as far as i know. restrictions and embargos were very soon in place when hitler took power.
in the end re-armament also took its toll on the economy which boomed in the early and mid thirties. which such huge investments in the military economic gains (read spoils of war) had to be made with it in order to prevent bankruptcy.

if i was hitler, i would have made the re-armament on a smaller scale; waited for the communists to attack first and then try to gather support from the french and the british in the hope that they would see russia as the bigger enemy. huge gamble though.

Wie findet man ein 'merica gf?

glad you made it. here my answer

A lot of people in the south and west have some Indian, in them. North east is usually completely European.

depends on the prospects you have with women in general. if you don't have problems finding a gf, you should always aim for a german one. don't settle for less. and also don't buy in this "love" bullshit. think longterm and think of your people.

Oh if you want an American gf then....
in that case......
let me play ping pong with your balls.

jesus, how do you develop so detailed political affiliations? i'm still a baby basically wtf

stop whoring yourself out to other guys! i already said yes

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What you need to remember is that at the time, the situation was different, and I doubt that there is a way to prevent them from declaring the war on Germany
Remember those banks you removed everywhere you went, well they pulled the shits for Britain, and they wanted you gone
What would most likely have happened is them making a pact with Russia to tear you a new pair of assholes at the dirt sign of weakness
Remember, you were the good guys and you were all alone

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My bad sweetie. Wuv you.

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I meant strings not shits I am just completely high right now that's all

>tfw that pic is my life
>I could be dating a white trad woman RIGHT NOW

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Aus welche Staat kommt sie?

>Regional self determination
>Immensely strong government at the top
>Control of the 6 powers in the form of the emperor
Sounds like Monarchy to me desu. Imperial china has historically been governed a lot like that: the emperor had a lot of power but local governments were mostly left to their own devices.
If you want to read more about regional self determination here's an article about decentralized governance from one of the best political bloggers around:

>economical terrorism
Owo what's this?

Spent quite a lot of time reading on all sort of political theory / philosophy, and it is something I do brainstorm quite w bit on . I am pretty solid as far as states craft goes

fair point. re-armament alone was a casus belli for the allies but this was already planned (or even started) by some weimar politicians. germany was fucked after wwI no matter what.

not fucking up the jews and not expanding in neighbouring countries certainly would have helped to market yourself as good guy. but even here hitler was in a tough situation since not reacting to the maltreatment of germans in those countries would have weakened his reputation.

really impressive. i started in 2015 and are vaguely traditionalist/monarchist.
btw are you often on pol or are you kinda new?

The Midwest, my friend. That is your best chance for a
>Conservative (ish)

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>let me play ping pong with your balls.

w-what did you mean by this?

also, do you got some good reading suggestions for us, lad?

>>economical terrorism
The strength of your economy, and wealth you control basically represents how well you can control the flux of money and transfer of goods
Economical terrorrism is a little doctrine I have been building on, under which to assume and achieve hegemony in terms of trade and economy, as well as wealth, all tactics should be used
With a very heavy focus on targeted economical warefare, and psychological warfare. In particular the use of terror tactics to influence the markets and the businesses
The goal here is to achieve a monopoly on the worlds economy, every actions should this be made towards that purpose
A few examples could for example the French corsairs, paid pirates who's job it was to disrupt and steal from competitors
Or the use of your military capabilities against multinationals that do not conform to the rules you have set forward
Basically fuck the nap, you can just call it the aggression principle at this point

You know what user? Fuck all this gay moldbug shit, we pirates now

Right now high af and tired, but sure check practical idealism, the silent weapons of silent wars, the raven of Zurich, Marx, all the texts based around the statecraft and doctrines of fascism, with large scale economics introduction

so basically hacking, industrial espionage and staging terrorist attacks, coups etc...

i think every superpower does that already

thx for sticking around for so long. hopefully we can talk again some time.

high on which drug?

Hey Germans! You guys are the superior whites because of your scientists, HH

The stuff about foreign assassinations sounds cool too, what are the specifics on that?

blow job.

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Really new, I mostly have fun with the people on the site they are very predictable
Pic related is what pol did to me, and what it will do to the ones reading the books I gave out
My political philosophy is wide, and it is not something that has ever been tried, it is something else

Alrite you maighty, let the chant of the old horn grow

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expanding on that:

another huge detriment of national socialism was its focus on the führer and the party. a benevolent tyrant with a very small government and no huge party behind him is basically a monarch anyway and that's what national socialism should have strived for in the long run. however this might have been impossible anyway. the party was full of careerist and opportunist just like any other democratic party today. declaring himself a monarch and appointing a successor or heir could easily have ended in a civil war.

and like i said above, a small government is always superiour to a big one, for the reasons of wasting a lot of resources on bureaucratic affairs alone.

even if you fuck with people you most likely improve the quality of this board. since the us-elections it has all gone downhill. lots of shitposting and shilling, not enough serious discussions going on and the veriety of topics als decreased imo.

nonetheless, have fun and enjoy the ride, lad!

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oh my

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No the way it can be used so much further than that
In its sevelopped form it allows you a great amount of control over the markets and the sectors of activity
Let's take an example:
Company a wants to install a new expensive shop in Singapore, you of course appose that action
Well under this doctrine you are justified to literally blow their new stores with them inside
Basically psychology and Terror tactics applies to get hand in finance

this would imply that you do this in secret of course, right? because otherwise or if other countries would find out they could embargo you or even declare war.


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Those are fine arts, terrorruts better stay separate from the chain of command, mainly the creation of an organ is aimed to the creation of a cult and radicalization of its members,
The point really is by fear and threat influence the minds to harbour them in my safety

There is a huge storm outside I was trying to make a webm

isn't everything dark right now? middle-germany is calm so far but bad weather is about to hit us today, too.

Amazing it almost sounds like you're proposing a safe space
Good idea

great quote i just came across:

>“Biologically speaking, man has the inborn task of defending three things: himself, his family and his tribe. As a pair-forming, territorial, group-living primate he is driven to this, and driven hard. If he or his family or his tribe are threatened with violence, it will be all too natural for him to respond with counter-violence. As long as there is a chance of repelling the attack, it is his biological duty to attempt to do so by any means at his disposal.”

>— Desmond Morris, The Human Zoo

I live in Paris I wishi could show you
Our clouds are really amazing, they re always beautiful and they fly quite low
Right now I am in the middle of a thunderstorm we can see the sky's we illuminate it

wut? no, rather the opposite. this place needs an influx of quality people who are interested in serious discussion and you definitely seem to be one.

thunderstorms are the best. so extremely comfy. well, as long as your indoors, kek.
those will definitely hit germany later.

Anyway stoned as fuck see you tomorrow same threads
Wish me good night

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>If, by the instrument of governmental power, a nationality is led towards its destruction, then rebellion is not only the right of every member of such a people - it is his duty.

>Adolf Hitler - Mein Kampf (Page 88)

uh, oh...

ironic...i bet stauffenberg & Co thought very similar.

>middle-germany is calm so far but bad weather is about to hit us today, too
Well fuq there goes my chance to catch some sun and have a long walk.

always search for "kraut" in the catalogue and you'll find us quickly.

good night, fren.

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Good night and sleep well

should have done that yesterday. sry lad...oh well i got similar problems. had intervall training planned on the track

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>wut? no, rather the opposite. this place needs an influx of quality people who are interested in serious discussion and you definitely seem to be one.
I am saying that if we need to talk more, and be able to have conversations, then we must find a safe space

oh, yeah. well anonymity and such also has its downsice i guess.

krautpol is alright though. most people stay out anyway. we have some shitposters and shills but it is decent enough to have several independent discussions going even.

as to safe spaces it is really difficult to find one. the danger is always high to get doxxed once you venture out of this board.

Good night guys...and ChinkEyes, if you are still here...

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last bump

good night everyone

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So what posts aren't here forever they get deleted all they lol have us that you browse pol

I was in Paris. Let me look through my camera photos. Flew over the eiffel tower.

this is cute

good morning, Kraut/pol/

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