Explain this without using black lives matter-tier rhetoric like "they're cheating and that's not fair"

Explain this without using black lives matter-tier rhetoric like "they're cheating and that's not fair"

Attached: 1459119970572.jpg (460x670, 83K)

>Explain this without using black lives matter-tier rhetoric like "they're cheating and that's not fair"
Who said Jews are inferior?

Jews are not White and for that reason alone, they do not belong in White countries.

They're physically inferior

By all measures, the jews are in general superior. They rule everything. They work together to help themselves, and there's nothing wrong with this.

Who said they're inferior? Hitler never said "Master Race", but lots of Jews claim to be superior and "god's chosen".
Jews just do shit like slide posting on Jow Forums thinking a fake nazi meme flag is gonna hide their Star of David location flag.

If the Jews truly were superior they wouldn't need to parasite themselves off of another race.

big nose tribe take gruggs rocks

JIDF spotted.
No, seriously - Christians made usury illegal - this left it wide open for unprincipled Jews.
The only "superiority" jews have is a hate of everyone who is a non-Jew and no scruples at all.

It's called, "nepotism."

and done