/SOSNicaragua/: It all returns to nothing Edition

Quick Rundown
>government fucks social security
>issues loans to (((cronies)))
>nation-wide chimpout happens
>the army's being mobilized
>people are stacking on provisions and water everywhere
>the police are stealing people's provisions
>Contras are rearming themselves
>high chance (((they)))'re behind this shitshow
>mass gassing seems imminent
Last Thread:Watch the Shitshow here:



Thread Theme:youtube.com/watch?v=-qxa91EwFco

Also ,Anyone here knows how to fight back against jewish kabbalah sorcery?

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Other urls found in this thread:


Literally who and where

bumping with the same map as the last thread

>The red part is where most commie sympathizers are located, or where most of the population is 40% with the government

>The green part is where most insurgents are , the population is 100% against the goverment

>the Blue part is where most Contras are located, or at least where they were located after the 80's war

>the black zone is neutral, they've been reports of clashes with police and military

>the purple circles are where the action's happening.

>the orange area is the Reserva Indio-Maiz, it burned down a few weeks ago-.

the Contras and Insurgents are planning to walk all the way from Esteli to Managua

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Got a new fucking "general" to add to my Filter List

The world doesn't care what happens in the Americas below Texas.

im hoping we can get some images and details of the dead, like they did back in the 70s. the images of the dead played a big role in gettign people to go out and fight

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Adamska here, there's the timeline of the shit show again

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post qt sandanistas

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Bump for global justice

If shit goes down I hope I get deployed to fuck up some Sandanista fucks
A mini-Nam right in our proverbial backyard is what the US needs right now to be quite honest

To all Nicaraguan Anons:

If worse comes to worse, US asylum laws are still pretty lax. Just be sure to have proof that you are being persecuted for your political opinions, aka, any injuries from protests, proof of detention, or anything else related to government authorities targeting dissent.




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Once more for good measure

Will this be China's first intervention in LatAm? They're gonna protect their Canal if the Sandinista go down, right? Guatemala bros please answer. How do you view the Chinese?

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ojala esten quemando edificios de gobierno y no casas de ciudadanos comunes -_-

reminder: the police its killing fucking everyone who tries to speak, the army was deployed, people started to loot gunstores

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Honduras here
Sandino Vive!
Carlos Fonseca, presente!

fuck the sandinista government, they have betrayed Sandino's vision, disgusting oligarchic thief.

t. i wrote a book that has a chapter about FSLN

luckily he had dominican branded shoes and the shit slid right off!

I see no llama in your picture

they became an ever worse Somoza

reminder this is a pro Sandanista thread muriniggers and contra fags are not welcome here


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Ew no

Should have turned disasters off, noob

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Dude Livestreaming gets shot. (Sound on YouTube) webm I had to strip it off to make it fit.

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There's was some scuttlebutt about how the company that was gonna build it went tits up.

I don't have anything against Nicaraguans particularly but don't come here, we don't want to be a trashbin for Central America's unwanteds

What the fuck is wrong with you?

>russia comes to agreement with Nicaragua to dig Nicaragua Canal to rival Panama Canal
>this happens


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Why hasnt centro bros reformed the USCA?

no that was just to launder money and confiscate land

Who you messing with esse, don't you know I'm loco?

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All according to plan.

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of course we wont
we only want to fix our country
I know Immigrants are the last thing the US needs, we only need to get our shit together and fix the country
we all know who's behind all of this

Even during a riot, they have ciestas. Lazy fucking mexicans, man

we need to spread memes and infographics/PDFs

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I am man enough to admit I would not be able to handle those thighs.

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Two dudes lost an eye.
21 confirmed kills at this point
19 rumored
around 11 missing persons

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>t. i wrote a book that has a chapter about FSLN
what did you discover in your research?

Where is metal slug user reply to me if you are MS user!

something fishy about this.

In a televised address, Ortega said the benefit changes were not due to take effect until July 1, giving the government time to arrange talks with the private sector to review them.

“We’ll have to see what change can be made to this decree or whether we need to do a new one,” Ortega said.

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lol fag

I'll see if I can dig up some of Jow Forums's about surviving chimpouts and happenings

el año pasado anduve en un congreso en la UCA, en Managua. Los hipsters de la UCA eran pro-government y los taxistas de la ciudad querían linchar a Ortega y a la mujer, sobre todo a la mujer. Saquen sus propias conclusiones.

What the fuck is wrong with South America? Stop electing criminals you dummies.

...is that really the president of Guatemala?

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we are not electing them, they have been rigging up the elections for years

What, me?

I am monitoring this thread.

>that pic

Fuck man, thats rough

Would plow that shit like a field

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Homemade Firearms
Huge Archive

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I miss the memes based on this

i wrote a book about political cartoons from the honduran communist party, that contains chapter dedicated to retelling the revolution with political cartoons. I can share a link if you know spanish.


Did you search up how JUST'd MS became?

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alright well enjoy your revolution then.

>American education
I feel sorry for you

Is that true? Damn.
(the greentext not pic related)

You'll be surprised.

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but also pic

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are we derailing the thread?

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>ChiNada posting in a freedom thread

beat it Ching Chong

...you can't make me look into the abyss....

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Would totally ride that barge into the dock.

My rigid grill structure is coming in on her unprotected cargo door.

>Is that true?
Oh it is, both China and Russia wanted it to happen and have a part in it, look it up

Good riddance.
The implications of this event are not just regional.
It's a dire warning of how rapidly civil unrest can escalate. I hope I'm wrong, but I believe we're witnessing the beginning of a bloody regime change.
And it's TRULY organic, no glowinthedark Muslim Brotherhood/FSA bullshit.

Nicaragua nigga, read a title nigga.

How well armed are the contras and insurgents? Will the general populace back them?

>first venezuela
>then brazil
>now this

Central and South America Mad Max collapse by 2020?

police truck enriched infront of the cathedral in Leon

>Una patrulla de la Policía de León, fue incendiada la noche de este viernes, durante los enfrentamientos en León. LA PRENSA/E.LOPEZ

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I'm sorry user.......
Everything about MS is corrupted by superAIDS anime lolis.
I've tried my best by asking for better units and balanced playstyle.
But I guess those nips from JAPAN fucked everything over.

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>tfw you country is responsible for everything below Texas for being a massive shitshow all in the name of stopping communism and drugs.

Your CIA spooks do

People from the coast are comming to help
we already have the farmers pic related

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the contras are armed to the teeth, insurgents are armed with crude mortars and potato guns, a few of them are equipped with .22lr rifles, most of them rely on machetes and rocks tho

do you draw? cos it would be helpful to draw memes and post them on instagra/twitter

This has nothing to do with America. Get your head out of your ass.

Some of them we're preparing homemade bombs

every rondabout its going to shit

How does everything look for you? A hopeful outlook maybe?

If this goes as it should Mexico will follow suit after their next election and I pray the United States follows suit.

>Implying the increased market pressure of the US moeshit fetish didn't cause this.
It's fucking feedback loop now, it's all bad.

How's the situation near you brother? around here I keep hearing mortars to the brim, they're stronger than yesterday so they are close

It looks like LA-Riots-tier civil unrest is now in full swing, but what are the chances of full-blown Civil War?

>on either American continent
>nothing to do with America
Monroe doctrine faggot

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>Some of them we're preparing homemade bombs
kek, what im doing right now
I'm way up in the north so things are kind of OK, if war breaks out I already have a plan of what im going to do, and if shit really hits the fan I already got an escape route ready

This is the Nicaraguan government fucking the Nicaraguan people with forced socialist policies. Nothing to do with America.

I don't know user, your country had to do with a lot of shit happening in places way further than Nicaragua. I believe you're right but you could easily be wrong.

Im alright (for now)
>but what are the chances of full-blown Civil War?
very high, getting higher every hour

>booby traps

yes!! need to booby trap the church where the students were hiding. also booby trap the university were the students were killed

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Not in my watch

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>He hears mortars
Dammit son where are you? In case you're not larping, best of luck.

Actually if you looked up the votes for new units in the game from SNK all of the votes for MOEshit were nips.

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Well the shills are among us now guys, it's clear now that this is going perfect. See it through to the end: FULL lachayo/sandinista purge, set up monarchy, have Contra swear oath to forever turn from violence and get your shit on the right path once and for all.

Our best option would be international intervention, I dont know how likely it would be.

the army knows they fucked up, but Im not sure they're willing to make a coup

also say we get rid of Ortega? then what?shit doesnt look good, democracy would sent this to hell, a monarchy could work for sometimes, we have to get sure we dont get a third dictator

Glad to hear bro, if shit hits the fan here im going to have to get the fuck out of my house as fast as I can

First I will check your trips
But I have to completely disagree
All the Americas are our sphere of influence
If we are not involved, China will be. The last thing we need is them in our backyard.

>I keep hearing mortars
holy shit mate, for real?

What are you on about? It's in case of a real war going down, not protests.