The Asian IQ meme

Notice that Asians are vastly under-represented in private sector STEM positions, but vastly over-represented in university enrollment and teaching positions. Are Asians just afraid of being paid more for their "superior IQs" -- why don't they go after those competitive jobs?

Attached: asian_employment_STEM.jpg (1313x918, 969K)

penis memes

They cheat the IQ tests.

they are vastly under-represented in the penis sector

in aus i noticed the universities are full of asians(widespread cheating btw but thats another topic)
yet out in the workforce you rarely meet asian professionals anywhere.
They are basically not working in the country or not passing their university degrees.
They pretty much use university to sneak in the country milk the system for a few years then disappear.

Asians are almost triple their representation in STEM compared to the total workforce. And I think you're reading the numbers wrong. Asians aren't under-represented in private sector STEM; there actually isn't a "private sector STEM" category. Unless I'm wrong, the top number is total number of people employed (116 million), and under that is the number of people in STEM occupations (7 million).

Is this bait to see how many Asians are on Jow Forums? I believe that "Le Asian IQ" is just a meme for the Chinese, but not for Korean and Japanese.

Attached: china cheats.jpg (2506x2997, 2.68M)

>Asians are almost triple their representation in STEM compared to the total workforce.
Not proportionally to their IQ difference.

koreans are the most obnoxious race shills.

We limit the number of asians we employ because we don't want the companies to consist 90% of chinks.
I work at a pretty high position in fortune 500 company

chinese cheating is well known to anyone involved in academia. like we basically have to assume any chinese GRE score is fraudulent. the koreans and japanese and viets are more or less okay though. it's just the fucking ch*nese

Not aggressive. I'm not Asian or white but i am a high IQ stem fag. I didn't network at all due to anxiety and now am a neet. When i stalk old classmates on LinkedIn the same WASP fags i used to let see my code or hw solutions are all pulling good money at respectable companies.

Found one guys.

Attached: chinks.jpg (1600x1200, 332K)

also some US states have an average IQ of around 103-104 despite not being all white. the average IQ in MA is like 104 despite being only 75% white and the rest mostly Puerto Ricans. the white population in the US is not a monolith. a big reason the south and appalachia are so backward aside from blacks is that they were settled by pajeet-tier whites (Scots-Irish). with that said Scots-Irish fight in a lot of our Jewish wars so they're alright I suppose.

Private sector stem often means PhD.

Asians aren’t as compatible with phd programs.

I know, I’m in one.

Part of it is language and cultural barriers.

Another is a lot of academic research seems dumb and useless to them.

Another is Chinese run labs are absolute hell. Chinese lab bosses are the devil and will ruin your career. Even Chinese people will admit this.

First, why are you using statistics from 2011?

Second, asians account for only 5% of America's population.

>Another is a lot of academic research seems dumb and useless to them.
why do they apply to PhD programs then?

>Another is Chinese run labs are absolute hell. Chinese lab bosses are the devil and will ruin your career. Even Chinese people will admit this.
and yet every Chinese still has for a Chinese advisor

To me, just look at their countries. The only decent east Asian countries are the ones that had heavy Western influence (South Korea, Taiwan, Japan). When left to their own devices, they're India-tier shitholes, where they eat dogs and have child sex tourism.

McMaster’s buddies at Oracle are ensuring that only Asians get jobs. HRM software cheats for them.

This & IQ is a meme. Einstein made math, not food.

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>why do they apply to PhD programs then?

Well they don’t. Or they leave early with a masters.

>and yet every Chinese still has for a Chinese advisor

Language and cultural barriers I’d say. They don’t know how to interact with non Asians.

You do realize how few asians there actually are in the US?

>First, why are you using statistics from 2011?
The age of statistics doesn't invalidate them, just the methodology used to collect them. Also, is there a specific reason that things might be radically different since 2011, or are you just using the boilerplate excuse leftist shills use when they want to deny statistic?
>Second, asians account for only 5% of America's population.
Are Asians 5% higher on average than "white" IQ scores?

You do realize thay almost all of them are international students and simply return to their country when they finish their degree right?

You and OP are retarded.

Of course asians form a minority of STEM positions because they are a minority (only 5% of the American population)

The fact that they're over-represented in university enrollment just means that asians overall are more likely to pursue STEM majors.

>You do realize thay almost all of them are international students and simply return to their country when they finish their degree right?

This is true too, especially for graduate school. It happens that there is so little interest in grad school from US citizens that schools end up with mostly foreigners (Indians, Chinese, etc.)

Us whites do not hire Asians.

>Of course asians form a minority of STEM positions because they are a minority (only 5% of the American population)
Their rate of IQ difference should be reflected in the rate of their employment in competitive industry, since said marketplace is the closest to pure meritocracy in the world. But you don't see this. I think it's because so many Chinese international students cheats.

>Not proportionally to their IQ difference.
What the fuck did I just read?

Asians and whites have similar IQs, the differences are negligible.

The reason why you have above average representation of asians in more STEM careers is owed to cultural differences and not IQ (i.e. asian parents teach their kids that being a doctor, engineer, etc. is a good line of work and not as a car mechanic)

Daly reminder: Chinese is Jew of Asia.

Attached: chinese_try to become jews.png (938x863, 726K)

why are chinese so evil?

>I believe that "Le Asian IQ" is just a meme for the Chinese, but not for Korean and Japanese.

I'm not a CHINK im a GOOOOOK.

I'm different, please respekt me!!!!! I'm honorary white, please accept me!!!!!!!

fucking kill yourself chang

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>Chinese international students cheats.

Chinese international students go back to China, because few companies are willing to sponsor a visa unless they are highly qualified Ph.D.

This applies to not only the Chinese, but all non US citizens.

It doesn't look like they're underrepresented -- only not as heavily overrepresented as in universities. It could be that the Asian population in US is younger, so they didn't manage to gain enough percentage of STEM jobs yet.

>Asians aren’t as compatible with phd programs.

I'm in grad school right now and almost ~75% of Ph.D graduates are asian, mostly Chinese or Indian.

It's really rare to find a Ph.D graduate who is actually an American citizen these days

Almost every single one of my professors is a foreigner.

>Chinese international students go back to China
No they stay working in US universities with contracts for research by arms manufacturing like Lockheed Martin, where they steal plans and send them back to their Daddy who works in the Communist Party. Whole family gets a promotion then.

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jesus chinese ppl are ugky as shit