Death penalty for rape of children below 12 years age
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that seems excessive.
t. pedo scum
pretty sure child prostitution and parental molestation is common there. maybe they don't count that as "rape".
I can't wait to see you pedos shit your pants and cry like babies before you're sentenced to death. Death is too kind a punishment to be honest, you deserve much worse.
It is just.
kill child rapists
help pedos
love all
loli thread?
Kek , this should be interesting
>sticking your dick in something is equivalent to killing it
Even for pajeets that seems like an exaggeration.
It should be a public execution after being stocked in public for days.
You won’t do shit lol.
We have politicians fucking kids daily and nothing ever happens.
You retards keep talking about hanging pedos and “duhhhh Podestas” but nothing ever happens
Just stfu already
tick tock
Tick Tock what you retard? What are you gonna do? You fuckin boomer cat lady lol
Keep LARPing as a detective on this site as if it accomplishes anything you fat cunt
Day of the rope coming soon to your execution chamber.
About fucking time
>below 12 years
>The Trump Curse Is Real
We really should bring back the stocks.
Just want to remind people that whenever you see art made by the Jews, remember that it isn't actually art. The creation of "art" as white Europeans knew it is actually strictly forbidden in the Talmud so in 1873, the Jews with the help of Jewish "artists" in the Société Anonyme des Artistes, Peintres, Sculpteurs et Graveurs effectively redefined art and how we know it.
The Jews have changed the definition of art so they can lump themselves in with the cultural movements.
The only reason they haven't all been lynched is that the masses don't know. When they do they're going to feel like their entire world is crumbling. Remember, we're used to this because we live in it. But to most of them, they won't even want to believe such things are possible.
That would only deplete the Indian population...
No it’s not
The people in power will continue to fuck and sacrifice kids and there isn’t anything you, Me or the boomer retards that make these pointless threads can do anything about it.
Instead you will spend day after day spamming the same news articles about that smallville girl or spam threads with Podestas creepy pedo art, james Alefantis Instagram photos etc etc and accomplis nothing. You will continue to sperg out claiming you’re gonna “hang all duhhh pedos durrrrr” and do nothing..
You sound kinda nervous Mr. Pedo.
by exessive OP referenced a US contitutional parameter for the legality of the death penalty sentence.
death prnalty can ONLY be given for murder, otherwise ir is a "cruel or excessive" punishment.
for any rape that punishment is excessive.
i ment FP not OP,
They know and they don’t care. Take a look around you old fuck, teenagers + man children are too busy drinking onions and playing countless hours of fort nite, they don’t give a fuck about pedo networks. As for teenage women, there too busy getting deep dicked by brown and blacks. This world is in a fallen state and no matter how many Zionist wars videos you watch of your favorite kike sperm water alex jones won’t change the fact that the institutions will never fall. The people will never rise up and kill these people, they will continue to walk free commuting heinous acts against children. There is nothing you can do besides spout off about hanging pedos on this anime image board.
Yea some fat old Zionist info warrior is making me tremble as we speak. You guys are truly doing God’s work and combating this pedo plague by posting on hahahahahahaahahahahahaha on an anime imageboard hahahahaahahahahah
Bring it all back leaf
>Wooden horse
>Iron Maiden
>Breaking Wheel
Not to forget the Stake and the Judas Cradle.
The pedo is scared
WTF it's real ?
Maybe not death penalty, but 100% agree with castration
So, one year up and you're good?
>hollywood/government sex cult
Exposed by catching second in command and recruit
>Broward county deputies being murdered
Numerous cops are dieing and being murdered in FL
>what do they know!?
One was definitely OURGUY , with his Facebook being purged but pixs mocking HOGG in nazi outfits
>what did he know in Clinton controlled JEWWARD county FL
Death to vile people!!!!!
Why? Why not kill rapists, male OR female?
>there are non-pedos on Jow Forums
r e d i t
r e d i t
r e d i t
and reddit was his name-o
An American state almost had it, got beat by judges for being considered cruel and unusual. Given child rapees become kiddy diddlers I'd say its perfectly just.
>it should become national law.
>Cheese Pizza, a good strategy tactic used by Hillary and Bill's mischivious plan, along with their gang, how did they almost keep it a full hidden secret all along???
this thread stinks of Jewry
What if the child consents though
fine with me
for you well just stab out your eyes with blunt sticks and leave you in the woods
Finally something pajeets can be proud of, the extended measures listed down below are also good. Wish we had politicians with as much resolve in this matters.
Yeah well rape cases in India get a lot of attention in the media, especially the ones where the victim is a child. This was a long time coming.
but what if the child consents?
>Death penalty for rape of children below 12 years age
tfw actually agreeing with lawmakers
12 years old is just right
Disagree. It is too easy. They should be raped by general population inmates until they die. An eye for an eye is sometimes the only way to stop a problem.
He's right though unfortunately. You won't do shit. Nor will anyone else.
Welcome to Hell
Throwing my 2 cents in. As a fellow pedo myself.
Holy shit. This will drive me to kill all and anyone who threatens to turn me in. I don't like children under 12. Guess im a hebephile but my point stands. I am not defending nor saying the rape of a child, especially of a prepubescent child should not carry a harsh punishment. But to bring death. this isnt going to go as well as they may of hope for. This is just my opinion. The cabinet members hope it will skew the rape cases for children nationwide. It may have some effects at first but people will get smarter. Pedos are in all shapes of life. Being a pedo has no look and certainly has no limit to who can be one. The ones who are caught or have overwhelming fear of being caught, will take drastic measures in protecting themselves. The way it can be seen is. If im caught im dead, might as well just do whatever i can to not be captured. That involves killing those who pose a threat, even children.
I would like to hear a rebuttal.
Why would you want to fuck a kid?
I recommend the 50 cal Desert Eagle for all of your pedo and zombie hunting needs. It can shoot through armor and the tough skin of a zombie. Weighing nearly 4.5 pounds, it can also be used as a mace to crack some skulls if you run out of bullets.
Why not below 13 years of age? Or below 14?
Why not 21?
Why would anyone rape a child? Isn't it easier to buy them ice cream first?
How about a shotgun blast to the face.
Publicly, to set an example.
>incredibly assblasted for no reason
what a fucking waste
kid fuckers get the rope.
Yeah but then you have to spend money on a ice cream you don't even get to eat
You will be raped with the shotgun before getting your head blown off with it.
If there's grass on the field, then play ball.
gmo grass
Just continuing to prove the point that kid fuckers should be murdered in the least humane way possible.
I don't know how india works but the death penalty here is bullshit it takes too long to happens
based pajeets
in fact, now that I'm thinking about it, it's probably best we don't have an official death penalty for it
I like the fact that pedos get murdered in prison and the guards don't stop it.
what if you don't penetrate or rape but you only view and take pictures? I think that's a safe alternative to forcing them... use bribes and voyeur not rape
I predict this is bait.
The rebuttal is that if I ever catch you I'll carve your eye out of your skull with my car keys
>post that shit on the internet
>hang it on your wall
pedos will hang
viewing pictures should be just time served
taking pictures (being in the presence of a child rape) should get you the same punishment (death) as the dude doing the raping
distributing pictures or videos should also get you killed.
Agreed. It's disgusting, but I don't see how it can be worse than actual murder.
And even putting that aside, there's the (huge) issue of fake accusations. Video proof would be the only one valid I guess. Putting a hidden camera in the house. Otherwise it plays like this:
>mom is tired of dad
>she wants to marry chad
>yeah "user raped our daughter"
>the user problem is solved
Is everyone retarded in Jow Forums?
just submitted a tip to the fbi
have fun being on the watchlist you subhuman
just submitted a tip to the fbi
>He doesn't know the government in run by pedophiles
only the "elites" are given that privilege
regular people will still get fucked over for it thankfully
>Further weaponizing of false accusations.
'Thankfully,' sure, if it was a real accusation. But it turns out that 'regular guys' get fucked with false accusations all the time, while 'elites' get away with real ones.
Remember all those CSI series in which half of the episode was about getting irrefutable proof that the suspect was in fact guilty? Well forget about it here. Sadly, there's no easy solution.
This. Claims like this happen in most divorce cases now. Imagine, now your wife will get ALL your shit, and the government will kill you on her behalf.
This 100%.
Would you rather vigilante hammerism?
Death to all pedos. It’s only natural.
I thought society was moving away from the death penalty. In this case, I think it's justified.
There needs to be something really bad to punish these pedos. I have seen doctor's reports from ED and Surgery regarding children who were raped. I had to use sleep aids after coding the first one. This 6 year old's vag was so torn and slammed so roughly that her uterus detached and she bled heavily. The guy's semen was still in her and led to inflammation and infection NOS; they had to surgically remove her uterus, fallopian tubes, some muscles, and part of the vagina near the cervix. Went through a whole pint of blood, too.
Poor kid.
Still better than pedos running rampant
No, it's not. There must be a solution that compromises protecting children and preventing innocent guys getting killed as much as possible.
You're implying just about everyone will get accused. Idiotic. Lenient laws are how elite pedophile rings happen
define rape
That's absolutely terrible. Yet, no crime should be punished more than murder. Not only philosophically, but because otherwise you fall into the trap of providing an incentive to kill the victim after the act in order to remove rape evidence and thus get a lesser sentence.
If you're implying false accusations are not something frequent, and you don't understand the consequences of accusing someone of child abuse, I'd suggest you simply stop posting in this thread.
>I suggest you
Kill yourself.
If death penalty were legal for this, false accusations would be FAR less than current false rape accusations
>Yet, no crime should be punished more than murder
You literally have zero clue how much damage sexual assault or rape does to a person, especially a very young one. Most end up with a shit life, which, death is arguably better than having to struggle for your entire existence