Why does the right-wing spew such vile, partisan language, but critize the left for simply stating the truth?

Why does the right-wing spew such vile, partisan language, but critize the left for simply stating the truth?

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Look up the clintons trail of deaths, you actual retard.

literally can't have a conversation without these idiots chimping out

>dems literally drive a year-long campaign of the republican president being a traitor and stooge of a foreign power, who is blackmailed because of tapes with golden-showers

>why are republicans so partisan


Can't have a fucking image board without semite cancer shitting it up

>democrats don't want to use the word "impeach"
>meanwhile CNN proposing good spots for snipers to set up during Trump's inauguration, proceed to detail location of police presence in WH
my sides lel
the thing about lying is it eventually catches up to you, and it does so at the worst time possible too

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Yeah, it's not like Democrats have ever accused Trump of being a child rapist or the second coming of Hitler.


>Nigger can't into proper capitalization and punctuation
Imagine my shock

Ok so why should democrats be taken any more seriously? Can they not handle the ridicule they doled out for all those years?

Democrats want Trump tank the image of the Republican Party to help them in the next election as the lesser-of-two-evils choice without having to reform

Oof, another shill.

It's just satire. We don't really think the literal hundreds of people associated with the Clinton's who committed suicide could have a connection.
We know it's all just a coincidence user.

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Why does the left not see the vile garbage they spew, or worse, justify it?

Imagine actually believing this

>impeach, impeach, impeach
>investigation finds nothing on Trump but shitload of dirt on Clinton
>well we don't want to seem too partisan by saying "impeach" while republicans are pointing fingers at people.

they just can't get enough of all these failures


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>muh emails
instantly gives away how politically autistic one is soon as this pops up

> Dems don’t want to seem too partisan

in what universe?

Because your moral system has been perverted by propaganda to create a system of false balance. Just because perlosi is a devil worshipper and clinton literally eats babies doea not mean you get to impeach trump. There is no reason you should assume that killers under party A getting justice for their real crimes means that a person under party B should also be punished for imaginary crimes.

>lose Executive branch
>will lose judicial
>already lost legislative
Dems are so thirsty they got a little bit of success with Moore and now EVERY up and coming republican is suddenly a rapist. 24/7 media coverage spends hours playing videotape and voice recordings of the accusers telling their story followed by a single sentence response "This didn't happen" by the accused then the anchor shakes their head in disgust and disbelief at the audacity someone has to claim innocence without proof. 2 years of Russia investigation and the only dirt they have is Trump fucked a porn whore.
>why are we persecuted so?
Dems only strategy is to act as if they are oppressed so proffesional minority "victims" can identify with the "totally not like those OTHER old white people" democratic party, meanwhile suprise suprise every single Republican is a woman hating rapist. WHAT? you want proof? INNOCENT until proven GUILTY? Thats sexist and racist. You Homophobe.

The democrats have been saying impeach since before inauguration day. If you heard a democrat say that recently, he/she/it must be running in a tight district and trying to sound moderate.

Obama is a homosexual crack head affirmative action post-modern president. Who cares where it was born now, the point is moot and the damage is done.

Pelosi is a Catholic and the pope is a satanic pedophile enabling usurper.

Schumer is neolib kike that shits on wallstreet publicly and in private takes their money all of them laughing at the millions of retarded New Yorkers that vote for this shit.

Just think about the fact that "Hillary has murdered 5,000 people" seemed reasonable enough that you had to add "this morning" to make it sound extreme.

15k retards who cares

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OLLY you fucking lisping fat ugly nigger!
IT hasn't been long enough for you to be posting your cancerous garbage on here

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>don't want to sound too partisan
No Democrat has ever said this.

snopes confirmed Victor Thorns suicide at the peak of his career is a coincidence.



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> Oliver Willis
>literal Shitblue Shill
Say Hi to Ben Fishbein and the other faggots at hq,op

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Please see Then kys

>oy vey muh accountability

i kno right

WTH is it with all the weird stares and googly eyes? Is it a Democrat thing?

>don't want to seem too partisan by saying "impeach"
Who is he quoting? Actual elected Democrats have been talking about impeaching Trump since before he took office.


this is the most lacking-in-self-awareness shit i think i've ever seen.
niggers don't deserve internet until they can prove they can be responsible with it.
kiddie table, niggers. go!