JF is a literal rapist, pol defend him

>It was all or nothing—marriage and a baby or I couldn’t stay in the U.S.
>Gariepy said he could deliver the child at home and raise it because of his experience working with monkeys in research labs.
>“I do dark humor... as if the fact that I do jokes on the public space about race or rape would make me an unfit father.”
>“While Gariepy was fighting his wife for custody, he was also courting a 19-year-old with autism.”
>“This man seems to be obsessed with wanting a child and is looking at having a child with someone who has difficulty even taking care of herself.”

Who does the far right who is allegedly anti-degeneracy defend a fucking rapist who try to abuse barely legal mentally disabled kids? Like I know he's on our side and shieeet but shouldn't there be a limit to our partisanship?
>I support that rapist and close my eyes to his acts because he's a race realist
Aren't we support to be the side with values? Alt-hype is better than him anyway and he's not a fucking predator

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>t. Kraut


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Viva La Gariepy!

t. partisan hack who could easily support a mass murdering pedophile if he was discussing the JQ

In b4 Andy warski got ass raped by his babysitter

This. Kraut has been butthurt since he got btfo’d.

He’s French, what do you expect?

i just dont understand why the whole far right support that type of deranged degenerate. He's not even controversial he's overwhelmingly accepted. Is that the level we're at? no matter how disgusting and pervert somebody is, as long as he agree with us we're ok ?

the 19 year old story is sad desu she wanted to be with JF but he parents didn't want her to be with anyone she sound sheltered and overprotected also JF probably has autism himself it's just hard to detect because of his French accent

Hes French-Canadian, the niggers of the north. That alone should be enough for you people not to support him.

Being a beta white knight and not a Chad autist like JF

this thread again....
JF himself is autistic....



The only value the right has or can ever have is to serve whoever wears the crown.
Now shut the fuck up and go shill for your corporate masters in exchange for nothing.


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im french canadian too faggot
a fucking leaf

i am an autistic male and as much autistic as his gf is

i have a car and can drive,i also have been to uni just as she has

i have 2 sons and am of sound mind sure i am a bit naive in my teens and got used a bit but everyone wises up to parasites it takes some longer than others but thats part of growing up

this notion i am not allowed to be loved or breed and anyone who dates me is some how a predator is absurd,and i find it very offensive.

so sad he couldnt basically kidnap a barely adult girl with the mental age of an 11 years old and ''put babies in her'' like he says

Havent you noticed that when he talks about women on his show, he always talks about ''pooting babee in dem''. who the fuck talks like that?

an autistic person, jf is autistic, you are literally picking on an autistic person under the guise of white-knighting for autism. are you autistic?

nah hes a literal predator who doesnt understand that being a in a relationship isnt an ownership based thing let alone dont kidnap and try to impregnate people with special needs.

people with the mental age of 11 cant drive across state and graduate uni.

have you been evaluated by 2 psychiatrist and have they been concluded that you have the mental age of an 11 years old?
have you been basically smuggled by a girl twice your age so you could put babies in her so she could use these babies as anchors to stay in the USA?

prove JF is autistic. actual proof not memes

i thank destiny everyday for this blessed/cursed lolcow situation

if you mean has a much older wealther woman conned a kid out of me and i said yes for a laugh and it went too far then yes lol

he has said it before, it's not on me to spoonfeed you, you are the one flinging accusations at people when JF wasn't convicted of anything.

>self diagnosed

just like he's a self proclaimed lawyer and a self proclaimed psychologist lmao

I cant believe nobody does anything about this every eceleb are scared to death of the mob so they dont say anything. Karen is the one being crucified atm because she dared saying how fucked up JF is.

And fucking andy the ''ultimate anti rape/anti pedo guy'' has him as his co-host. you literally cant make this up

kraut and his friends are bullying people into suicide.

how do we stop them?

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Gariepy is a god. He is taking on the establishment on the biological race issue, at great risk to himself. I can excuse him fucking a (legal--even though our definition of legal is unreasonably strict) autist trying to get into the US, since it's about 1/14th of the market that the US has to offer, plus Canada is a liberal shithole and he probably wants to hunker down somewhere comfy

Papa JF did nothing wrong.

Are people with autism not allowed to have relationships?

Rape is just a social construct.

Another thing,
>Gariepy said he could deliver the child at home and raise it because of his experience working with monkeys in research labs.
this might sound unreasonable or humorous (it is funny to the senses--monkeys = humans!!!) but it is quite true. Monkeys and even dogs to a lesser extent have the exact same needs as humans as babies. They may be less intelligent, but they have very much the same sociality and social needs.

>nah hes a literal predator who doesnt understand that being a in a relationship isnt an ownership based thing
have you noticed on the shows when a female is there he always talk about her consenting over the smallest things? even when its not at all about sex. I think he doesn't understand at all how relationships works and he's scared to death of making a mistake so he ask for consent every 2 minutes to be sure that everything is in order

you realize he literally was abusing the american immigration system? i thought we didnt like that? christ do you people even have 1 shred of integrity
>Canada is a liberal shithole and he probably wants to hunker down somewhere comfy
lol sure buddy, im sure its why. i cant even begin to imagine why he would try to run from canada but i doubt it's because he's a based right winger

Guys I don't mind if you post in this thread to defend JF, but remember to use sage to avoid bumping the thread and fueling the defamation. Every post in this thread defending JF without a sage is actually a post defaming JF, because by bumping the thread you are bringing more eyeballs to the lies told in OP.

what are the lies, rape apologist? go ahead defend /ourrapist/

He's been retarded as fuck the past couple of shows. Literally on his way to meltdown that'll make the Blacked Alaska shit look tame.

to a*


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Rapist or not the guy is an over sensitive pussy with a shit sense of humor.


You’re leftwing scum pretending to be right wing whilst saying the right have no principles. Why should anyone give a shit about claims that you’ve made but haven’t backed up when jf consistently btfo of the leftists narrative in race?

nope, im a WN with principles unlike you.
>Why should anyone give a shit about claims that you’ve made but haven’t backed up
its all in a document court well summarized in a daily beast article
>jf consistently btfo of the leftists narrative in race?
yup so he's good on race therefore he can be a deranged predator because we have no principles. trad as fuck dude

You make threads attempting to assassinate JF's character too frequently, Kraut.

>Muh principles
We don't give a fuck anymore user. You leftist shills have been destroying the world because conservatives stick to their principles when the fight gets tough.

You all must be destroyed; don't give a fuck about an autist who thinks his moral goal in life is to maximize the propogation of his genes.

If you weren't such a s-o-y-boy cuck, you'd respect that goal.


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t.obsessed leaf

You’re a leftwing piece of shit who hasn’t provided a single piece of evidence for his claims. Who said I was trad? And who says he’s a deranged predator? And if you weren’t such a retard maybe you could come to terms with the fact that niggers raping white women and destroying our homelands is a little bit more important than your unsubstantiated claims and virtue signaling

No psychiatrist concluded her mental age was 11 you worthless lying leaf fuck. That was a claim by some "counselor". The report by the psychiatrist heavily confirms JFs narrative although they dont come to the same conclusion.

You're either lying because you're a shill who knows most people wont bother to research this themselves or you're a retard who cant comprehend what you read. Either way you should kill yourself.


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>i don't have feelings, i'm autistic
He won't say he's not a sociopath, it's clear as day. High-functioning, but still. Autism is gaslighting.