>It was all or nothing—marriage and a baby or I couldn’t stay in the U.S. >Gariepy said he could deliver the child at home and raise it because of his experience working with monkeys in research labs. >“I do dark humor... as if the fact that I do jokes on the public space about race or rape would make me an unfit father.” >“While Gariepy was fighting his wife for custody, he was also courting a 19-year-old with autism.” >“This man seems to be obsessed with wanting a child and is looking at having a child with someone who has difficulty even taking care of herself.”
Who does the far right who is allegedly anti-degeneracy defend a fucking rapist who try to abuse barely legal mentally disabled kids? Like I know he's on our side and shieeet but shouldn't there be a limit to our partisanship? >I support that rapist and close my eyes to his acts because he's a race realist Aren't we support to be the side with values? Alt-hype is better than him anyway and he's not a fucking predator
t. partisan hack who could easily support a mass murdering pedophile if he was discussing the JQ
Grayson Rivera
In b4 Andy warski got ass raped by his babysitter
Carter Diaz
This. Kraut has been butthurt since he got btfo’d.
He’s French, what do you expect?
Levi Evans
i just dont understand why the whole far right support that type of deranged degenerate. He's not even controversial he's overwhelmingly accepted. Is that the level we're at? no matter how disgusting and pervert somebody is, as long as he agree with us we're ok ?
Zachary Garcia
the 19 year old story is sad desu she wanted to be with JF but he parents didn't want her to be with anyone she sound sheltered and overprotected also JF probably has autism himself it's just hard to detect because of his French accent
Isaac Lee
Hes French-Canadian, the niggers of the north. That alone should be enough for you people not to support him.
Chase Gray
Being a beta white knight and not a Chad autist like JF