How do we stop the jews?

How do we stop the jews?
I don't want to watch Europe fall just like Rome did.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Holocaust 2


Those who have attempted to start race wars have never acomplished it, take that shooter who shot up a nigger's church and killed like 9 of them.
We need to Red Pill this generation.

Stop feeding them blood and they will all pass away from complications from Tay-Sachs disease
>hurr hurr wee gonan be nawwzttiss onn 4chwaaan
the state of the opposition these days is truly bottom of the barrel

>How do we stop the jews?
If you're serious and not just shitposting...this is how:

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You mean Holocaust 1.

>I don't want to watch
and thats all your going to do white boi
now goto sleep the jews need you to make them rich in the morning

Fuck off you mutt.

Omggg implying the Holocaust didn't happen that gets funnier every time

i'm not wrong thou
which is the sad part

>i'm not wrong thou
>which is the sad part
If anyone on Jow Forums were serious about saving the White race from the Jews they wouldn't be shitposting so much and doing everything they can to avoid real world action.

OP doesn't really want to save the White race. He just wants to talk about that and make himself feel a little better for the moment.

Making sure the company you work for doesnt indirectly or directly work with the kikes should make any white person proud and willing to work for said company.

Its too late, even after europe falls kikes won't be blamed for it, young people are already conditioned to accept it

>implying every white person vists Jow Forums.

Like I said, we need to red pill people, kikes and the left cant meme, we must use it as a weapon, last week my 8 y/o brother said they are now using the "did you just assume my gender meme" at school.

>Like I said, we need to red pill people
How is that any different than the last 50 years?

"oh we just need to awaken more people!"
"then what?"
" then we just need to awaken more people!"
"Okay...then what?"

>implying internet was around and communication was as easy during the last 50 years.

>>implying internet was around and communication was as easy during the last 50 years.
The movement has been stuck in "recruitment" aka "lets keep talking" mode for the last 50 years. And you're advocating more of the same.

>thinking it's a joke

since you're so aware of whats going wrong, please tell us how to do it right.

>since you're so aware of whats going wrong, please tell us how to do it right.
I already did.

In my first post in this thread that you completely ignored.

Do you actually think it happened as told? Serious question time brit bong, let's see how fucked you people really are.

Telling what not to do isnt enough when there are "mistakes" that need to be fixed.

>Telling what not to do isnt enough
I offered you a group with a actual plan to save the White race. You didn't even bother to click on the website link, I posted.

>when there are "mistakes" that need to be fixed.
So on top of continuing to "redpill" people (aka keep talking) we need to "fix" "mistakes" before we can even begin to save the White race?

Sounds like you're just making excuses for inaction.

Dont forget people have been being blue pilled for ages and right now the internet is giving people a way to see past the kikes' lies.

>Dont forget people have been being blue pilled for ages

>and right now the internet is giving people a way to see past the kikes' lies.

You're still advocating for doing nothing but talking.

Be still haven't clicked on the website link I provided have you?


No I don't even believe Hitler had anything to do with it and I believe alot of the worse things they say are made up (such as the more horrendus things like throwing babies into bonfires) but I do believe the SS killed a number Jews but I'm skeptical if it was 6 million.
Overall I think Himmler was the main man behind the Holocaust and that it's the Jews who push the narrative that Hitler was the main guy behind it to discredit his ideas

Some analytical thought: The last time we almost got rid of them, just like all the other times, did not happen spontaneously. One day someone will come or a movement or idea will take traction. We may not yet know who that will happen but as long as people are aware of the real history and the real motivations behind the merchants hate for gentiles history shows us a banishment will happen. Red pilling is keeping alive the fight. The more red pilling the more likely action will eventually happen somehow. As much as they want you to think its hopeless to red pill on the internet nothing can be further from the truth. Banishments always develop from history spread by a small group of people.

And then what?

You cant expect people to commit to things or ideas they dont believe, that is why redpilling is essential, it cant just be all action, "gas the kikes", etc from the start.

I bookmarked it but no, I havent read what's it about.

Nobody needs to join your CIA nigger website we just need to get public awareness up to the point where people do it on their own

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I don't think anyone claims jews didn't die. The idea is though jews were not innocent (they were in fact the aggressors) and more importantly jews died in the same manner and fashion as one would expect in a time of war considering they were enemy combatants. They died just like american soldiers died in map camps, or civil war soldiers died in camps. They died in regular war like fashion, and in regular expected numbers (much less than M) for prisoners.

>One day someone will come or a movement or idea will take traction.
And I offer a group with a viable plan. Which is promptly ignored because it is deed based instead of word based.

>As much as they want you to think its hopeless to red pill on the internet
I've never said it's hopeless. I'm saying it's the same thing that's been done for the last 50 years with nothing to show for it.'re redpilled. Now what? Oh...more redpilling.

>Nobody needs to join your CIA nigger website
You don't join the NWF. You take part in its program/plan and you don't even need to contact the NWF to take part.

But of course you call it a "CIA nigger" site because you want to justify your inaction.

>we just need to get public awareness up to the point where people do it on their own
So...more talking?

>You cant expect people to commit to things or ideas they dont believe
You mean like actually doing something instead of talking about something?

>'re redpilled. Now what? Oh...more redpilling.

A lot of people are aware of the fact that jews literally control a lot of the USA (and other western) govs and media, and banks. However not enough do to force them out. Its still a time of red pilling more people.

And then once people are fed up things are going to change because we're talking about a completely different way of seeing things from the majority.

Electric boogaloo

>However not enough do to force them out.
And how are you going to force them out?

>And then once people are fed up things are going to change

You already know the "why".
I'm offering the "how".

Idk thats why I started this thread, redpilling obviously works but Im curious as to what could happen once the majority know the truth and how we're gonna act upon it.

>Idk thats why I started this thread
and I've given an actual group with an actual plan that breaks the cycle of endless redpilling and talking.

> but Im curious as to what could happen once the majority know the truth and how we're gonna act upon it.
You don't need a majority. you just need enough that can effect actual change.

We already have that number but they're refusing to do anything.

Heil Hitler

joining a rbi nigger group on a honeypot site isn't going to do shit desu, and you don't seem to know how societal change comes about

We need the majority because the majority labels these movements as racist and extremist, homophobic, anti-islamic, you name it.
Imagine a world where majority or 30-50 year olds people don't buy into the alt-right is a racist and extremist movement and nobody takes CNN shit news seriously...

>joining a rbi nigger group on a honeypot site
And of course it's an "FBI nigger group honey pot website" because you say so, right?

>isn't going to do shit desu,
So moving to a Whiter part of the country, forming racially aware communities and preparing for the collapse of the country isn't doing shit?

Because shitposting online like you're doing now is doing something?

>and you don't seem to know how societal change comes about
Okay then...let's hear your superior group with a superior plan that isn't an "FBI nigger group on a honeypot website"

>because the majority labels these movements as racist and extremist, homophobic, anti-islamic, you name it
So what?

>Imagine a world where majority or 30-50 year olds people don't buy into the alt-right is a racist and extremist movement and nobody takes CNN shit news seriously...
And then what?

See where your thinking runs into a wall?

Why do you always "and?" and "so what?" vital parts?

And then, we'll just have to see how people react to "sensitive" matters in order to take action, you cant just lay out a 20+ year old plan, things are gonna change gradually and so are our responses and measures.

>because you say so, right?
No, because if I were an fbi nigger controlled by merchants i would keep tabs on those groups and go as far as try to frame them

The goal of the game guy is red pilling people on who actually controls society, and pits us against each other. That includes red pilling minorities because they are begin fucked with too. Change will come when society is in the shitter and standards of living are down AND a good chunk of people are red pilled. Your only job now is to red pill the masses. Due to the debt we have and the internal tension in western society standards of living will go down, its an inevitability that is already happening. You just need to fucking red pill people like everyone else is doing. Thats it. When the time is right red pilled normies themselves will be the vehicle of change to get our overlords out, just as it was in all the other times this has happened. You acting up will not only not do shit, it will be detrimental. Red pilling and patience are the name of the game.

>Why do you always "and?" and "so what?" vital parts?
Because I'm trying to make you understand that you're stuck in a cycle of "oh we just need to redpill people and then everything will magically be fixed"

>you cant just lay out a 20+ year old plan
Why not?

It's better than the no plan that you've offered.

Because of many possible outcomes, you dont realize how much is going on around the world and is at play here.

>i would keep tabs on those groups and go as far as try to frame them
You mean "frame people" for doing something completely legal?

> That includes red pilling minorities because they are begin fucked with too.
So now you don't care about securing the existence of the White race and instead care about helping non-Whites.

I bet you even want to live among "based" kikes, niggers and faggots huh?

>Red pilling and patience are the name of the game. the last 50 years with the added fact that you want to include "based" non-Whites, homosexuals and Jews in the pro-White movement to save the White race.

>you dont realize how much is going on around the world
And what would that be?

>and is at play here.
I'm talking about securing the existence of the White race via a White Ethnostate through the only group with a plan.

you're talking about...talking.

too much for me to write here, there are so many jew moves.

That Ethnostate isnt just gonna come without people accepting it, PEOPLE NEED TO BE REDPILLED.

Its viewed as racist in this cultural marxist world we live in right now, thats why we need to change that view, redpill people on race, etc.

>That Ethnostate isnt just gonna come without people accepting it,
The ethnostate will come when the already redpilled people accept that its the only plan.

And the redpilled people need to act.

>Its viewed as racist in this cultural marxist world we live in right now, thats why we need to change that view, redpill people on race, etc.
and what happens when you get that magical number of redpilled people?

Maybe the (((government))) go full out aggressive on its people, maybe they dont, maybe they choose to still do whatever the fuck they're doing despite countless riots because of the redpille masses, there's just too much that could happen for me to answer to your "and then what?".

>Maybe the (((government))) go full out aggressive on its people, maybe they dont, maybe they choose to still do whatever the fuck they're doing despite countless riots because of the redpille masses, there's just too much that could happen for me to answer to your "and then what?".
No, I mean and then what for your group of people. What are your plans to save White people from extinction when you have the numbers of "redpilled" Whites?

you should find a new job fbi nigger, I know kids that could do this better than you

>you should find a new job fbi nigger,
Which is funny because that's all you have. Empty buzzwords.

You're the one that doesn't want to even lift a finger to save the White race.

plan is working how its supposed to work, and unfortunately for you its the kind of plan you can't really charge anyone with

You're wasting your time bud

>plan is working how its supposed to work
You mean your endless shitposting without anything to show for it?

>and unfortunately for you its the kind of plan you can't really charge anyone with
Just like moving to a Whiter part of the country (which is what the NWF advocates)

>You're wasting your time bud
You're the one that can't even come up with a superior alternative to the NWF.

On top of being a fucking leaf and all.

Unironically this

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How to stop j00z:

>read the protocols
>do the opposite

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