Trump is gonna be the best President of all time

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Other urls found in this thread:

oh cute, a magat who still thinks trump is great

>member learning about santa?

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He already is. It's been over 100 years since the last time we had a president with his own agenda. The last president like that was probably Theodore Roosevelt. From Woodrow Wilson through Obama they've been illuminati puppets.

Trump has also come at the moment the Jews decided to bring the axe down on humanity, declare a global empire, i.e "globalism", and then start a nuclear war, so he's had to address huge issues- immigration, being bankrupted by trade, unnecessary wars, corrupt government, treasonous MSM. . .

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Wtf I didn't post this. Kek.

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i still believe

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do people really take posts like this seriously?
are tinhats the new orange? (of course orange took over from black in 2016)

You kikes are overusing Conspiracy theorist/tinfoil just like you did with Nazi. You'll never learn.

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Who could be behind this post...?

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user I have some bad news for you

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>unironically posting polls
I don't think you realize that nobody cares about (((Data))) anymore.

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roman cathoilic american here [[let me assume that you deny this and post some stupid antisemitic gif or something, good out of the way]]

nope, that post was straight up tinfoil
read it over

>He already is. It's been over 100 years since the last time we had a president with his own agenda. The last president like that was probably Theodore Roosevelt. From Woodrow Wilson through Obama they've been illuminati puppets.

>Trump has also come at the moment the Jews decided to bring the axe down on humanity, declare a global empire, i.e "globalism", and then start a nuclear war, so he's had to address huge issues- immigration, being bankrupted by trade, unnecessary wars, corrupt government, treasonous MSM. . .

if you think that's not tinfoil then please tell vlad that you need a break for the rest of the day, one human can only shill so much

>roman cathoilic american here
>Hello fellow white people

Fuck off Moshe, go suck a fucking foreskin you degenerate Jew.

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Well said. What an absolutely bizarre turn of fate.

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Imagine losing so badly that you invented the fake Russian collusion narrative and you're actually trying to use it to shill against me right now. That's fucking grand.

This faggot is in every Trump thread posting pictures of Netanyahu and calling everyone a jew shill. The only shills on this board are Trump shills.

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fine, if you make a text post instead of a stupid-image-only post i will reply

my point has nothing to do with trump
it has to do with your defending tinhat shit

>Trump has also come at the moment the Jews decided to bring the axe down on humanity, declare a global empire, i.e "globalism", and then start a nuclear war, so he's had to address huge issues- immigration, being bankrupted by trade, unnecessary wars, corrupt government, treasonous MSM. . .

this is tinhat shit that i'm embarassed to even repost. disclaimer: i repost this just to show how ridiculous /pol can be

You don't like it when your shit gets turned around you do you? Can't handle it faggot?

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>Every country that isn't America
Fuck 'em, all they know of Trump is what the media tells them

You're either a boomer or underage. Either way kill yourself.

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>lost in 2016
>got BTFO in 2017
>still using the same tactics
You'll never learn, will you? You're only making yourselves look crazier by calling more menial and trivial things tinfoil or conspiracies.

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>when Trump gets a Peace prize

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That's literally what you're doing when you call everyone a shill.

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It's not working, kike. It will never work again, kike. Your kind has seen their last days on Earth, kike. You will all soon be nothing but the greatest cautionary tale in human history, never to be forgotten, due solely to your demonic nature, kike.
If only it were called "the day of the pure torturefest", it would be a fitting end for you all.

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You actually are a shill though and you can't even help from exposing yourself every fucking day.

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Greatest presidents were Obama, Wilson, Lincoln, FDR, and LBJ.

You schizos from reddit have ruined this board.

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Whatever faggot

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Sure thing, bub.

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>no one believes this

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Kek, this is the state of Jews. Your picture describes the mind of a Jew perfectly. Total disconnect from reality and normal people. I wonder if you even realize that by censoring all discussion off of your controlled social media platforms you have no way to know what normies are thinking. Facebook fucking banned DIAMOND AND SILK. You kikes keep shooting yourselves in the foots.

you have no credibility anymore

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every single trump thread gets shilled with literally no factual info against him. just that he's a kike shill, even though hes not. wont even hard commit to syria like ANY other president would have while at the same time actively achieving peace in the Koreas. he will, unironically, after 7 more years be known as the best modern president after achieving even more peace, etc.


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That's because the Jews don't know what to do at this point. It's hilarious because rather than come up with something new to post they are still posting the same tired talking points for over a year. It's like they don't understand what's going on or how outsiders ciew this.

You can't reason with these faggots. This board is dead and the election killed it.

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>Bigfoot-related deaths

Thank you for your service magapede! xD

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lmao xD

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>shill on Jow Forums for over a year
>Trump support only grows
>Still use the same tactics

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haha u r funny

look at them, still nothing. just very weak kike memes. they have absolutely nothing.

You forgot JFK.

(((they))) killed him for taking on the (((federal reserve))).

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Nope. Israel killed JFK for wanting to inspect DImona, their nuclear facility.

>why not both?

>the pro-obama shills come out when trapped in a corner
might be on the wrong board bud

Possibly both, but his assasination was asked for by Ben Gurion right before he resigned, specifically for the nuke situation.

If we’ve got kids going on the anti-Israel rants and believing in anti-sjw memes we’ve already won.
Pepe the frog is like the mcdonald’s of memes
But the jew can’t get control of it how hard they try
Really this meme war is a merchandising/propaganda/influence war
Funny that we jew the jews

Agreed. Not to mention that even if the (((history books))) don't record him as the greatest president in the last 60 years (as he rightfully should be), they'll still need to admit that he is the most important man since George Washington.

I mean, can any of you name a single person who's very name has seeped so deeply, so thoroughly into EVERYTHING?

Every single thing in the world right now is about Trump. His name has been said more than probably anyone else's since Jesus. Every other country in the world is fully tied in to everything he does. His every action is reiterated and dissected on every medium across the world.

I doubt that there is a single person outside of isolationist tribes in the amazon who doesn't know who he is and what he looks like and what he sounds like.

He's probably had more cumulative press about him than anyone else in human history, by multitudes of the thousands. No one else has been discussed this much. Ever. 50 years from now, he'll be demoted as similar to 9/11. There will be noted "pre-Trump" and "post-Trump" eras.

No one else in history except for maybe Jesus has permeated this deeply into every possible facet of society the way that he has.

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Well it sucks they have to bring the post quality down so fucking much.

It parallels what they're trying to do to Planet Earth

way down

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>t. butthurt commie

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Ok I'm bored of you, user. Goodnight.

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this is a left wing board you little faggot

Obama gets extra points for being Black

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Yeah, nah, better than shills. We just keep up the GAS THE KIKES RACE WAR NOW type shit and we’ll have them
The more you villify it, the more it becomes counter culture. The post quality will alway come back to decent quality here, the shills are the problem. Every second thread,
>Why is X so Y?
>Trump supporter here, I give up
>blackpill thread
>blacked bullshit
>based “flavour of the week”
>azn girlfriend
Sick of these cunts

lmao whos the shill now

The only reason those threads get bumped is because these retards take the bait.

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Let's not forget that Trump is strongly against the second amendment.

Doesn't matter if it's formerly appealed or not when it is made a husk.

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This too. Jesus, Hitler, now Trump.
Anyone who is technically a jew according to retarded jew law is attacked by them visciously. Fucking hell

>Let's not forget that Trump is strongly against the second amendment.

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i'm sailing around the world, have shit internet, but just enough to come here to tell you to fuck off back to >>>/plebbit/

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Is that going to be the new angle after boomer hysterics fell flat?
>muh 10 year olds

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All these words you use and terms to try and insult people are tell tale signs you're a Jew. Boomer came out of nowhere and is used in every thread now. You guys overdo everything.