Daily reminder that if you gave a Tridentine Mass anywhere near you, do your best to attend it, there's no comparison between the two
Daily reminder that you will not be able to improve yourself long term without regular confession of your sins. It just won't happen.
Daily reminder that Cardinal Robert Sarah is our boi, and his efforts to roll back error (e.g. Encouraging NO priests to say mass ad orientem) should be supported in any way we can
The weird thing is that there's actually no requirement in NO to say it facing the congregation. Some researchers during V2 reckoned that's how the early Church did it, and by the time that was shown to be BS it was too late, the practice had become ingrained
Imo it's minor, gradual changes like that that will allow the church to get back on track, and even turn NO into something valuable in time, instead of creche where bored parents let their kids run around for half an hour
Joshua Perez
What's everyone reading by the way?
Getting through Phoenix From the Ashes atm, it's fascinating. I'd go so far as to call it essential reading for any Catholic Jow Forumsack, Sire really gets the bigger picture
Hunter Campbell
Hello, best thread.
Dude I literally just started downloading Phoenix from the Ashes