/ournog/ Tamika wants niggers to boycott Starbucks because of their Jew connections
/ournog/ Tamika wants niggers to boycott Starbucks because of their Jew connections
Based nigger
it's working
Israel is a multicultural society and they need to let more refugees, especially Africans, into their country. Their women should be ashamed for only marrying and having kids with Jewish men. They need black men in their lives.
Has anyone contacted the ADL yet?
Based nogress. Give her a free wig.
biting the hand that feeds them
They're very afraid right now. Look at this evil person who donated 500 big ones, that's 500 dollars to Nation of Islam. The treachery!
It's Whitey's hand that feeds them, the Jews just force us to. Same end result though, once the Jews lose power the blacks go back to mud huts.
goddamn it's so easy to get these people to tear each other apart.... we need to get dunkin' donuts to sponsor us
starcucks executive: "but we did everything right"
The problem is solving itself.
What exactly does a black woman get out of being anti-Jewish?
Starbucks takes EBT?
WTF I love sheboons now!
as American whites we have to help blacks fight against the kikes we don't even have a choice
white dick
Nothing. She's just honest.
...where the hell are you from?
Why do we expect anything less than the tenacious pursuit of group interests by niggers as well as Jews? The enemy of our enemy is...a nigger.
you know nothing of history. you should maybe check out some farrakhan or some malcom x. you might learn something.
Holy shit guys, keep pushing the JQ narrative towards blacks. I've been helping with on twitter and faceberg
agreed. jewish women are fucking racist and shouldn't have jewish children
help her out Jow Forums soon as the jews show the darkies their true nature sooner they lose their brown army.
Finally. If only more Black people called out their slave masters.
Anons should push the truth about slavery into the consciousness of black America.
taking shekels from the hebrews is playing with your life
No way to save her at this point I'm afraid
Kek what's with the noticeable increase in black anti-Semitism lately?
I'm only aware of Tamika and Farrakhan (which is old news). What other examples are out there?
Niggers gettin woke mayne. Or more whaite admixture. Unintended repercussions
When their pets decide to turn on them. Oy vey!
Based nigger