Will the "Blue Wave" happen?
Will the "Blue Wave" happen?
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O mein Freund! Jetzt hier ist ein Sieg. Dies ist die erste Gloria. O mein Freund! Feiern wir diesen Sieg für den nächsten Kampf!
Yeah we’re completely fucked were going to lose the house and the senate. Trump is also going to be impeached for his affair with stormy Daniels and most of his supporters are going to be put in jail for hate speech. My dad works for the fbi and he told me everyone who posts on here is in the criminal database and they are going to arrest us after his impeachment next week
Fuck, what should we do user? I didn't sign up for this
lol you're a fun person
It might. I always vote democrat, however this past year I've seen the worst of my party. All I know is after Trump got elected, they're so riled up that that want to get their win.
Why it might not. The Dems don't focus enough on rural voters and working class whites. If the Dems wanted to win every election, they would campaign in the midwest more often, and not exclusively at college campuses and big cities.
I think some will go blue, some will stay red. Every president since Clinton has been a two term president. Unless trump really fucks up or gets exposed for something unforgivable, he will probably do another term,
But, hopefully the Dems will learn their lesson and fix their course of action. So far it doesn't seem as though they will.
The way I see it is Trump didn't win. The democrats lost.
>and most of his supporters are going to be put in jail for hate speech.
They'll probably gain more seats than before but won't have enough to make a majority to fuck Drumpf and fuck white people.
>some will go blue, some will stay red
t. nate silver