Why is the alt-right and Jow Forums scared of diversity?
Why is the alt-right and Jow Forums scared of diversity?
Easton Jenkins
Jayden Morris
>Caring about a single random twitter opinion
You, and not this liberal, are the problem.
Carson Garcia
Why were Native Americans scared of diversity?
Nothing bad happened to them.
They own casinos now.
Sebastian Clark
What are the benefits of diversity?
Matthew Rogers
They were vastly superior to the white man and only conquered due to the chance created by their inability to defend against white diseases.
Joseph Cook
All must be assimilated. Assimilate.
Camden Fisher
Tons. There is literally nothing wrong with diversity.
Benjamin Hernandez
Because of the white genocide being perpetrated primarily by jews
Ethan Hernandez
so you're saying we should be afraid of white people?
I guess brown and black people WILL save us
Adam Cook
Zero. There is literally everything wrong with diversity.