You just know...
You just know
>melania's tight slovenian pussy wrapping around obongo's 9 inch BBC
holy fuck
Know what? That she's giving him fashion and makeup tips?
You just know like all black men he finds white women more appealing than black women
Everyone knows Obama sucks cock he's a homo
>obongo's 9 inch BBC
lol no. Obama has a tiny dick. You can obviously tell just by the way he carries himself.
Este mono es un peligro
Lol. Look at Michelle's face. Priceless.
Michelle got the bigger dick
Fucking puts the fun into funeral.
Look at Melania's face too. She can't wait to finally get good dick
Michael, not Michelle
Michelle's face says it all.
White women be steal'n all the good black men
Obama to Melania: "Wait till they get a load of Mike's dick, Mike check all the way to the prostate, am I right?"
Mike be embarrassed cause Xis knows it's the southern gospel
Is Melania going back to the White House tonight?
she can never go back
Obama to Melania: " Don't worry about Stormy, Mike gonna take your daddy to the woodrow shed at the back of the white house"
Nah, you don't
Obama to Melania: "Fuck the outhouse or the white house, Mike gonna deliver the round house to your two timing shit mouse"
Sources close to the funreal revealed
They're gossiping about people in Washington because O is the gayest mf'er of all time.
If gossiping means you're gay, Trump is Liberace. Just look at his twitter feed.
Melania's probably wet right now, and not thinking about her husband.
Came here to post this. Barry Sotero has probably sucked more cocks than Elton John
Not more than Melania...
You posted the wrong picture, this is the right one. Glad I could help.
Obama is gay dude
she made him switch seats! what a kek