/SJS/ - Social Justice Sabotage -It's the ADL!!! Edition

the ADL has a social justice snitching line and we're going to weaponize it against them:

Listen, no matter if you hate Israel and all jews and think they deserve to burn, or you're fine with Jews and support the State of Israel, we can all agree that the ADL is behind this cultural-marxist push or censorship. From Google(YouTube), Twitter, and Facebook.. and now into meat-space with Starbucks they have their fingers in everything... They should be our main target going forward

EDIT: We have a script/bot that will spam their snitching page with gibberish, see 2nd post...

the attack plan is two-pronged:
angle 1:
>meme the ADL's "bias incident" tip line as a soviet-esque snitching operation (because it is)
>emphasize the need to report your close friends and family for "hate speech" in order to make society a "safe space" for "underprivileged groups"
angle 2:
>flood the tip line with bullshit / incidents of anti-white racism

what you can do right now:
>jam the tip line, screencap funny reports and share them
>spread SJW snitching poster designs on reddit, twitter, facebook, etc
>meme new poster designs
for the brave:
>post these designs on your campuses and take pics (anonymously)
>if anyone sees you and objects, claim you are doing it to "stop hate speech" and walk away


Pro tips:
>Use the most subtle language possible in memes. Don't even need to use the word Dad, just show image of sterotypical "Dad" like pic related.. Also words like peers and relatives instead of friends and family.

Tips 2:
>Find ADL and other SJW hashtags and use their hashtags for our meme posts. That way people will see official SJW/ADL posts attached to our memes.(e.g. #NoPlaceForHate)


Attached: SnitchOnPops.png (1160x1511, 381K)

Other urls found in this thread:



Wrote something that will auto fill the forum with random gibberish
It's simple to use
Go to: tfaforms.com/4613514 (They use a 3rd party for the actual forum)
Then create a new bookmark and put:


Attached: example.png (886x1709, 108K)

You type the code from the pastebin file into the Bookmark as seen in pic related

Attached: EditBookMark.png (448x111, 6K)

digits confirm, ADL must fall

Attached: adl pedos.jpg (846x1200, 416K)

Satan confirms, ADL must fall

Attached: good listener.jpg (698x700, 126K)

Bump from Leaf/pol/

Attached: MountiePill1.jpg (736x976, 102K)

Your racist sneed doesn’t deserve his feed, seed, or store. Report him for fuck and suck and ruin his chuck today

Attached: good listener 2.jpg (626x417, 101K)

What a beautiful leaf.

This is the most desperate thing I have seen from a leaf in a while.

Show your flag kike

Attached: Amerigoblins.jpg (745x372, 68K)

the snitch posters are now showing up when you search #noplaceforhate
we're subverting them successfully

Bite me.

fuck the ADL, fuck censorship, fuck SJWs and fuck cultural Marxism, fuck it all

The holocaust didn't happen, but it should have

reminder not to reply to shills

>Cultural marxism somehow plays into this
The absolute state of the alt-right.

Amerigoblin, probably still a kike.

Attached: YouGestapoNow.png (1950x2700, 415K)

Attached: Untitled.jpg (693x637, 165K)

This works BTW, I just ued it... The only thing is it makes you do the captcha and for whatever reason CODEFAG forgot to fill two of the field but he did it on really short notice so I will get him to update the script

Right now it will make you select a province/state at the top of the page and also choose a Zip/Postal Code at the bottom of the page

But still.... Works breddy gud

Also, you still need to click the box that says "I agree to ADSL terms and blahblahblah" at the bottom

Nevermind, almost every time u don't need to fill out any of those fields and u just need to solve the captcha... weird but I've brought it up with codefag


Yes, we made that one, notice the pedo symbols

Go use our script... You just need to load up their snitch page with the link we procided, then click your bookmark witht he script in it and it will autofill the fields.. then solve captcha and submit.. Once it's done hit back... then hit the bookmark again and do captcha again, submit.. rinse and repeat

the presence of shills ITT only confirms that the plan is good and they're scared of it
ignore them and carry on

stop giving them ideas

I've sent around 20 bot generated complaints to them.. From all around the world!! THe only annoying thing is when the fucking CAPTCHA doesnt work even though you're a hUman
Digits everywhere in this thread

Oh hey nice to see the racist bigots aka /pol are being productive lil' hitler youths with their anti- semetic attacks on those who oppose only hate, not a hard concept, buit since you guys cant even wipe your asses will never get it, get a life faggots

Attached: 1523329013622.jpg (640x480, 223K)

dumbass enjoy that virus

Salty ADL shill

Attached: Case#2626363480-hmn.jpg (556x261, 24K)

Attached: good.png (480x480, 144K)

This will never work. Sad.


I copied the root directory of your shitty racist script, dumb-ass wasn't using a vpn and so I easily got your Internet Protocol address and sent it to their tip line. All three of you are going to prison.

LOL, no

bump great idea

dumbest, lowest effort concern trolling I've ever seen - we're all laughing over here
>you're going to prison even though you didn't do anything illegal
your shill boss should fire you and have you killed

Ooga booga

Attached: E195A321-B46C-4B5E-B339-C9AE8BCB64EF.png (750x1334, 138K)

i make swastika flags for a living. reporting me to the ADL would actually improve my image because a lot of people think i'm secretly a jew.

pay attention newfags - if you see a thread with shills this desperate, you know something important is going on
keep up the plan

"reCAPTCHA helps prevent automated form spam."

^ Doesn't help against Jow Forums neet autist spam though fortunately

how's this?

Attached: adl two mexicans and a jew.png (816x2883, 169K)


Attached: 4chan pol octopus.jpg (800x800, 130K)

bamp eet

People should start making funny fake scenario videos and submitting them with the report as well.

Attached: 1514205885488.jpg (610x720, 124K)

>mega compilation pic of funny reports when?

Attached: 1495997451851.jpg (1000x1000, 187K)


Hey I made discord group to quickly vet you(in particular) through to our l33t meme group

go to deezcord.gg/hZDBEx and I will get u to post in this thread to prove ur identity

>using discord as a raid platform
what the fuck is up with newfags these days?

thats funny



I know the ADL is partially behind the program known as Zersetzung or Gang Stalking. They have Jews spread rumors about you in your communities, flip your communities against you through a rigged Hegel Dialectic, and Flash mob you, which is kind of comical when you can recognize racial Jews. They think they blend in, and Spying on Amaleks is some sort of way for them to get off on their Jew thing doing ritual abuse. I'm not making this shit up, glad I found this thread, I'm almost certain I was flagged by the ADL or maybe even an alphabet agency a few years ago

we can just report you for being a discordfag

Fucking hell the pedo symbols on there

Flag your normie friends in the name of accelorationism or flag anti white niggers and kikes from social media...

Or just spam their shit with our script that you can find in the beginning of the thread, it works like a charm

We put those in :] lol

1st of all, it's an easy way to pull people from Jow Forums for vetting .... 2nd of all u don't know who I am, not newfag but infamous


Anybody else finding this canadian fuck completely insufferable and probably glow in the dark?

thread gets 404'd or you're a mod.
>u don't know who I am
your not Jow Forums its already obvious

Ive been making these threads past 2 days... Got CODEFAG to make a script to spam the ADLs snitchpage.... but I'm not "Jow Forums"

Attached: noplaceforhate_subverted2.jpg (1316x913, 284K)

capitalism is dying lmao

retard capcucks

obvious shill

Also an obvious shill

keep up the good work anons

I'm behind fucking the ADL over but I don't think we need le super secret deezcords for it

a third shill
you faggots are terrified

Read your (You)s from me. make it snappy, I'm getting tired. We go balls to the wall next week, want you in on it(remember u from other threads)

then just don't use it, but don't undermine the OP in an attempt to scare away new participants
>your tactics are too obvious and always will be

>don't tell other anons not to join the alphabet soup honeypot

You haven't done anything faggit. Unlike myself or leafbro. Make memes or spam the ADLs shit and post proofs otherwise fuck off

right user sorry for slow replies
honestly I'm really glad to see this taking off and to have provided the initial idea and poster OC with Homer, but I need to commit to school next week

Leaffriend hurry up and join this vetting server I set up particularly for you cause Im fading fast


Attached: bait2.jpg (478x684, 61K)

Who is this spank tank?

No worries on your participation next week or what have you. We want you for all future ops

Especially if you were the one who came up witht he Social Justice Snitching and OP images and what we've seen from u in the threads

Dunno.. I googled "big titted sexy woman" or something

Pic related is the other one I snaged for baiting in threads, not bad eh?

Attached: bait.jpg (510x832, 57K)

not on the right device to do that sorry user, but I've noted the discord
I will be around though - never stop fighting the good fight and I won't either

>how can slide threads even compete?


he invite expires in 24hrs and I need for you to confirm with a post in this thread for example...

All you need is a web browser to get into discord so I dont know wtf ur talking about.. plz do this now so we can peaceout for the night

Can we get this show on the road plz. It will take 2 seconds where we have u post a password in this thread to confirm your identity then we can both fuck off for the night


I'm actually sketched out by discords for opsec reasons (didn't want to voice it because I don't want to discourage people) but I promise you I'll be around often, I have been for a while and I will fight in the culture war as long as necessary even if it goes beyond my own lifespan
don't worry about it get some sleep user

I understand your concern but I also promise you that you don't need to be concerned about OPSEC for the shit that we're doing... Am I not the oen that posted the code from codefag to fuck with their website??

Going to make longstory short... I was the OP for the entire Clanton takedown... also for OperationGooGone and a few other things.. I want to get in touch with yu on discord which is a lot mroe secure and anonymous than you might think.. go through to the link...

Posting proofs in pic related

Attached: proofs.jpg (1738x1850, 596K)


Attached: googuneproofs.jpg (1748x1749, 428K)

Attached: my day at popeyes.png (674x616, 77K)

You're a fucking legend for taking down that subhuman antifa scum Clanton

user I don't want to keep you up any longer, I'm not on the right device for discord (I trust you but not the platform itself). But there are other ways, Voat is good
We will definitely meet again and I can prove my identity don't worry
You've done awesome work get some sleep

Ernest Hemingway eat your heart out

When the Simpsons first aired I was Bart's age.
Now I'm Homer's age.

Jesus Christ, it's either discord where I can be semi private or I give you a burner protonmail.. Other than that I would post my Gab account for you to ad on here. The long story short is, I WANT TO BE ABLE TO CONTACT YOU, this is rocket science. You have a certain set of skills that I(we) find desirable and we're trying to recruit you. NOW. Not tomorrow or maybe in other threewads or maybe it never happens.. We want to get ahold of you right now because we can't risk you slipping through the cracks

Email [email protected] right now and I will tell you a code to type into this thread. At least I will have contat with you through that burner email

Okay thank you user, can you provide a burner proton mail?

alright give me one sec

This is ridiculous, you now that? We're not doing anything illegal.. Even #OperationGooGone wasnt illegal.. Fucking ppl don't know about real opsec lol

The next black outrage incident. Instead of trying to get the noggs in trouble. We should try and rile them into protesting one of their SJW lefty nazies into a position of power in the unfortunate company that had the nigger moment in question in their establishment on camera. It will absolutely fucking destroy that company. Think about what happened to marvel when they started to pander to the fucking ultra kikes. It just about put their actual comic book department into chapter 11. We can send a message to all of these corporations. Show them what happens when they bend at the knee to the left. Best of all we can get the niggers to do the work for us. We use the golem soros built to do our work for us.
It spends their effort and thus his money in the wrong place sapping the almost non existent goodwill for their movement. And it destroys a kike corporation. We can become the anti-jew on this and destroy the kike corporation with talmud tactics.

Attached: pol becomes the jew.png (638x590, 357K)

I would be careful with this sort of post. Your up addresses will be recorded and crossreferenced later with legit sites. I would use VPN.

>meme the ADL's "bias incident" tip line as a soviet-esque snitching operation (because it is)
>emphasize the need to report your close friends and family for "hate speech" in order to make society a "safe space" for "underprivileged groups"

I don't think this would stir anyone, I'm pretty sure Canada is ok with this

>flood the tip line with bullshit / incidents of anti-white racism

Making a fuss about these corporations hiring a niggress was one of the suggestions made in previous threads... Getting the employees to demand it and chimp out demanding their desire for a nigger queen would be an added bonus