My Frat just got suspended

What do I pol? Stupid niggers got us shut down for having a party and police caught us with a ton of drugs in our house. Luckily I did all the blow I had last night but my roommate got arrested for weed and coke. What should we do pol?

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Stop being degenerate.

Do you mean to say fraternity?

yeah, welcome to america
shit sucks

good. frats are gay as fuck. KYS.

Yeah this. Ultra queer

someone didnt have fun in college

Hit up your rich parents to buy an expensive lawyer you filthy degenerate.

what are we doing that is degenerate?

>caught us
your problem. nigger induced or otherwise.

> you can't have fun in college unless you join a faggy frat

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Living next to niggers.


Bitchass whyteboi lucky u didnt get robbed fo' yo cocaine.

Realniggaz probs nippin it down to you an you payin top dolla for REPO. WHYTEBOIS DONT DESERVE NO RAW SHIT.


diversity has ruined us

College isn’t supposed to be fun. It’s a time for discipline, study, and shaping yourself into an adult. High-school is when you’re supposed to be a retard.
Blow? Seriously? I don’t even want to make fun of you dude, but my hands are tied. This fraternity life sounds gay as fuck haha.

>falling for the collegejew
nigger i earned my money while you were jerking off your bros and sucking up to try and get an internship. you'll never have any real self-respect and you probably won't have as much money as me either. Sucks for you.

t. paid for friends

Partying instead of devoting your life to gaining the favor of god through holy pursuits of self denial

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You call giving your bros handjobs fun?

gawd damn who gathered that group of fine ass bitches? almost impossible to get a ratio like that with azns


they're called brojobs, bro

I'll be your boss one day. Being in a fraternity increases your salary by over $30000 right out of college. Eat it geed

deny everything and blame uninvited guests

I can already tell that you arent in a fraternity you pathetic LARPer. Kys for trying to look cool on an anonymous Burmese basket weaving forum

>caught us with a ton of drugs in our house
good? hope you get kicked out of college and have the book thrown at you

>one day.
you fucking moron, believing that hype. good luck out there, real life is gonna kick your lily ass.

me in the back

damn these chinks are hot

85% of fortune 500 CEOs were in a fraternity?

Holy shit did you fail rudimentary math? How many frat member are there? What percentage of them are CEO's? It's not 85%, dipshit.

lol ur a fuckin nig. Studies have proved that being in a frat make me better than you in every way. I'm richer and will always be richer than you. Touch my cock faggot


they were in business frats you fucking mong, not "social" frats like your retarded ass is in

maybe not be a degenerate and do a bunch of drugs like a nigger?

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Kek at all of you fucking faggots who hate frats, easily 95%+ white who are racially aware, anti diversity, traditional mostly christian, understand the actual value of whores, and primarily get rich and marry white. Frats will save us Jow Forums and if you think differently you are a fucking retarded virgin

What frat are you in

Finally someone who sees the truth

Pi Kappa Alpha

I’ll kill myself if I end up working for a coked-out fratboy.

Also, what the fuck is a geed? Nobody here knows what that is. How did you find this website?

Didn't know getting high on coke and fucking pledges in the ass was a Christian pass time

This is why I'm glad i live in the south. No snow mexicans close to me

Fucking lol never guess I'd meet a pike on pol

ypipo can still function with drugs in their life

Guess what school. In the south of course

but you live around a bunch of real mexicans and whatever the fuck "american" ethnicity is

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You behave like niggers.

If you actually believe that shit you should probably kys

Go to jail.


someone has to mow my lawn

Dont some frats have u do humiliating rituals to join them? Like fuck a goat, swim in shit and drink til you puke? Thats some seriously gay shit ahere u literally have to grovel at some dudes feet to get him to accept u

>being to much of a lazy nigger to mow your own lawn
i knew you were a kike, only nonwhites dont care about taking care of their own land and justify destroying their country

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Couldn't find on google, I'm at a school in the south too but that's a pretty wide range

Things like this make me truly believe that there has to be a God, I mean look at how beautiful they are, perhaps by God's blessing and good genes, perhaps by a wonderful surgeon who is a modern day Leonardo Di Vinci when it comes to making Asian girls hot.

I know the feel dude, I went to a party last weekend where I drank half a fifth of Jameson and smoked a little weed then next thing I knew I was dropping a full vial of acid and then the police showed up, arrested a few of the slower guys, and now the house is declared uninhabitable. Fucking bullshit.

>Staying in this shitty basement for a week will make you a man grrrrr

t. Foreveralone


It's a pretty good way to not stay in a shitty basement for the rest of your life buddy.

FSU. Just happened today. What school are you at

Made the terrible descision of going to Georgia state. Full of niggers and has probably made me hate them more. Transferring outta here real soon.

Honestly kill yourself, lmaoing at your life, pikes are either absolute boners or are the most obnoxiously asshole steroid abusing degenerates, there's literally no in between.

If I were a kike, I'd be an AePI not a Pike

I thought GSU was a party school

I remember when you guys were having a party once and me and a couple of my boys shut your power off. Good times.

Top house at my school nigger

American ethnicity is English

english already has its own section, they take up utah and the northeast

Lmfao yeah at taking roids and not when I was there you double cunt, 18 year olds shouldn't be allowed to post here.

Definetly is, living in Atlanta sucks dick though. More than half the parties are black parties too. Easy to find good parties with Greek life but compared to other schools the cons aren't worth it

Evidence to back that up?

because collage is for learning not bullshitting like you are doing.

I'm not sure where to transfer to. I'm 19 and my hs class graduated in 2016 so my chances of joining one are probably over. All of my high school buddies are in one though so I'm sure wherever I go I will make some friends who are in one and can invite me to somep arties

Yeah but people who put American have been in America for so long they consider themselves that, hence why they are really English, the original settlers. If you look at 23&me ancestry tests English is the biggest category for almost every state


stop being a nigger and drink more milk. Then go to bed at 10pm.... or 9pm if you want to be really woke the next day. I usually go to bed around 8 during a work week and get up at 4 am. This lifestyle I shit you not has given me an advantage to the sheep who constantly come in tired to work at 9 while I've already been there for 3 hours hauling ass like a motherfucking and taking names.

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you've got it backwards. college is for bullshitting, not learning.

frats take juniors. 2 of my pledge brothers were juniors. Its just way harder to rush as a junior so unless you are a perfect fit you will probably go to a lower tier somewhere

WHAT IS A GEED? (I’m actually genuinely curious)

barley any here. Pike here also accepts all the football players here so its annoying af when they only show up for the parties and try to rape bitches

GEED is a slang for GDI.
GDI stands for God Damn Independent. Aka not in a greek orginization

its unironically the normies version of normie

not wrong


you took the words right out of my mouth.

OP is one hundred percent degenerate.

Checked. Well shit, you learn something new every day. I had no idea normies have a word for normies.

Yea over here they mostly stick to their own parties which is nice. Just last week we had one who groped two girls at the schools dining hall

Do everything you can to keep a clean record and learn why you don't do drugs, the government boot in your ass requires more work to avoid than you are prepared for.

They don't call it a "war" on drugs for no reason, idiot.

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Not really bro, I knew a 21 year old junior who pledged and he was the treasurer because he was the only one who could buy beer legally

Say no to drugs. And tell you buddy to lawyer up.

snort powdered detergent

cleanse humanity from your stupidity

thats a shitty frat

>implying you know anything

Then your frat being suspended is a big problem. Suggest you join a less degenerate one next time, faggot :D

That pic promotes the stereotype that frats are low key homosexual

literally just chemicals in your brain

Trump was only after pussy in his college years and never joined a frat and now he's president of the US. The Greatest President ever.