Why are so many people pushing this? It's literally normal for politicians to act civil around each other. And how do we know they were even talking to each other?
Why are so many people pushing this? It's literally normal for politicians to act civil around each other...
Obama is pure class
slow news week
Yeah, what with the coup in Saudi Arabia and North Korea saying "yes, we're doing this."
People are surprised to see Obama act with class after everything her husband has done, hell even she ripped off his wife's speeches.
You're surprised the media is pushing BMWF yet again?
>Obama can’t be a pedo because mrs trump smiled at him
So. Much. This.
Obama is a widely loved elder statesmen with two model kids and a strong, adorable wife.
Melania is literally a stupid hooker. And married to an amoral cheating orange prick sitting at a historically all time low approval.
Fuck Trump. Fuck Republicans. Fuck Melania.
After the Big Blue wave, we will literally strip the Constitution so Obama can have a third term.
Suck my fucking dick, dudes.
>Calling Obama a pedo when Trump was literally friends with Jeff Epstein
Holy shit the amount of delusion from you Republican retards