SOS NICARAGUA Shitstorm goes on Edition

Quick Rundown
>government fucks social security
>issues loans to (((cronies)))
>nation-wide chimpout happens
>the army's being mobilized
>people are stacking on provisions and water everywhere
>the police are stealing people's provisions
>Contras are rearming themselves
>high chance (((they)))'re behind this shitshow
>mass gassing seems imminent
Last Thread Watch the Shitshow here:


Also any idea how to arm a militicia?

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Other urls found in this thread:

fuck communism

Timeline of the shitshow

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Who cares about Spicaragua?

do it

threads theme music

Godspeed Nicaragua

Do you guys think that the same thing could happen in Mexico if that socialdemocrat guy wins? Im spooked

Fuck off kike. We are going to kill commies and the kabbalist whore leading them.

>Lacayo aseguró que Gahona no era corresponsal del Canal 6 ya que nunca lo contrataron permanente y que trabajaba sin que le dieran ningún pago como corresponsal.

this nigga dead and he did it for free.

She has always been rumored to be a literal witch

Just look at the bitch

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There are a lot of white nicaraguans

yes and it could happen here too

Oh fuck, he died reporting the actual situation, fuck the government actually

If that happens maybe we should just bomb you, you know, just in case. Like we normally do with other nations.

idk m8, mexicans are too distracted, and are naturally uncooperative with each other to overthrow the government. when the uprising happened in Michoacan, nobody came to help. everybody just stayed in their comfy zone and minded their own business

AMLO is literally up by double digits in the polls, and nobody really cares

Shoo shoo

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shes so creepy lel

Capitalism is the cause of this. Capitalist suck a nation dry They milk it them leave it in choas.


>he wasnt a fulltime worker so his death doesnt matter lel nothing to see here

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Found an even easier to build(supposedly) Mac 10.
Remember to point in communist general direction.

The actual problem here is that the bastards at he government dont know what the fuck they're doing and only pocket the money

there are random German communities everywhere in Nicaragua

tiny German communities are common in literally every latin america country.

Good luck lads, starting blowing stuff up asap it's not hard.

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How is her intellect? Or do you care


Onions tu contacto Americano. Ya hable con vice media atravez Dr un reportero aur conozco en Facebook.

De aqui en adelante me voy a comunicar contigo con el la sena

If I remember right, this is a "pull the trigger and tyou dump the whole magazine" style

>Capitalism is the cause of this.
Except Nicaragua is Socialist.

She's a retard, I think she's senile

>Onions tu contacto Americano
fucking wordfilters

Nicaragua hasn't been capitalist since Somoza was in power, and the country was actually prosperous before the '72 earthquake

literally what? some are claiming that that he worked for canal 6 (a state station) and reports on those stations said that right wing death squad killed him when he was killed by cops/people abetted by cops.

Mi auto correct esta cagandose en mis mensajes

repost of the Nicaraguan brother that lost his eye

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she is the real boss, Ortega is already senile, she can easily manipulate idiots

No (You)s for (((You))), faggot
Leaf ban when?

Is it "seize the memes of broduction" tier or just free shit :DDD

theyre trying to downplay his importance as a journalist, they dont want to make him into a martyr so theyre saying he was just a random guy who worked for (((free)))

Fucking kissing me off. I just DLd Spanish lol to save trouble

sadly the probability of another civil war happening is looking not all impossible atm
glad I'm here now.

the media claims he was a canal 6 reporter(canal 6 its own by the government) and they're saying the protesters kill him, in reality he was killed by the police

Didn’t they have a tsunami too?

free shit :DDD
which anyone with a brain knows it isn't free

Don't you have a country to run into the ground, Justin?

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Ok gracias bro, what else do you need?

Didn't your leftist candidate proposed to get rid of the immigration center near the border and move it further away and said that instead of detaining illegals mexico should help them cross the border cause it isn't mexico's problem?
Man if he wins you are gonna get fucked in ways only Iran could imagine.

They're getting fucked by commies and jews. They need help.

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nah, it was Hurricane Mitch back in '98

Mi onions tu Cajones hombre

she doesnt even does a good job of controlling the people, only the retards follow her, I wonder how much that's gonna last

>Capitalist suck a nation dry
Yeah, through the nation's commie leaders who steal everything for them

this place filters S o y, it seems that some mod got butthurt

nothing is free.

The face of evil pic related

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Mas videos si es posible.

Be ready because they may want to interview you at some point.

Have we established communication with our brother in the university?

It's funny because the one Nicaraguan guy I know is Ted Cruz tier white. His family had to flee when the commies took power. Apparently his dad was in a Samoza RWDS and they feared reprisal.

>implying we aren't already

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see the video, he was walking alongside the police, if someone wanted to shot the police, why shot him ? also the cops didnt react when he was killed. Why would you not react if the shot you ?

>Gee, I hope my great grandchildren aren't a bunch of faggots

Im going to try to upload more videos.
Unfortunately we havent been able to make contact.
I also made an email account in case we require better communication

Why does she wear rings on every finger. That is not normal.

Did they fucking filter s o y?

Fucked My message up

They are going to make our communications hard in Spanish lol

she isn't normal, m8, she is batshit crazy

She's batshit insane, since I have memory I've been hearing the same, "she's on witchcraft" people here we're saying she's part of some bullshit jew cutl

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My fellow Nicas, please post some vandalism of Sandinista propaganda, I disgusted to see that shit everywhere when I visited 8 months ago

Welll the LEFT wing death squads have got their blood up...

>1200 rpm rate of fire
Yeah, that's about right

She has been placing these pieces of junk for years
>25000$ each
>7 millions to maintain all year.
>140 of them

They're called arboles de la vida, or trees of life, a big waste of money, and supposedly some jew witchcraft bullshit

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This is true. Help eradicate communism. We promise to do the right thing now and make em hang.

No, I mean even if you could release in time, it still will fire till empty
Im just a spic boy who loves guns but I'm sure with enough tinkering you can get em to nicer standards, not "good" standards but more "won't blow up in your hand" standards.

I can start arming one here, I know a lot of nicaraguans that gladly will go north to fight :)

Nicaraguans are mostly Spanish

>he thinks we aren't all actually in hell after dying during WW2.

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The amount of fake news that she is spreading on Social Media and National TV is mind blowing dude, she is not to be underestimated.

una vez estabamos un grupo tapineando y llego juanca (el hijo que toca en ciclo) y el mae me dijo que el no vive en el carmen porque le super mal tripea cada vez que entra a esa casa. Que la casa esta llena de bisuterias al nivel que es ridiculo y de vidrios que reflean la luz de colores y de decoraciones tipo picasso.

translation for gringos :

I was once drinking iwth a group of friends when juanca(he is the son of rosario & daniel and also singer of a band named ciclo) came and joined us. he said to us he doesnt live with his parents and doesnt like going there because the house if full of imitation jewelry and lights shapping mirros and cristals and picaso like furniture and decorations.

You'd be surprised. Many Cubans and nicaraguans are white. These are the same who also fled communism, the mostly white populations.

>tfw mutt, so have schizophrenic memories of all fronts of the war

You have our strength

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Miss me yet?

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Did I just hear a femur break?


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Amix postea el vídeo donde la js interrumpe una vela a una de las víctimas y le hacen bacanal

Now we need your weapons. Btw, ONU can't do shit for us, right?

I understood more in english rather than spanish lol

Honestly Im not trusting audio files very much, that's starting to be a problem though, here i've been receiving some misinformation, that's why I ask for videos or photos

how about the bullets?

How many "Árboles de la Vida" (Life trees) have been destroyed??

Que se rinda tu madre!



it literally made me grin ear to ear when I saw the youtube videos of these things getting toppled

she's gone mad beyond repair

holy shit bro

B-based nicas...

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Honestly I wonder how we would be had Walker won.
what do you guys think would've happened?