>Chelsea Russell, 19, from Liverpool posted the lyric from Snap Dogg's I'm Trippin' to pay tribute to a boy who died in a road crash, a court heard.
>Russell argued it was not offensive, but was handed a community order.
>Prosecutors said her sentence was increased from a fine to a community order "as it was a hate crime".
>The words Russell used on her account contained a racial label which some people find extremely offensive.
>The screenshot was passed to hate crime unit PC Dominique Walker, who told the court the term was "grossly offensive" to her as a black woman and to the general community.
>Russell was found guilty of sending a grossly offensive message by a public communication.
>She was given an eight-week community order, placed on an eight-week curfew and told to pay costs of £500 and an £85 victim surcharge.
For fucks sake brits, fight back. Don't let your commie nigger overlords allow this shit.
Holy fuck 1984 was a warning not an instruction manual bongs
Carter Myers
sandnigger sandnigger sandnigger fuck muslims
bongs fix your shit muslims are trash
Henry Miller
How has that fucked up island not become self aware. What drugs do they put in the water
Liam Allen
There are so many countries in Europe competing for the most cucked country award, I don't understand how it's possible. That is also what pisses me off about the U.S the most, these fucking liberals are trying to turn the U.S into European countries with their commie socialist more power to the state B.S. If that is what they want they should move to Europe. The founding fathers of the U.S made our constitution for a reason protecting us from this, we should not be like Europe, we are a unique country with freedom and a small of government as possible and no handouts to niggers. If you don't want that go to Europe
Eli Myers
If it's legal for a nog to say it should be legal for a cumskin
Thomas Torres
What does the family of the boy think about this bullshit?
John Hernandez
Yeah, I love that it isnt a question of the family but because some bureaucrat whore got her feelies in a bunch somebody has real life consequences.
Michael Perez
God I pray a refugee rapes that nigger, but we all know even they have standards.
Zachary Sanders
The liberals understand it subconsciously that is why they don't move. I think its the (((guilt))) complex that cause most of it.