Healthy diets make shitskins smart

Niggers can be as smart as us if they want. There already are many shitskins who are much educated than many white people. At least many white people who don't know about the effects of nutrition on the brain. If you live next to or are friends with a shitskin, and they happen to eat a lot of salads and wake up at 05:00 to run around their community, notice how intelligent and logical they are. This is because a surplus of intracranial nutrition + exercise = a healthy and properly oxygenated brain, which as a result, equals a logical and thought provoking mindset.

I'm a white guy who follows a healthy lifestyle, I give my brain plenty of nutrition and spend a lot of time on an exercise bike. Almost as much time as I do on a chair in front of a monitor holding a DS4 controller.

I'm as redpilled as everyone else here and trust me when I say I'm correct about this, I've studied the effects of nutrition on the brain and have concluded that with enough nutrition, you can turn the dirtiest and most primitive monkey fuck from "tha hood" into a successful and hardworking member of society, who is not only productive, but kind to those around themselves.
To conclude this post, I just wanna say, maybe the key is not to slaughter all the blacks, but to force them on healthier diets. See for yourself. Most female niggresses are ugly because of how fat and unhealthy their lifestyles are. The ones who eat plenty of salads, meat, And substitute cake and chocolate bars for fruits and nutritional supplements are usually much more attractive. Have you noticed that, gentlemen? Folks? Have you realized that it's the DIET that determines your intelligence? Have you noticed that the more muscle a nigger has, the more he seems to try to think his way out of a confrontation? Sure some people may be born dumber than others, but at the end of the day, it's not their genes that affect their growth and future intelligence quotient, it's their diet.

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>Have you realized that it's the DIET that determines your intelligence?
Are you asking if people that eat nothing but tendies and Mountain Dew can comprehend that diet affects intelligence? What have you been eating, user?

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eating some onions might make you less of a fag

Oh come on. It's not like Jow Forums is run by retards... right?

That type of lifestyle is common among intelligent people and those blacks live by it because they are intelligent, not the other way around.
>I've studied the effects of nutrition on the brain
No you fucking haven't.
You fucking idiots have no idea how the brain or digestive system works. There is a 20% relation between IQ and environmental factors, that means with proper diet, all you can ensure is that the nigger doesn't end up about 10% more retarded. You're not going to turn hoodrats into savants.

Are you sure about what you claim? Are you able to provide some evidence that states that nutrition is responsible for only 10% of intracranial development. You should seriously consider scouring the web for the information you claim to have confirmed as a fact. I've earned a degree in pharmacology, I know about nutrient solubility and the absorption factor of the blood brain barrier. What the fuck do you know? I can name the main neurotransmitters for the brain and can name all the places where you can get neurotransmission nutrients easily, e.g. acetylcholine can be found in egg yolk, egg whites contain tryptophan, bacopa monnierri and Huperzia Seratta are just two of many very important nutrients that your brain requires for proper mental development. Bet you didn't know that, I've actually done my research unlike you. I can safely and confidently say that nutrition is responsible for over 50% of what determines your NGF (nerve growth factor) and neuroplasticity.

Here's a link to start you off on how important nutrition is. It's a very short read, and doesn't prove much. It's already more than what you've provided however.

Blah blah blah leaf
>muh degree
Nutrition can only prime the mind it doesn't fuel it with aspirations and dreams. Most nonwhites are NPCs and better nutrition would only let them run wild longer.

Once again, you've provided no evidence to your claim, I've already two very undisputed forms of evidence. You know nothing of nutrition and how it affects the brain. You should switch to a healthier diet and see for yourself.

This link contains many other branching links to .gov sites that clearly state how important nutrition is for the brain, and how fucked you are by eating fast food. I've conducted my own tests too. All have them have been successful without fail. Quite frankly, due to your lack of viable proof of your claims, I find it difficult to believe that you're not trolling or baiting. This is a serious thread which is for serious topic. Someone with your attitude and attention span belongs on /b/ or Jow Forums.

Fuck off now.

Holy crap this is the dumbest shit I've read all week. When will we purge the earth of these moronic leafs?

Maybe you need another fat man if you can't provide me any reasons as to why you claim this is the least bit "dumb".

You can start by writing a few paragraphs detailing why I'm wrong, and then providing links for proof. Otherwise, go snort radiation from Hiroshima. Fucking dot fag.