The future is mixed

The future is mixed.
30 years from now everyone will look like pic related.

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I'm okay with this.

Why do (((they))) supposedly want this again? For what purpose?

So everyone is dumber and homogeneous

also they want to feminize all the men so they aren't violent

Once we are all close enough on a genetic level then the infection can be spread to kill off large swaths of the population. Right now there would be immunities present within certain groups no matter what method was used.

>We're all special and unique!

>Brown skin, brown hair, brown eyes, brown nipples

Yeah nah I'll take the vibrance of multiple races

>Mutts are the future
Be are mutts fire/gas/bullet proof?

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It's not up to you to decide.

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once there is no race, there is no racism
even is that were true, people would still find stuff to bash their heads in for. The possibilities are endless

>For what purpose?
Pic related

It's so you can have more beautiful people like this.

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Better start investing in dildos then

Is that Tinashe the artist? Middle Eastern girl I know sent me a link to this song, it's pretty good for mainstream trash desu

>Not even an attractive mutt

So a bunch of scheming jews congregated together and plotted this out across the centuries? Sounds pretty cartoonish desu. Why'd they let Trump win then if they're so powerful? Was that a part of their plan too? Do they just wing it sometimes?

Part Dutch, part Chinese and part Jamaican

If you wouldn't breed with this you are objectively gay.

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This is fucking disgusting. literally lynch the nigger and put whatever that white thing is to the firing squad.
also cant wait for the impending american civil war.

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>hybrid vigour doesn't exis-

She's like the sexiest musician alive

No, it's mostly a bunch of different groups working for their own purposes, being used towards a larger goal.

low iq population

That's statistically impossible. The larger group would absorb the smaller group, which would cease to exist effectively. Everyone would look the larger group.

half white and half Filipino

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>low iq population
>think the IQ really matters.

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There is really something wrong with her face.

It’s to destroy one of the consolidation methods people use; nationalism.

One by one they will try to invalidate the way people group up, because when they’re done nobody will be able to form any meaningful resistance

Oof that song is shit tho

This. Mixing is for the ethnovirus
The "dumbing us down" theory doesn't make sense when you factor in automation. What does makes sense is the need for a mass culling once huge populations of humanity serve no purpose to society whatsoever.

Average, being generous.
Slim but unattractive. Looks like a tall child.

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30 years? Show your math.

The future will look like Brazil. Go to liveleak and see your future.

>Vanessa Hudgens

Maybe take the dicks out of your eyes and try looking again, homo.

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Not a very complementary picture you attached there

Fetal alcohol syndrome

mfw I don't have blue eyes.

Sooo, future is big fucking Brazil around the world?
I never asked for this, i want USSR back.

Look at those beautiful mexican / white lips.
They'll suck the dick clean off you.

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>my celeb is the best because shes half jew goy!
>goy i know an attractive women when i see one!
eat a bullet schlomo

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Nah most people will look like goblins with a tan

> tfw Germany knows.

> breed

All these blacks wanting to racemix with whites.
Makes you doubt that back of mind even they knows nigger are low tiers.

They believe the only two races are Jews and goyim.
As per usual they try force their retarded ideas into reality

I concur. I do not find her attractive

>They'll suck the dick

That's why we have uncurable STDs and drug resistant superbacterias.
Fuck off boomer degenerate.


What if their goal isn't to femanize men but actually make niggers less violent?

This. Blacks never have movements for preserving black race.

>asking retards to do math

what's next, alien sex?

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A world where everyone is a mutt would be boring and without diversity.

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And that's a good thing.

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Nope. The top 50% of white people only have kids with other whites. Everyone else wants to mate with white man/woman, which ensures that a core white population will always exist.

nice try callng him 'homo', shlomo. but the gay % of populations are highest among non White shit like yid (you), nig, spic, gook etc. and who's that guy with a moustache that you attached?


I would love to look like her in 30 years.
praying for this breakthrough in medicine

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yeah these losers like to post best looking halfbreeds, edited of course, and even cgi 'babes'... sooooo, what about some real, misproportioned, ugly, defective inside out shits? they're the norm, not some big titty ho.
btw tinashe is a midget despite norwegian dna

>implying black people will be around when white people die off

the black american's existence is dependent on the existence of the white man.
no white people = no black people

the future is fucking asians
all other races will die off and the asian race will remain

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black people will probably starve to death when white people become extinct

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Well.... they all look good alright until you put her next to them.The answer is clear desu

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This is fine by me

the future face of america is much more beautiful

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>The future is mixed.
>30 years from now everyone will look like pic related.

Why should I care about a future with no Whites? I say let the global warming sink it all.

mostly all the white girls Jow Forums posts look ugly. if i saw one on the train tracks and a train was coming, i would not help her. I would be like "you're not japanese" and walk away

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Hitler explained it in Mein Kampf iirc. I'd check it out if you haven't yet.

omg shit... its the 1/2064 bavarian face

The elimination of national and ethnic identity makes the population easier to control.
Plus jews strongly resent nationalism (except if it's for them) since they got kicked out of several countries over 100 times.

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Isn't Russia at Africa hiv infection rates?

She looks alright for now but she'll have 20 black dicks in her before she gets around to you.

That is assuming she doesn't marry one of them.

She is bulgarian you dumb mutt. We dont have niggers here. Even if we do their number is lower than 100.

We won’t

>we will transform into niggers in 30 years
Maybe. What's bill nye have to say about it?

Don't blame him. I mean, their media promotes insane levels of degenerate behavior to their population.

>30 years from now everyone will look like pic related.
You mean like pic related?

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Wait... so my green eyes and pale skin will somehow mutate into shitskin colours?
Imagine my shock

Jokes on you, Bulgarians ARE the mutts.
Need proof? Look at the surrounding countries. Turkey, Serbia, Greece.

They are convinced that God made the white man and are very worried about that, for more than 3000 years they were without a nation because of their attacks on the white man and the exploitation of any nation.

Also they claim they have a right to do this anyway, because they own you and your unborn kids. Signed away by politicians, your politicians... no wait, their politicians.


So white genocide is just an unhinged conspiracy theory?

The nigs dna will absorb us all. The half breeds also go darker when mating. That light shit has an expiration date. The order will go black under your premise.

it's not about the act of getting thrown out like garbage that it is, it's the fact that all yid without exception always unrelentingly feels its inferiority, inadequacy etc. you can read some interviews with these fags about their shitty youth, 'struggles' etc, plenty of the morons have admitted to for some reason literally all the time feeling that they don't belong. and it doesn't. it's not human. yid itself despises other yid

Mexican ain't a race, fayg. Castizo are pretty good.

I dont see how thats related. They have small ethnic groups here and they usually form closed societies without interbreeding outside of them because of how conservative they are. When im outside, pic related is what I see most of the time. 1/2

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So, liberals want diversity, but they also want all races to mix together. I don't understand how this makes any sense.

Are you from 3 years ago?

Much more less, but shit have tended to being uncontrollable.
Fucking liberals and their "muh freedom" whine.

Maybe in your country.

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diversity is codeword for less whites
they want pic related extinct

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>what are designer babies

You absolute retard.

Not if the rest of the white hating world can stop it. This just in, white babies are born racist. Can't let the whites design their own babies. Wait...what?

I hear about "muh genetic engineering" since I learned to read in 1999.
And there are no prerequisites for changing the current order of things.

unironically this

What I don't get about you people is - why do you presume race mixing will lead to an end to tribalism?

All it seems to do is create a new hybrid group that is separate from both of it's parents(coloreds in SA, mestizo in Latin America).

When did I ever say it would end tribalism?

All I said was that race mixing is the future and you need to get used to it.

ai carramba la creatura

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It would be impossible to organize along ethnic lines in Mexico. It's almost impossible in America because the lines are so blurred.