> TFW you hate Israel and every single middle eastern nation, then Pro-Kremlin cucks try to make you support Iran

Just stop...

The entire ME needs to be nuked. Prove me wrong.

Attached: cb79df3296eab261c14cc28aa8ee866b--zero-hour-crime-books.jpg (395x593, 39K)

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but goyim, all the oil that you could obtain fighting for us would be very much worth your while. :^)

>then Pro-Kremlin cucks try to make you support Iran
You noticed this too?
>The entire ME needs to be nuked. Prove me wrong.
Can't desu famalam.


two fags walk into a gay bar. both ugly, neither has anything to offer, anything good, anything desirable, anything of quality. so the fags start a 'feud' with each other to get attention. they're cousins and yet, also lovers, btw. so, what are their names?
hint: one is yid

Die goyim


What the God damn fuck occurs in your nation?

/SG/ is filled with 98% paid shills. Has to be.

Fuck off kike shill, shitskins are our greatest ally

What are you waiting for then pussy? Go do something about the middle eas- oh wait that's right, you're another keyboard warrior coward like most on here.

Moving on.

The double shill.