What did you do with your saturday night? Me? Well, to the feminazis, journofags, cunts, LGBTQWERTYBBQ, and alllll of these p05er5. I Stopped a sexual assault in MARVELOUS fashion tonight.
>Be me
>At bar
>See drunk ass nigger
>Nigs gonna nig
>Starting shit with everybody
>I cant stand this
>These ppl REALLY need to start standing up for themselves
>Getting ready to leave w/friends
>See nig sexually assaulting girl who SMASHED
>Girl screams stop, please leave me alone
>Please no, stop...HELP ME!!!
>*It's over with*
>Me...run up and push monkey off
>Monkey, takes ape stance
>I already lost it...It was over when I saw that
>Hit monkey with 3 piece
>Monkey goes to sleep
>Forget rules, monkey twitches, IT'S ALIVE!!....
>Play soccer with monkey head 3 times
>Monkey goes back to sleep
>Call cops
>Girl reports sexual assault
>Im ok, cops...ty for the 1st time, I felt ok for doing the right thing
>No jail
>Home now, smoking weed talking to you faggots.
I really do love you goys like a family i've never met. This is for you...and me, and her. Your welcome #MeToo Faggots! DON'T BE FUCKING SCARED!!!!!

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Other urls found in this thread:


>went home and smoked weed dude lmao
post ruined

Attached: disappointment.jpg (700x714, 84K)

and everyone started clapping

>smoked weed
>didn't fuck the damsel he saved

What a faggot. Unironically kill yourself.

Either that, or not listen to the cop who told me ty, and to go directly home. Im grateful, to not be in jail right now. Im content. I did the right thing, and stopped a bad thing. Im ok with it going this way. It could be better, but, not really, not to me. I actually really stopped a bad thing....and it felt, good. Im happy with that.

I was told to bounce and go home. There were no options. Cops are everywhere in my neighborhood tonight, im happy with the way it went, and im not risking my freedom over non-existent bullshit. Im good. The food, beds and company are better out here. Tbh, im fucking terrorfied of the cops...and I don't wanna be.

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Legit and real

Not fake he actually owns the Bas rutten MMA workout CD's.